Forming a Contract, the Central Sky Region

In the midst of the chaos, Venerable Lone Dragon's dragon body appeared. He looked at the chaos around him and muttered, "this is that guy's consciousness?"

At this moment, a figure slowly gathered in front of the venerable single dragon. It was Su Yi.

"Senior Lone Dragon, what should we do next?"

Su Yi was not surprised to see the dragon's body in his mind. He believed in Little Xie just as Little Xie believed in him.

"Humph, human brat, you've been let off easy."

Venerable Lone Dragon did not respond to Su Yi's words. Instead, he continued to speak on his own. Then, his entire body shone brightly, and the light gathered on the dragon's head.

Venerable Lone Dragon said slowly, "human brat, put your hand on my head."

As he said this, Venerable Lone Dragon leaned his huge dragon head towards Su Yi.

Seeing this, Su Yi also placed his hand deep within the head of Lone Dragon, which was emitting light.