Meeting Nie Ling Again, We Will Meet Again in the End

An ethereal green robe stood in the air with a green lotus longsword in hand. The woman's eyes glared at the few cultivators in front of her.

Su Yi looked at this figure from afar. His heart palpitated. Who else could that green-robed figure be other than Nie Ling?

After more than a year, he had finally met her in the central sky region. Perhaps this was fate.

Recalling everything that had happened in the great desolate region, Su Yi smiled and disappeared from his original spot.

At Nie Ling's place, she looked at the few cultivators who were fighting with her. She clenched her teeth slightly, and the long sword in her hand continuously waved out several sharp sword lights.

"Nie Ling, you killed many disciples of my Fire Cloud Sect. Today, you won't be able to escape!"

Among the few cultivators, the leading one called himself a disciple of the Fire Cloud Sect. Then, he used a powerful spell to block Nie Ling's sword attacks.