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Chapter-14: Feeling Actual Darkness

Choobin told me during break time that he was feeling ill and he didn't want to do anything. When I asked him what he felt like, he said that he felt feverish. "Hey, you had fever like even a few days, right?" I asked. Choobin looked at me confused and replied, "Um no?...". At that moment, I felt like I forget from the way he replied, I felt like I was imagining everything.

Choobin just shook his head and said with a wink in the end, "Okay anyways! I am going with you guys still! Don't forget about me!" I looked at him walk away but I realized that I was staring, not looking...

I looked down and tried to think from where I thought that he got fever a few days ago. "What? Choobin didn't have a few days ago?" I thought and hit my head so loud that in the library it made sound. How foolish that I couldn't hear was because I had earphones on. "S-sorry..." I apologized and put my head into the book.

At evening, I headed to the restaurant where I was suppose to go. Choobin and the others were taking a while to come so I walked outside to just pass time until they came. When I was outside, I met Zekiva. "Oh Zekiva! You came. I was feeling very lonely. At least you came. Let's get in and have a drink."

We ordered two soft drinks so we could pass the time but then suddenly, a came from Choobin. I received the call.

"Hello?" I asked and Choobin replied, "Hey Yunghoo! It's very jammy here! I will come as soon as I can so wait!" My expressions dropped. "Urgh, 'kay... Be fast!". Choobin cut the call. "Who was it?" Zekiva asked. "Oh, it was my friend who is also coming." I replied. He nodded.

I got up a little and went to call someone. Zekiva looked at me. "Hey Yunghoo! This drink has a hair in it! Let's complaint on this!" I looked back. "What? Where?" I walked to him and looked into the bottle and BOOM!! He squished that bottle and coke just bursted into my face. "HAHA!!" I looked at him with my mouth open. "What the..." Zekiva said, "Oh shit..." He got up and started running around and I was also after him. "Stop running you goat!".

While we were running, we exited the restaurant by mistake.

"Ey! Zekiva! Let's go back in!... Zekiva!" He faded into the darkness all of a sudden. I walked further but I stopped in the middle because something felt wrong... I didn't want to go. But it was too late already...

i looked back to go back and because I left my phone back there at the restaurant but, It was just all dark. The more i walked, I felt like I was getting more lost. I stopped walking and just looked back and started walking. "Zekiva!!!" I shouted out his name but no answers were heard...

Nothing hit me while walking through the darkness and that was very concerning. Then I thought that I probably got blind so I tried calling his name. "Zekiva! Zekiva! I have become blind!! Help me!!" I screamed but then I guessed that no, it really was dark. I was for reals lost.

I crouched down and started sobbing 'cause I knew that I was never gonna be able to go back again.

"Hey, we aren't done yet, let's play." Someone spoke. I looked back up and saw that it was Zekiva. "Zekiva?..." I looked at him as I thought it was just a dream I was definitely at the restaurant.

"Are you... Seriously here?..." I closed my eyes slowly.


"YUNGHOO!!!!! WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING LIKE THIS!?!?!?!" Someone shouted into my ears. Someone splashed water into my face afterwards. "WHAT THE HECK!!" I woke up and saw everyone surrounding me as I was laying on the floor of the restaurant. Choobin shouted, "Why the heck were you sleeping like that!?!?" I got up and was about to fall. "Oy! Steady, steady... Calm down and sit!" One of the friends told. "W-where is Zekiva?..."

"?" Everyone looked at each other very confused. "Who is that?" JIsoo asked.

Choobin looked at me and asked, "Who is that, Yunghoo? A friend of yours?" "Okay, guys, stop making confused, let him rest a little, he just woke up." One of my friends named Junwon. He came closer patted my back and asked slowly, "Okay now, who is Zekiva, Yunghoo?" Junwon asked. I looked at him and said, "Zekiva! That new student from Australia! Yesterday he joined! You forgot!?" Junwon looked at Choobin and thte others a little confused and replied, "Where? No? There hasn't been any new students who joined for two months." I looked into the distance and said, "What do you mean?... Jisoo! You were calling him calling him gay, remember!?" Jisoo looked at me and shook her head, "No Yunghoo, I don't know who you are talking about." I put my head down and tried to think and just then!

"Guys! You know about Sir Diablo right?!" They looked at me and Junwon asked everyone, "You guys know Sir Diablo?" everyone shook their heads. Choobin came and sat beside me. "Yunghoo, what happened to you?" I looked at him and started to cry. "Why are you crying!?" Everyone sat closer and tried to comfort me. "Look Yunghoo, this is a restaurant, please stop crying." Junwon said.

After a while, they took me home and left. The whole night went depressing for me. i felt very lonely because of that I was hallucinating this whole time.

I went to me book shelf and looked at the books. I was moving my finegrs on the books but then, a book caught my eyes named 'World Link'.


I pulled it out and opened to start reading it.

Eventually, Zekiva, Jeviva and everyone else from that world was just a world that I created. That book was gifted by my grandpa at my 7th birthday in 2014. Now my grandpa isn't there anymore.

I couldn't forget about the story, it all struck my heart when I was just 7 years old. Now I remember that Zekiva was my favorite character from the story. Aldric was a boy from the story too. He was just like me. I was just dreaming. Nothing was real. That book was my favorite.

Farewell... Aldric...