
"Any news?" Danica asked Bella as she hovered around fixing her hair.

"How many times do I have to say it? Mason will let you know if they find the harpies and trolls." Bella huffed slamming down a blush brush. "Now, could you please be still so I can finish your makeup."

"Yes ma am." Danica replied snapping her mouth shut.

A month passed by in a blur, no matter how much Mason's scouts searched they just couldn't seem to find Marie or her army. It was an odd occurence, because anytime they would get a trail it would vanish as quickly as it appeared, leaving everyone at square one once more.

Though they had recruited the help of sorcerer's to see if they could possibly find the harpies with their abilities, even they came up empty handed. It was almost as if they had disappeared from existence entirely.

After two weeks of this is was almost as if the war was nothing more than a bad dream, aside from the casualties that built up with it.