"All forces, abandon the station and leave the system immediately. I repeat abandon the station and leave the system immediately"
I switched to direct channel while running to dock: "Michael, talk to me"
"Mace, it's a trap. Dark force bomb. I am holding, but not to long."
"Bantha kriff"
I used a force to pull myself down to corridor and power jump at the corner to switch direction middle way towards dock opening.
"Michael, I am in dock. Can you make it?"
"Not this time my friend."
Being in middle air, I pushed command to open a cockpit on my fighter just in time to land hard on pilot seat. No missing a time and going through emergency startup procedure, I used force to spin fighter around towards force field to get a fuck out of here.
"Out of the dock. Engine is still cold. Eta 5 clicks."
"I am going to miss you Mace"
"As I am Michael. May the force be with you"
"May the force be with you my friend. That's a good bye"
Immediately all my senses went wild and I felt a cold shiver down my neck. The space behind my back felt screeeaaaming and a wave of dark destruction right behind me was catching up. There was no time to follow hyperspace protocol so I just pushed forward, with a hope that I am not going to end up blowing some moon or get lost in the star core. Space shifts and I started to accelerate and a kriffing wave catches up on me. Hyperspace engine went on overload and shut down immediately. Emergency bips and dangerous red blinking light filled cockpit and I was fighting hard to stabilize my spinning fighter. It took me few minutes to compensate all chaotic spinning and finally breathe out. I didn't even notice that I was holding my breath since I pushed hyperspace level forward.
"Oh Living Force fuck me"
Quick glance and a system status was not promising. Well, it was not promising anything but slow death in who know we're in a space from starvation and cold. Hyperspace engine is fried dead and I have no clue why it did not blowed up. Sub-light engine is flickering and going to fail any time soon.
Yep, just died.
Well at least living support system is all green. That's a promise. Navigation system is all green too but status "unknown location" is no were as promising as a green status should be. I activated emergency beacon and started to shutdown anything to save as much energy as I can. My hand hovered on top of communication system for at least few minutes at last. Yep, all green status too, no not even ambient background from all remote communication leftovers in a galaxy. It's dead or I dont-even-want-to-think about it.
Finally I decided to keep it up and running and switched to all wide range of communication channels to listen to.
Keeping my battle trance running, I tried to asset my situation:
- no communication
- unknown location
- hyperspace engine down
- sub-light engine down
Yep, I am good as dead in 20 standard cycles top.
I still have some hope that navigation system just fried in a wave of destruction and someone from our forces near by to pick up emergency beacon. So all is left to me is go to energy saving state.
First 7 standard cycles I spent in meditation releasing all stress and uncomfortable feelings to the Force. It became pretty clear to me, that I probably jumped unknown distance and it's quite far to unknown region. So navigation system is not dead, it's just cannot attach to any location nexuses to triangulate current position.
So out of pure boredom I run mapping sub routine to build visual representation of current location. I spent another 8 standard cycles just watching scan progress bar and submerging to force to keep my metabolism at the bay. I was already getting short on water and emergency food was all long time gone.
Finally at the end of 15 cycle since IAGAD moment (Yep, that's right, I count time since the moment of "I Am Good As Dead") I had a galaxy map and I am looking at it with creepy feeling under my skin going down spine. Now I have all reason to go nuts and actually evaluate myself as completely crazy.
No bantha shit navigation system have a trouble to position itself.
Okay okay, so what can be done? Definitely, emergency beacon is not working here. If there any living civilization, they might to have a different protocols or something..
It left me with last option at the hands: use force to call for help.
"Captain, may I?" Tall girl with green skin, dark brown hair and tight suite was standing at the door to captain private quarter.
"Come in Ka-lee" Bulky looking middle age man with grey hair and monstrous looking blaster on the desk, looked up at the entrance.
"What is it, you look distressed. Do I need to level up to battle ready status?"
Ka-lee was a live saving discovery long time ago. Captain found girl on abandoned escape capsule in a middle of nowhere and pretty much adopted her. Since then live on the ship "SkyLander" and it's crew dramatically improved due to early warnings for upcoming problems from Ka-lee. She had some foresight abilities that suited well for the field of work that crew was part of.
"No, not that. It's just…. I don't know how to explain but I feel a need to go there" with last word Ka-lee pulled out hologram with a blue star in a dead end of blackwater location.
It was first time when Ka-lee actually asked to go somewhere. Usually it was opposite like. Warnings for danger. Many traps has been avoided thanks to Ka-lee gift and it was main reason why Captain was seriously thinking what to do out of this unusual request.
"Fine, we are going there but I will send scout first"
The Force was whispering comfort and promises that I am going to be okay. Something is about to happen and I pulled out of meditation. Finally, some changes on last cycle estimated as end of energy reserves. All resources were already stretched out. I speed up my body state and with last portion of water supply drank energy pill to get to action ready state. I am going out of this flying cuffing or I am going to die from exhaustion my body resources. All cards on the desk in my Sabah live gamble. Let's see if I have a win.
Right at this moment I noticed living being signature entrance to the star system and set a course toward my location. I turned off communication system long time ago and I doubt that it will be any of use in this galaxy who-know-were. I need to relay on the Force to help me out here to establish friendly communication in unknown language.
Let's see if I can put knowledge from survival training on unknown race planet to any use here. I chuckled to myself about irony at this point.
Okay, I should have visual at any moment now. And right then I saw unknown configuration small space vessels approached my location. Yep, definitely I have visual, I laughed internally looking up to another ship cockpit. I was looking at another humanoid. It looked like any average humanoid from my galaxy. Tight suit with some applications was a sign of organized group structure. It's probably a scout and he is going to report to a mother ship at this point. Yep, I see moving lips and it brings me hope for more social structure. It would be quite a trouble for any other unusual communications like short wave or smell/touch receptors.
Shortly after that mother ship jumped out from some hyperspace? That was unusual for my senses at least. Well what I expected in another galaxy, I chuckled to myself. Then I felt a pull and notices some track beam pulling my ship towards hangar entrance to mother ship.
I had to transfer live support system to my suite. It should be enough for another 300 clicks and I hope it will be enough to figure out if I can breath on the mother ship aboard.
Well, it looks promising inside. I noticed few security weapon systems pointed to me and at least one bulky looking person with monstrous pistol standing at the blast door.
I run environmental sub routines to check oxygen level and pressure outside my fighter and it looks good. It's actually looks even better due to UV frequency lights.
So they are cautious for possible biological hazard and ready for that.
Here we go, first in who knows many big cycles contact to completely other high tech civilization. Not like I am going any time soon to be able return and report to Council, I chuckled internally again.
I opened cockpit and slowly stand up showing empty hands. Another possible sight of no harm and peace. I took few moments looking at bulky figure at the door and letting person to evaluate my harmless relaxed posture. After a nod, and oh thanks the force for the not verbal gestures similarities that I can confirm through the force for the meaning, I slowly went down on a deck and stopped there, looking for other signs to continue communication.
Yep, right here I hear and see him asking something and only force vaguely let me know what he is asking about. Obviously I would die to figure out if they would speak basic galactic or even hutt dialect.
"I don't think we can speak any common language" I did my best to let him know through the force a meaning of my words.
Looking at very similar to surprise face expression, I was getting happier myself. That's very good to have similarities in non verbal communication signs and I am not going to think how it is possible so far from home.
Here, again a wave of the hand asking to follow to the door out of hangar.
I did my best to move slow and as harmless as possible way.
Well, this walk was short and he stopped at the open door to single room quarter that look to much as a quarantine style room.
I gave a nod and entered myself, allowing door get shut after me. That's going to be long long day and I only hope to have some water any time soon before level of hydration drops to low.
My internal suite system confirmed healthy level of oxygen, UV lights and quite sterile environment so I just pulled my life support mask off and mad a deep breath in and out.
At this moment person who meet me at the hangar went to next room where two other live being were waiting for him. Right then the dividing wall went transparent and I was finally been able to see other beings.
There were young woman no older than maybe 20 standard years old with green skin and dark brown hair. Middle age looking , I assume, medic woman due to strange white outfit with some sort of data pad at the hands and bulky man with monstrous hand weapon in the holster.
I slowly evaluate people upfront of me and tap to the Force to feel them.
Young woman is first one to stand out to my senses. She is definitely feels unusual and I could not put my finger why.
Well, no other time to shine.
"Water please" I said and pushed forwards a feelings/needs via the Force.
Surprise faces and quick chat between doc and green lady and not moving glance from the bulky were my feedback channel.
Doc did something on data pad and with a motion noise wall produced a plastic looking glass with transparent fluid. I slowly reached glass and using the Force to confirm safety drank liquid in one go.
"Thank you" another push via Force to let them know about gratitude. Yep looks like we are building up a communication here. They look a bit more relaxed and girls are just keep chatting. I am wondering how long it will take me to learn they language.
Well, all my estimations towards learning new language were wrong. After another wall produced something similar to bed I chooses to show a trust and removed some layers of my battle suite and put them on the bed, showing comfort and trust via posture and face expression.
Not long after that another moving sound from the wall produced interesting device that looked like coin unknown origin.
Doc on another side of transparent wall picked up similar device and showed it to me.
I picked it up and looked with question to the doc.
She slowly moved her hair away from temple and pressed device to it.
Hm, that's interesting. Some sort of brain activity monitor?
With confirmation from the Force about safety, I repeat after doc and get jolted with sharp pain that disappeared fast.
"Do you understand me now?" I heard doc said and I was quite surprised with a technical solution here, it's quite puzzled me for a few seconds .
"It should work Captain, I think he is just surprised and I really wanna know where this person from and how he get lost here" Doc words brought me out of my puzzled state out.
"Yes, I do understand you"
"Good. I am Captain of this vessel. This is Ka-lee and our medical crew member Haather Thakher, but we all call her Doc"
"I am Mace Hugo. Knight Jedi of the Jedi Order. It's my pleasure to meet you, specially in my dire circumstances"
"Before we go any further with pleasantries, can I address you medical state first?" Well looks like medics are quite universal beings no matter galaxy they are in.
"I will deeply appreciate it. At this moment I need to rehydrate, recover body loss for minerals and eat something to recover my energy loss. Basic organic carbon based supply should be sufficient."
"My scans shows quite a bit of our body function similarities and this should be good enough supply for you. But I want to run test first to make sure no harm will be done here"
As all docs straight to the business, I like her!
With another moving sound wall produced small cap of white liquid in semi solid state.
Tap to the force confirmed safety so I just drank it all in one go.
"Thank you Doc, my senses confirm safety for this supply, but I am not in hurry and can wait for your tests. Also one more glass of water will be deeply appreciated"
And here we go another glass of water has been delivered out of wall. I drank it more slowly, making myself ready for Captain interrogations.
"Captain I assume it's a time to answer your questions"
"Go ahead, I am listening"
That's a good move. Seriously, if you don't know what to ask, make some one talking.
"Where I am from, we at the war between Galactic Republic and Sith Empire. I was on a mission to retrieve sensitive information but it turns out to be a trap. My teammate found it out before it was to late and ordered retreat. I got caught in a blast of Dark Energy right when I activated hyperspace engine and ended up in this system. So far I can tell that's it's not my Home galaxy and you don't know anything about Galactic Republic and Sith Empire. Living Force, I did not even know that it's possible to go across a space between Galaxies in a matter of minutes. Anyway, hyperspace engine is dead, sub-light engine is dead too, communication is no use here at all. So I had to rely on the Force to find help and I assume it's exactly what brought you here. Ah, yes. It's 20 standard cycles since I arrived here and 5 since I used the Force to ask for help. Now I am your debt and dependent on your free will until I obtain necessary resources to find a way back home."
I actually as to use my mental training to keep myself together and do-not-even-think-what-all-this-mean. I already know that I am who know where and this people don't know anything about Sith, Jedi or Galactic republic or Sith empire. Do-not-think I-will-deal-with-it-latter. Focus-on-here-and-now
"I see" I literally feel how Captain is processing information and take everything in without fuss or fass. He checked me out from boots to head once more, obviously addressing what I said and what he see.
"Get rest, let doc run all her test to evaluate your biological safety and prescribe your food routine. We will talk later". With last word he signalled younge green girl to get out and left me at the doc mercy. I hate healings halls…
Captain of and Ka-lee were walking down the hall towards captain quarter in silence until communication device broke it with report from the scout.
"Captain, I scouted area and found nothing much."
"Roger that. Get back on board, we are leaving in a hour"
"So what do you think?" With a side glance asked Captain.
"He is telling what he believes a truth and have no bad intends. Also he is highly stressed and experience grief, loss and loneliness". Ka-lee face was frowned and she was watching down not really paying attention were they are going.
"Hmmm" Captain expression was actually clueless. Stoic and emotionless. It's like he is picking up galaxy hoppers every second moon and it's not troublesome to have a psionic passenger at all. He brought up communication device and pushed few commands through. With a beep similar device changed colour to yellow-orange on Ka-lee hand.
"You activated possible hostile psionic on board protocol" with unsurprised expression commented Ka-lee after quick check out at the screen.
"Yep. Now go to your routine and don't get close to med quarter until future notice. Be a good girl"
Ka-lee rolled her eyes with bored expression
Doc and Captain were sitting in Captain quarter across the table with different unknown objects. Quarter was painted with metallic blue walls and panoramic view to unknown planet landscape.
"Doc, what can you tell me about our guest"
"Humanoid, male, late 30 at the age. No bacteria hazard and quite active immune system. I am still running tests on his blood samples to make sure if we need to and it's going to be safe to proceed with universal vaccine barrier. There is definitely no signs of UVB but he had been exposed to multiple immune boost procedures. Looks like there is no UVB in his home galaxy or similar in effect universal solution. Body is exhausted but surprisingly no lasting effects. Genetic code suggest that he is distant to human race and quite compatible even to produce offspring.
There is no signs of known psionic mutations in his gene structure so origin of his shown abilities stays unknown and I cannot guarantee that we can block it. Only knock him out with tranquilizer."
Captain was silent for a while. Finally after stretched period of intense silence, he get back to action.
"Finish up with UVB. See if you can get any information about his previous health history, it might be helpful. We are going to arrive to Krylorian sector in 10 days. I need you to be done with it by then"
Food, shower and finally removed death countdown allowed me to focus on something that I was pushing to the back of my head. Since arriving here I felt it, but had to avoid to think about it. The Force. While I still feel it and have and ability to call and use it, it feels completely different. It feels more fractured, less omnipotent. The is no more plain Dark or Light side. They are still here, I feel it in a mix of universe but there are more and I have a hard time to identify it. Also it feels more potent, rich even dense. It feels like I came to jungles of kashyyyk, where humidity and hot air were so much rich that I had hard time to normally breath. And now being around other sentient species is quite overwhelming experience. Their presence is bombarding my senses. I feel every single one on board like they are standing next to me and breathe to my neck. It is so so much intense that I have hard time to get to basic meditation trance and all what I can do is to release all discomfort, tension and confusion back to the Force. On a positive side, density of the Force was pushing my healing abilities beyond any limits. In a very short period of meditation time, I felt even better than …. ever actually. I think, if I would not go to hibernate state, by slowing down my metabolism, I would come out from the fighter as like nothing happen. It is confusing as seven Sith Hells. Oh gosh, my lightsaber, the crystals…. I definitely need to double check it before even trying to turn it on, it might go boom or get fried as my hyperspace engine. Is that why it's actually got so strangely fried ?
Breathe in and out. Focus on here and now. Feel the body, feel the mind, feel the force.
Anchor to the present.