*Seol Mi's POV*

When we reached the house safely, the guys immediately helped Eun Wook to get up in the room. "Hey guys, help me with the things we bought. Seol Mi, do the treatment now!"- Kyung Rim stated. "What?! I'm....I'm no good at it...I just did the partial thing...."- I only did the basic thing that I did to myself as well.

"You already did the first aid earlier, you're the only one in the house who knows treatments like this rather than Jihun. He was busy, but now it's your turn. The treatment will become easier this time since I'll be helping you out. Now hurry!"- Kyung Rim assured. At first, I was doubting, but then...

"Alright. Xena, hand me the medicines and the kit that you bought. Hyun Jin, hand me the basin with hot water and a towel. Brianna, give me some bandages on Jeong Wu's health cabinet. Ppali, Eun Wook needs the treatment as soon as possible."- I stated as I hurriedly went up.

Minjun and Yong Rin lied Eun Wook carefully on the bed. I removed the temporary gauze and the wound's still bleeding. "Seol Mi, Kyung Rim...just help the rest. I can do this alone..."- Eun Wook shrugged us away. "Yah. You can't even take care of yourself earlier. You're so careless!"- I said. "You make us all worried you know" Kyung rim hissed as he removed Eun Wook's shoes. I cleaned myself first before I started to clean his wounds again. Brianna and Hyun Jin went inside the dropped the things that we'll be needed.

"Thanks, guys."- I said. I immediately do the stitches while Kyung Rim was cleaning Eun Wook's arms since he also got some minimal wounds, especially in his palms and wrists. "Yah, why would you guys even have to do that? He can do that by himself"- Hyun Jin said.

"He needs a better treatment. Will you please excuse us?"- I asked him. He just hissed and left the room. I was now done with doing the stitches and Kyung Rim was done with bandaging his hands.

"I'll head outside to prepare the meals and some medicines for you, Eun Wook" Kyung Rim insisted to bring all the medication kit and the water basin out with him. While me, I was covering the wound with final gauze and bandage. "You really looked familiar"- Eun Wook suddenly said out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?"- I asked then cut out the adhesive tape."I once had a childhood classmate who also treated me this way but on the knee. Before both of us would enroll for the 5th grade, I wanted to gave her a little gift, but she said that she will transfer to another school. I was sad that time that I never see her again"- he stated.

As I was trying to sink up to what he said, I remembered something from the past; a boy that likes cars so much, we are walking while holding our hands, we even watched a live racing show with our family, and he even invited me to eat with them.

"Wookie?"- I asked. He smirked and held my cheeks. "Now you remember me?"- he asked. I slammed his handoff, I'm not done finishing the elastic bandage, why would I even remember him at this moment? "Moron, I just remembered now. I heard a lot about you here on campus, but I didn't try to familiarize you, I'm too busy for that"- I uttered.

"You never changed even a bit. So far, your still the Mi Mi that I know"- he said.

I couldn't help but just laughed. "You idiot. Don't ever let me remember our embarrassing moments years ago. It's been 8 years that we didn't mind each other's lives. Sorry if I transferred that year in our youth days, it's just financial problems"- I said and gave him a new pair of T-shirts and pants. "Yeah, I was sure felt lonely without you. To tell you honestly, after you left, I never gave up on looking for you, I write notes for you but I didn't know your address, then I never invited other girls in my house. Even my parents missed you to visit us and when I transferred to GongBin High, I'm so happy to see your name on the bulletin boards."- he narrated.

"Tsh. Your a playboy, hahaha your face really speaks loudly. And I heard that you hate girls wearing sexy outfits"- I mocked him and stands up. "Yeah, I just hate girls that show skin too much even if they're not married. I admired simple, intelligent and has a high spirited girl"- he said. "You keep on saying kinds of stuff, have a rest. We will call you when dinner is here"- I said and left the room.

"Boy, he sure is a dumb bag."- Hyun Jin uttered while his arms crossed as he was leaning on the wall. "That's harsh. We just talk a little bit about our past events"- I replied. "Seol Mi...."- he called me as I stopped my tracks.

" Eun Wook, didn't you?"- he asked. "Aigo, you're being delusional. Of course, I'm not. He's my childhood friend, and I think it's hard to catch things up with him, especially this jeopardy"- I said.

"Seol Mi, how's Eun Wook?"- Yong Rin asked, he was probably just done in his bath. "His fine now, he just needs a couple of rest"- I replied. "Well, I guess we won't let him go out with us if we have another set of missions"- Yeong Chul said.

"You got a point. He's protecting me that's why he has that cut, come to think of it. Minhyung was still alive"- I said in disbelief for which it makes them all to shock, except these people with me earlier.

"Damn that kiddo. He also got you out there. That's a very brave thing that Eun Wook did to her"- Xena said. "Nothing bad have happened to me. I felt guilty that he got a hit when it's supposed to be me"- I quiver.

"He did it because he wants it. Better ask him the reason"- Briana said. "Like duh, he was just impressing himself to his oh-so-long-ever-awaited childhood sweetheart"- Hyun Jin hissed and I darted him a look. "What is wrong with you?! He was just trying to help"- I said.

"Help? How come he looks at you like you are the most fragile diamond in the world? Don't lie to me! I saw everything that racer's stare!"- Hyun Jin's aggressive voice suddenly became loud and walks out of the living room and went outside to the balcony.

"Jealous~"- Dong Hyeon sanged. "He was like that ever since we came back from the mall"- Jeong Wu stated as he was giving me a glass of water. "His actions obviously speaks louder than words"- Seojun then sitted on the sofa, eating a sandwich.

"Nah, I'm sure he was just tired. Let's all have a rest. Tomorrow we will be back on the road to continue the searching for things and stuff"- I said. "But Seol Mi, how about let's extend for a few more days? Eun Wook was not ready to fight yet, he was one of the guys who can ace the combat"- Jihun said.

"Guys, we are going to search for our families, remember? If we won't move fast then what could happen to them?!"- I exclaimed. I was still worried about my family. Even so that I contact them, I was still worried about them.

"Seol Mi, calm down. I'm sure our parents are ok. The government will offer a safe place for them to stay"- Lin Dong assured. "Can you call them now?"- Yong Rin asked. "I already did, I'm still worried about them. I really want to see them so desperately. I don't want to die without seeing them. I'm sure you guys were the same as what I felt"- I stated and they all nodded.

"Chillax, give it a rest ok? Who wants grilled meat and shanghai noodles?!"- Jihun asked and we all raised our hands up. "Alright, let's add beer and chicken too!"- Byul Yeon added. "Let's all enjoy our meal tonight. By tomorrow, we will have an another journey to risk and to survive"- Jeong Wu said.

Minjun, Kyung Rim, and Byul Yeon did the grilling of the meat, the girls and I prepared the tables in the balcony. The rest of the guys gathered some comfy chairs, beer cases, candlesticks, and a radio for us to listen the news.

Tonight's latest news; some parts of the city have been closed due to the increased numbered of zombies. Many medical teams is looking for a cure for this. But mostly got biten up. Some families who survived were asked to hop on the rescue trucks inorder for them to keep safe in the Underground Society that is handled by GreenLeaf Corp. So to those who are still inside their houses were asked to contact +82 1-1202-1485 as the call service of the Rescue Team.

"Dude! Our parents were safe now, why don't we go over GreanLeaf Corp. right away by morning?"- Yeong Chul suggested.

"It's a great idea. Does anyone has the idea of where the Corp. is?"- Jeong Wu asked. "I know the way. My grandparents once work under GreenLeaf Corp. Maybe they are in there since it's apocalypes, all of the members were asked to join again for the experiments"- Dong Hyeon answered.


"What kind of experiments is that?"- I curiously asked. Maybe there is something going on from that Corp.

"Experiments about animals, gadgets, and even humans. And more of it are chemicals, either it was for antidote, booster or even body transformations"- Dong Hyeon explained. Oh, I see. Somehow what happened to us right now is kinda experimental. The question is what or why? How and when did it all start?

I was wondering that what if this apocalypse happened it is because it was experimental.

I have an another bad feeling about this.