After the silver wolves attacked, Liu Kang and the others were panting hard after the fight. Jiang Chen had it easy because Wang Mei killed all the beasts that came near him. Although he was not proud of being protected, he felt warm when Wang Mei shielded him.
recognizing Wang Mei's genuine concern for him He made a promise to himself that he would keep her safe.
After resting for a time, they venture deeper into the Misty Cave.
"Look, it's a room," Su Shen exclaimed as she came across a wide door.
When they gazed around the door, the other was taken aback. The large door that seems to be was tightly locked, but there were also languages that the four, except for Jiang Chen, couldn't read.
"Let's go, there might be something here." As they got closer to the door, Liu Kang stated. They attempted to open it, but it refused to budge.
"What exactly is this language?" Su Shen said this while caressing the etched letters on the door.
Wang Mei whispered, "Ancient Language."
Even though she merely whispered, Jiang Chen and the others heard her since the cave was quiet.
"Do you know this language, Sister Mei?" Su Shen inquired excitedly, knowing that there was a chance to open the door.
Wang Mei shakes her head and says, "I recognize this language, but I can't read it."
Su Shen was immediately dissatisfied upon hearing her voice.
"How are we going to unlock this damn door then?" Su Shen cursed as she realized they couldn't unlock the door.
Jiang Chen, who was watching them, tried to open the door. He asked Nana, inside his conscience.
"Master, the ancient language may be extinct now." However, a million years ago, every living person spoke the ancient language, therefore I doubt it originated from the country of the gods because I am too familiar with the god of gods. If it was his, he would never give it to anyone else. So it's safe to assume that the room did not come from God.
Hearing Nana Jiang Chen, I decided it could be okay to show them how to open the door.
"Treasure trove." Jiang Chen spoke up, attracting the attention of the others.
The four of them looked at Jiang Chen as if he knew something.
"Do you understand this language, little brother?" Wang Mei inquired enthusiastically, hoping that if Jiang Chen knew how to read an ancient language, he may later ask for his assistance, as the Wang Clan had an ancient inscription that they couldn't decipher.
Jiang Chen gave a nod.
"Bullshit! "You've got to be joking. A kid who still has wet behind his ears cannot possibly know an ancient language. " Su Shen commented, refusing to rely on him to open the door.
When Jiang Chen heard her, he shrugged his shoulders.
"Now, Sister Su, we're a team, and we're supposed to help each other, aren't we?" Liu Kang appeared to be a peacemaker because he wanted to discover if Jiang Chen truly understood the ancient language.
"Dear Brother Jiang, "Could you possibly assist us in opening this door?" Liu Kang expressed his hope that Jiang Chen is aware.
Jiang Chen nodded since this was his intention. "
Then Jiang Chen began reading as if he was chanting an unknown word. Then, after he finished reading the ancient language, the door suddenly opened.
"You're awesome, little brother!" After the door opened, Wang Mei eagerly applauded Jiang Chen.
"Come on, let's praise Brother Jiang Later, let's see what's inside first," Liu Kang remarked, fearful that the door had a time Later, let's see what's inside first," Liu Kang remarked, fearful that the door had a time limit.
Upon entering, they were greeted with a mound of gold coins and other items such as swords and armor.
"We're rich, we're rich," Liu Kang screamed joyfully as he tossed the gold into the air.
However, while they are overjoyed by the treasure, Zu Yan, who had been quiet for a while, suddenly stabs Su Shen.
"agh...W...h.y" Su Shen turned around and saw that Zu Yan had stabbed her.
Su Shen collapsed with a hole in the center of her body.
"Ahhh! "Sister Shen!" cried Wang Mei as she sought to catch her.
Jiang Chen, who was standing on the sidelines, said to himself, "So he finally acted," Although he couldn't care less if Su Shen died, because he hadn't confirmed if Su Shen was related to his wife, he went to her side and immediately tapped all the acupoints surrounding the wound to stop the bleeding, which astonished Wang Mei.
"Zu Yan, what is the meaning of this?" Liu Kang turned his head to see what had just happened, then yelled fiercely when he saw that Zu Yan's sword had Su Shen's blood on it.
"Why did you do this?" Liu Kang inquired once more. He couldn't comprehend why Zu Yan would hurt Su Shen. After all, there wasn't any enmity between them.
"Why? Do I need a reason? Don't worry, I didn't only want to kill her; I wanted to kill everyone here." "Now that I will have all this wealth to myself, I don't have to suck up to your Liu clan," Zu Yan remarked threateningly.
"You... you ungrateful fool! My clan looked after you. You are certainly powerful, but you are still at the peak of Qi Gathering. " Liu Kang raced to Zu Yan after saying this.
"Die for me!!"
Liu Kang slashes his sword at Zu Yan, but before he can strike him, Zu Yan unleashes cultivation that exceeds the peak of Qi gathering.
"What!!" When Liu Kang sensed the Zu Yan Realm, he was petrified.
"Middle Tier of the Foundation Realm!!" Liu Kang exclaims upon witnessing the cultivation. He did not expect Zu Yan to hide his realm.
Liu Kang was kicked in the stomach and flung to the wall beside Jiang Chen and the others. Then he coughed up blood, a mouthful of blood.
"argh... cough* cough*"
Jiang Chen assists Liu Kang with his Eye of Heavenly Massage. When he discovered he wasn't in critical condition, he heaved a sigh of relief.
"Brother Liu Kang, let me borrow your sword," Jiang Chen stated casually, grabbing the sword in Liu Kang's hand without waiting for his response.
"Don't do it, Brother Jiang! He's far too powerful, " Liu Kang remarked. He could see the disparity between himself and Zu Yan Cultivation. Although he was in the initial Tier of the Foundation realm, he could tell that the gap between their strength was far more than realms.