12: Wanted

Perseus went closer to the crowd to know what's going on. From what he heard Kleisha bump onto the girl and dropped her groceries some were even destroyed, and with this she want Kleisha to pay for the destroyed groceries.

Kleisha argued with her that she was being unreasonable the price was too big for her the groceries didn't even amount that much they were just fruits and eggs. Perseus looked at the girl and then to Kleisha when he was about to walk out he suddenly remembered the feeling of being ridiculed by someone he saw himself through Kleisha. Helpless.

Kleisha gritted her teeth and attacked the girl infront of her.

"Fire lotus!" A lotus made of fire appeared in her palm and shot it forward. The temperature in the area heightened the crowd befan sweating from the heat.

'Hot! His flames is hotter than any flames I've seen!' thought Perseus, astonished by the abilities of Kleisha.

The girl was startled for a second but then smiled and said, "So you've chosen death! Endless Blade!"

Her hand straightened and slash it at the incoming

Flaming hot fire. To everyone's surprised the fire that was rushing towards her was slashed into two and dissipate.

The girl smiled at her mockingly and said, "How weak, is that all your strength? Such a low level." She then dashed towards Kleisha and brandished her hand.

Kleisha jumped backwards then waved her hand as many fire balls appeared and shot through.

The girl brandished her hand like a sword, every time she swing she'll hit a fireball.

'Sharp, and precise. Who is this girl? She's quite strong.' thought Perseus as he continue to watch the fight in amazement in his eyes. His not the only one who's surprised by the strength of this girl even Kleisha she knew how strong her attacks but it just vanished infront of this girl.

'If this continues she'll lose, much worst die.' he thought.' he then walked forward to the area.

The crowd saw a boy walking towards to the two battling, shocked and excitement could be seen in their faces. What will this little boy do?

'Incinerate.' Perseus whispered as he pointed his index finger towards the girl. A beam of flame then shot out forwards.

The girl immediately noticed the light and dodged the attack, she then backed few meters away from Kleisha who's body is full of cuts.

'Moons Weight.' Just as the girl backed away he felt his body heavy and fall onto the groud. 'what?! I cant even lift a finger!' she thought. She felt she was being crushed onto the earth.

Perseus was actually giving her mercy by not full crushing her, he used half of the original power of the skill resulting her not being only to move.

Perseus then walked towards Kleisha and picked her up as he princess carry her.

"W-W-What are you doing!?" She shouted, her face was red as her blood dripping from her wounds.

But Perseus didn't respond nor look at her, he then dashed at a speed that no one can even follow with their eyes.

The girl on the ground then stands up and looked at the direction where the two go, a frown could be seen on her beautiful face.

'Tch! I'll rip you to pieces when i see you two again." She said with gritted teeth, she then walked away from the area.

the crowd in the market bagan to spread the news of what happened.

"What someone actually dares to disrespect the daughter of the lord?"

"Yeah, crazy right? i was still wondering who that boy is he seems to be new to the city."

"well, within a few hours or so he'll be a corpse HAHAHA."


Perseus arrived at their hotel and dropped Kleisha on the ground.

"Oww! Can't you let me down gently?" She growled as she rubbed her buttocks with pained expression.

Perseus then walked towards the entrance when he suddenly heard Kleisha which made him stop.

"Thank you for saving me. Without you i would've died!" She said as she bowed her head.

Perseus only stopped for second before continuing to walk inside the hotel. Kleisha followed after he walked pass the doors as they both returned to their respective rooms.


On a Mansion in the middle of the city a beautiful girl was walking towards a beautiful garden full of various kinds of flower, on the middle was a large fountain. The beautiful girl then sat on the bench near the fountain to calm herself.

"Oh, why didn't you tell me that you've returned, Sofia?" A middle agaed man with a warm smile said, as he walked towards near her.

But the beautiful girl named Sofia didn't reply and only closed her eyes a frown could be seen on her face.

"Is there something wrong, dear?" He asked.

"Sighh, there was this girl that bumped into me that made all my groceries to dropped and get ruined. But when i was about finish her off someone interfered. He seemed to be around my age but the aura he gives off is much more dense than anyone in my generation." She said recalling the earlier event from the market.

"Hmmm, do you know what the boy looks like?" The middle aged man said while rubbing his chin.

"He had a messy hair. He wears all black? His also taller than me." She said as she recall what Perseus looked like.

"Well, did he hurt you?" The man said sounding serious.

"Not really? He only use a AOE skill which mobilized my movements." She replied.

"I see. Do you want me to send troops to assassinate him and the girl?"

"Hmm... No, don't assassinate him or the girl let the troops find him only and take him here." She said with a twisted smile.

"Okay. By the way , you seem to be interested in this fellow." Said the mqn with a grin.

"Shut up, father. Im only interested in his strength." Said the girl to her father.

"I see, well if you can also try to recruit him to our 'Family'."

The girl nodded as she stood up and went inside the mansion.

The middle aged man looked at her daughters back affectionately. He then walked towards the mansion to give the orders to find Perseus.

Perseus was in his room not knowing of what kind of calamity he has made, was practicing martial arts. Every month he tries to learn new fighting skills on the first month he tried learning boxing which was the basic after that taekwondo and so on.

He got all of this fighting skills from books that he found on an abandoned bookstore back in their city. He needs to prepare in every kind of situation so even though he doesn't have the current power at that time he could atleast delay them or escape.

He then decided to stop but when he looked at the window he noticed that it was already night time. He took a bath first before going to bed to rest for the night.