Chapter 004

"What do you mean?" asked Alvin.

"There are individuals who are spying on the manor. Believe me, you cannot leave the house without alerting them. And they surely have an accomplice at the train station. Considering that you aren't a Beyonder, it's very difficult for you to escape" said Grayson.

Alvin's face turned ugly. He then sighed and asked, "Do you know of a way?"

Grayson nodded, and said, "Come with me"

He started walking towards the mansion, deeper towards the servant quarters. Alvin wordlessly followed.

"Your father was doing something unethical secretly for some bigwigs in Backlund. Don't know for who or what it was. There were probably multiple restrictions placed on your father to keep it a secret. He knew it was dangerous, and that he could be killed or discarded as a scapegoat by them, but he did it anyway. It was the only way he could have the slightest chance of ascending to a Viscount" said Grayson. "He seemed to imply that he was doing a particularly important matter for those persons in Backlund this time. What it is I don't know, but obviously, something went wrong and your father was this discarded" said Grayson.

"Are you a Beyonder?" asked Alvin suddenly. While there was never any indication to denote such a thing, the respect and care shown by his father towards Grayson, the high status his granddaughter received in the manor, and his current calm demeanour implied this fact.

"Indeed. I was lucky enough to become a Beyonder by chance a few years ago. I met your father shortly after, and he recruited me into his service. A Beyonder has a chance of losing control and turning into a monster. I figured that a peaceful life with my granddaughter would allow me to remain in control. Hence, I accepted" said Grayson.

Alvin stayed silent as he followed behind Grayson, and waited for him to continue.

"I was lucky enough to live an uneventful life until now. I never had to deal with the fear of losing control as most other Beyonders do. I had a rather useful mystic item which I acquired as I became a Beyonder, which helped me stay hidden. Other than the occasional divinations for your father, I never used my Beyonder powers. Your father got his hands on a Beyonder item that could help me hide better. Hence, I was able to escape detection by all the Beyonders visiting the manor" said Grayson.

Now in the servant quarters, Grayson led him to a small room on the east side. He pushed aside a couch, revealing a trapdoor underneath. He lifted open the trapdoor and went in. Alvin followed.

The trapdoor opened into a room that looked like a laboratory. Grayson walked into the middle of the laboratory and went to a desk in the middle. He pulled out a key from his pocket and inserted it into the drawer desk there. He then twisted it in a specific pattern. The desk swung open shortly after.

Inside the deal were an assortment of weird looking items. Grayson picked out two and set them aside. For the rest, he packed them into a small box, and locked it. He then took out a small bottle from his pocket, applied the contents to a dagger, and smeared it across the box. He then handed both the box and the key to Alvin. He then took out a dull looking coin, with a peculiar lustre from his pocket, and the black cloak on him, and handed them to Alex.

"This mystical item is called Coin of the Wonders. It can passively block most divinations targeted at its holder. Also, you can ask it a yes-no question and toss it into the air. It will display heads for yes, and tails for no. But every time you ask it this question, you must smear your blood on every inch of its surface. The other mystical item is the Forgotten Cloak. If you were it, you will be ignored by most people subconsciously. You can walk in front of them, and they will hardly notice you. You can also smear some blood on the silver collar for its additional effects to activate. It will make others ignore you even if you touch them in this state. Wearing it for a long time can cause you to subconsciously ignore others. The additional effect will amplify this flaw" said Grayson looking at the two mystical items.

Alvin received the two items and the box, and then looked at Grayson.

"Well. We don't have a lot of time left. There is a secret passageway in here, which leads to the abandoned barn close to the church. You should escape from there. Don't go directly to Backlund. I have arranged for a horse drawn carriage at the edge of town. You should use it to travel to some remote place, and lay low for a while. You can then head to Backlund if you wish. I wouldn't trust your father's friends too much if I were you. I suspect one of them was in on your father's demise" said Grayson somberly. "Cheryl is in the barn. I haven't told her what I am going to do. But it is the only way. I think the girl Naomi is with her."

"What are you going to do?" asked Alvin nervously.

"This is the true root of Mist Treant, while this is the spinal fluid of Dark Patterned Black Panther" said Grayson holding up the items he had set aside earlier. "I collected them just in case I decided to advance, but never had the courage or conviction to take it as I was worried about losing control. With the circumstances as they are, I will take it directly. I am in no way ready now, but if I do take it, I reckon I will advance and lose control, but remain rational for some time. I will use this time to attack all the intruders, and even after I lose rationality, I should be able to stall them. You can escape then" he said.

He handed a book, which he said contained all the Potion formulas and information he acquired after he became a Beyonder. He then handed a letter meant for his granddaughter Cheryl.

"Thank you" said Alvin sincerely.

"Take care of Cheryl" he said indifferently as he walked out.

Alex waited in the laboratory, calming himself.

After approximately 2 hours, he could hear a loud crash, along with screaming yelling and fighting noises. Alex gritted his teeth, and lit the fuse of the pre-arranged explosives in the lab, and rushed towards the secret passage.