Chapter 008

"A glass of Southville beer" said the young woman, as she sat on the counter.

"Of course miss Derecha. Is there anything else?" asked Frank respectfully.

Alvin had seen Miss Judgement around the bar many times. She usually went around to multiple rowdy tethering places, and looked for arbitration jobs. She had a great reputation, and her prowess had won the respect of most bar patrons. Frank, who had seen her beat up rude highlanders more than once, showed her sufficient respect, as did most barkeepers, vagrants, and even ruffians.

She picked up the glass of beer and sipped on it and asked, "Do you have any news about what happened last night?"

"Other than what most know? Nothing. You aren't the first person to ask me that. Whoever it is, I reckon he will be caught by the church and military soon anyway. The dude was way too crazy, almost burning a whole town to the ground like that" replied Frank. He subtly glanced at Alvin when he mentioned the crazy dude. He quickly looked away, but the sharp eyed Miss Judgement saw it.

She gulped down the rest of the beer, and walked up to Alvin.

"I believe an introduction is in order. My name is Xio Derecha" she said sitting down in front of him.

"Alvin Jonas. I own this place. My honour to meet the famous arbiter" said Alvin.

Alvin was now wearing a clever disguise that made him look like a man in his 30s. He had messy brown hair and a scraggly beard. The colour of his eyes remained the same, but it was a common eye colour and not that impressionable. The disguise was something his father had 'borrowed' from some expert con men who made trouble in the territory. It was a genius method that used a special process to craft face tight masks that were made from specially treated animal skin. It was nearly impossible to distinguish with the naked eye, and could fool most Beyonders too at a cursory glance. It was not restrictive or uncomfortable, and could be worn long term without any problem as long as it was put on properly. Cheryl usually wore one too to hide her identity. Naomi did not wear one, as she was not that well known in the manor.

During the operation the previous night, Alvin had removed the mask. This was because he did not want to implicate Cheryl and Naomi, who now had their identities tied to Alvin Jonas. Plus, he was a noble heir. Even though he mostly abandoned that identity, at a critical moment, if he saw no way out, he could surrender to the Nighthawks and they would only detain him. All hid items would be lost in that case, and he would be exposed to his enemies, but at least his life would be saved.

"I noticed that Frank here was looking at you while talking about the incident. Do you know something about it?" asked Xio.

"I might know something. But then again, what I know isn't for ordinary people to know" said Alvin mysteriously.

"You should tell me. I can maybe contribute something" said Xio.

Alvin suddenly felt like he should discuss the incident with Xio for a while. While that impulse was fleeting and not forceful, he felt the power of the Arbitrator for the first time.

"There are rumours that you already transcended beyond the ordinary. Can I take your actions as an agreement?" asked Alvin.

Xio stayed silent and looked at him. He looked at her for a while, and then shrugged. "I know that the Nighthawks fought a bunch of wild Beyonders there. The Theosophy order was also involved. Other than that, is confidential unless you pay a high price.

"I was just curious. No need for any further details" said Xio. She then looked at Alvin and asked, "Are you a Beyonder?"

Alvin did not reply, and just grinned at her.

"I'll take that as a yes. So is there any Beyonder related things you have to share with me?" she asked.

"I can guess what you mean. No, I don't host any gatherings. I am not strong enough to do that. But I have some channels which can be used. If you need information, formulas, mystical items, or ingredients, you can have a word with me" said Alvin.

Alvin figured that he would open a channel for transactions in the bar after tonight. He would become a Beyonder, and along with his mystical items, would be a decently strong person. While he couldn't yet hold a gathering where he had to keep many people in line, he could start by accepting consignment and requests related to Beyonders.

"If you need anything, you can find me. If I am not here, leave a message with Frank. I will do my best to find what you want and sell what you don't need. For a reasonable fee of course" said Alvin.

"Any immediate requests? And items up for sale?" asked Xio.

"Two mystical items are up for sale. One is a mask that allows you to be free from the effects of divination used on you. Side effects include random but controllable fits of emotions like rage, resentment, and even laughter. It's going for 1000 pounds, and only face to face cash transaction is acceptable for this item. The second one is a headband that allows you to have better control of your emotions. But wearing it for too long may make you paranoid. 600 pounds is it's price.

But on the other hand, plenty of potion ingredients are up for sale though. Let me know if you need anything. And there is a bounty which is open to anyone. Get the formula for the Hunter Pathway's Sequence 8 and 7. I suggest you secretly get some lowlife from Zmanger Gang and complete this bounty. The prize is 500 pounds" said Alvin.

"500 pounds?" asked Xio in shock.

"Only for the genuine formula. I have a way of confirming. But be careful of being caught. Those shitheads have people looking after them. And also, if you get caught you didn't get this mission from me" said Alvin leisurely.