Chapter 019

A train pulled into Hasling Town, Southville County. A whistle sounded, as the train slowly rolled to a stop near the platform. As soon as the train stopped, dozens of people started getting down from the carriage.

Among the many people getting down from the carriage, the was a group consisting of Alvin, Cheryl, and Naomi.

"We are here! When can we visit the Carnival?" asked Naomi excitedly.

"First let's find a nice restaurant and have some lunch. And then we should find a place to stay for the night. We can visit the carnival in the evening. I heard that most of the attractions open only after 4" said Alvin.

The first thing they had to do was to look for an inn to check in and put their luggage.

As soon as they walked out of the station, they could see dozens of horse carriages waiting outside, ready to take passengers to their preferred destination.

Owning a horse carriage in such tourist filled cities was a lucrative prospect, as most tourists wouldn't mind taking a trackless carriage for privacy by spending some money when on a vacation. While Hasling Town was not a major tourist location, the fact that the carnival was hosted here made it so for one month.

Alvin boarded one such horse carriage, and told the driver to take them to a decent inn. The driver took them to a rather large building, which had rooms for rent on the upper floors while having a restaurant on the ground floor.

It looked expensive, but Alvin was not really worried about money. With his identity as a successful bounty hunter, bar owner, and the landlord of dozens of buildings, he had a pretty sizable income. Adding to that a large number of properties he had inherited from the Hans family, and he was a very rich man. Plus, while the Ouroborous mark suppressed his chance of getting the ingredients to become a Beyonder, it apparently did not decrease his luck, as he found a whole host of random extraordinary items and ingredients during that time. While he had lost a few due to the storage difficulty, he still was pretty well off.

Overall, he had more than 10,000 pounds in cash, bonds and jewellery, several properties and businesses worth 20,000 pounds, and extraordinary items worth maybe 5,000 pounds in his identity as Alvin Jonas and Mr Hunt. The Hans family had over 300,000 pounds worth of estate of in East Chester county, along with several properties in Backlund and many other major cities, worth an estimated 50,000 pounds or more. But he couldn't inherit or access these properties without drawing the attention of the hostile noble in Backlund, who according to the intel he had gathered, was not someone he could handle now.

Alvin would rather spend a lot of money on comfort than endure discomfort. It was something he grew up with from his childhood.

After checking into, two rooms, one for him and Cheryl and the other for Naomi, Alex booked a table downstairs in the restaurant for them to eat. He then ordered copies of several local newspapers to read. While he had never come here before, some patron of his bar had revealed that Beyonders in the Seven Ring Circus would sometimes post some ads on local newspapers to announce the time, location, and mode of their gatherings. While some gatherings were exclusive, and hence the method of finding them through ads were complicated, some others were especially easy, and could be spotted by anyone with the know how. Alvin was trying to see if he could spot any such gatherings.

"May the both of us join you? There are no empty tables in the restaurant" sounded a voice from the side.

Alvin looked up to see a man in his mid forties, with a young woman in her twenties holding his arm.

The tables in the restaurant were all relatively large, enough to fit more than 6 people. With only the three of them sitting there, there was a lot of space left.

"Of course, please" gestured Alvin putting down his newspaper.

"Thank you. My name is Vincent Yonas. This is my wife Kate. I and my wife are from Liengrad Town from Sivellaus County" said the man politely.

"My name is Alvin Jonas, and this is my wife Cheryl, and her sister Naomi, all from Backlund" replied Alvin politely.

For the rest of the time, the five of them had a pleasant chat. Vincent Younas apparently was a businessman from Liengrad who with his wife, like them had come to visit the Seven Rings Carnival as for relaxation. He told some things about his hometown, and stories about his business, which were entertaining and informative to listen to.

After a pleasant chat, and all having finished their dinner, they bid goodbye to each other and decided to go their separate ways.

Alvin led Cheryl and Naomi back upstairs to their rooms.

"Well. That the food was great. Let us all have some rest for the afternoon. At 4 sharp, let us go to the carnival together. There are advertisements and recommendations on the available attraction in this newspaper. You can go through it if you want" said Alvin.

He then walked into the room he shared with Cheryl. Before he entered, he looked at Naomi and said, "Remember not to fall asleep. We should try to have fun at the carnival and return before dark. If you sleep now, we may get delayed, plus you won't be able to sleep at night"

Alvin usually continuously advised Naomi as if he were a caring elder brother. And Naomi was usually happy to revive his attention. But after hearing what he said this time, her face turned unpleasant. She said, "I know what to do. You don't need to keep talking down to me like that!" and slammed her door shut.

Alvin looked at her back, bewildered. But shortly after, he recalled the events today, and turned thoughtful.