Chapter 031

Alvin was back in the tavern where Sinsest worked as a bartender. He had a large package next to him, which contained a bloody severed head.

While one of his prey managed to escape, Alvin felt happy about the hunt all things considering. He had killed a Sequence 7, and badly injured a Sequence 7 despite being just a Sequence 9. While the Witch had escaped, she was probably heavily injured, and if he could get a lock on her location he could easily hunt her too.

After he sat there for a while, Sinsest gestured him to enter a private room from afar. Alvin grabbed the package and followed him in.

"So do you have something for me?" asked Sinsest as soon as Alvin entered.

Alvin tossed the package contains the served head. Sunset opened it and looked inside. He then pointed a weird rod at the head, and shook it around.

"Well, it looks like you really did kill him. Congratulations!" said Sinsest.

"Thank you. So what's next?" asked Alvin.

"Well, you can either cash out this bounty now, or I can just chalk it up as your contributing, and you can cash it out back at Backlund. Here, only cash and some limited extraordinary ingredients are available, while there will be much more options in Backlund" said Sinsest.

"Then I will cash out back in Backlund" said Alvin.

"Smart choice. And the sword? Are you going to contribute it too? Not to burst your bubble, but while that sword is powerful, it probably can be tracked. You see, it was a weapon once used by someone who is now a Sequence 4, and hence he always maintains some connection to once. A trait of their Pathway" said Sinsest.

Alvin considered for a moment, but eventually decided to hand the sword over. It was too easily recognisable even without the danger of being tracked. He could easily attract animosity from the Church of Combat if he used it. It would be better to get rid of it on the spot.

Sinsest received the sword and sealed it in a black box. He then tossed the head into a nearby fireplace.

"Any other tasks?" asked Alvin suddenly.

His potion was almost digested, and he felt that it would take maybe 1 or 2 good hunts to fully digest it. He was definitely hunting Vincent, so he needed another prey.

"Not for now no. This is still mostly a neutral zone. An occasional dead person is not of consequence, but if people are dead repeatedly someone will intervene. Plus, that fire you set was visible for miles. Beyonders are on high alert now" said Sinsest.

"Well, I will be going around all kinds of Beyonder gatherings with the pseudonym Mr Hunt. If required, you can find me" said Alvin.

"One more thing. I have some blood here. Can you do a divination on the person?" asked Alvin, handing over the bloodstained bullets he collected from the place Kate was shot.

Sinsest took the bullets, and walked sideways to a different room. He came back 10 minutes later and said, "Badly injured, will die if she moves around today. Can't divine further as there is some interference. That will be 50 pounds"

Alvin nodded in acknowledgement, put 50 pounds down on the table, and then walked out of the tavern. He had to decide the next hunting field and lay some traps.

Alvin returned to the inn, where he met Cheryl and Naomi a little after 9. According to them, Vincent was also in the restaurant downstairs, and has not left for at least an hour, and had not met Kate.

So Alvin decided to walk into the restaurant, pretending to be freshly drunk, and start with the process of luring prey.

Vincent immediately noticed the drunk Alvin strutting into the restaurant. He cordially greeted Alvin and half dragged him to a seat, and poured alcohol from a bottle in front of him. Alvin pretended to grab and drink the glass without hesitation.

"So my friend, how are you?" asked Vincent in a polite sounding voice.

"Pretty good. I ditched both those annoying women and went for a drunk in those taverns at the edge of the carnival. They are the best! The environment and company are awesome" said Alvin slobbering.

"I am glad. But I am afraid I have some bad news" said Vincent.

"What?" asked Alvin.

"Well, it seems like your wife found out what happened between you and her sister" said Vincent.

"What? How?" screamed Alvin pretending to be taken aback.

"I am guessing that your wife was told by her sister. The assumption that she would not we made earlier was a mistake" said Vincent calmly, still sipping from his glass.

"But you shouldn't be alarmed. So what if she found out?" said Vincent.

"Yeah. So what?" yelled Alvin drunkenly.

"You didn't do anything wrong. You just went ahead and got what you deserved. If they think you are wrong, it's their problem, not yours" said Vincent.

"You are right. I didn't do anything wrong. Why should I have anything to be nervous about" said Alvin incoherently.

"Yes. And you are the breadwinner of the household. Both of them are dependent on you. If things get awkward you can simply threaten to cut them off. That should put them back in their place" said Vincent in the same tone.

"You are right. They depend on me, not the other way around. I shouldn't be worried, they should" said Alvin.

"Here. Take a last glass of wine, go up and confront them" said Vincent pouring Alvin another glass from the jug of wine.

Alvin gulped it down happily and said, "Thanks, Vincent. You are a true friend. I used to think you got such a beautiful wife only because of your money, but I clearly was mistaken. You aren't just a rich and lustful bastard as I initially thought"

He swaggered upstairs with an unsteady gait, leaving behind Vincent with an extremely red face contorted with anger.