Chapter 033

"If my assumption is right, and the doll mirrors Vincent's condition and transfers them to his supervisor Kate, what would Kate do as soon as she learnt that Vincent was dead? Well, I guess she would have started to look for him as soon as she learnt that Vincent was injured. Maybe Vincent was delaying to let her find him. So how could she find him? Either she has some of Vincent's blood, through which she can track him. Or, Vincent told her where he would be, and she tracks him down from there" thought Alvin.

He then had a sinking realisation. The divination on Kate was that she was heavily injured and would die if she took any action. Assuming that the divination wasn't cracked by the Witch's anti divination, it could also mean that she was capable of taking action, but would die once she did.

"Could it be possible that she takes action for Vincent, and I will kill her badly injured self? That is a definite possibility. So now that Vincent is dead, what would she do? Would she look for clues on the instigation targets of Vincent? In that case, Cherly and Naomi could be in danger I have to hurry back" thought Alvin anxiously as he picked up his pace.

Alvin quickly arrived at the inn. He did not go through the main doors, instead, clambering up the side to the window of his and Cheryl's room. He then gave a series of long and short knocks. The window was opened, and Alvin could see Naomi's and Cheryl's anxious faces. Alvin quickly jumped in.

"What happened?" he asked.

"That woman Kate came by. She looked all burnt and injured just like you said. She asked where Vincent was. We said we didn't know, and quickly came upstairs. Cheryl is holding the shotgun just in case, but she hasn't tried to enter the room yet" said Naomi.

"Alright. Both of you stand back. I will go and see what's happened" said Alvin, as he grabbed the loaded shotgun from Cheryl, along with a regular steel sword he had kept handy in the room. He then slowly crept up to the door, and tried to hear for noises

The hallway outside the room was squire, and he couldn't perceive any movement. Alvin considered for a moment, and decided to open the door and investigate.

As a qualified hunter, he had set a few traps in his home base, but he couldn't trigger them without having Alvin Jonas labelled as a dangerous criminal, so he wasn't keen on using them.

He slowly took a peek outside, and was surprised at what he saw in the hallway. He opened the door a little more to double check what he saw. Now sure, he opened the door and walked out to stare at the corpse of Kate outside, in the hallway

"What happened?" asked Cheryl as looked at the corpse standing near the door.

"Al clean shot to the head. Right in the centre of the forehead. And no bullet left anywhere" said Alvin looking around. He then looked around, but saw no traces or marks to indicate a battle, attack, or even the presence of another person.

"Wow! She has a shiny box of jewels! And some creepy dolls!" said Naomi, frisking the corpse.

Kate did not have any money, and the dolls were worthless unless their uses were known. The box of jewels did not seem like a mystical item, instead of an ornament holder and spare money source for Kate.

Alvin tried to look around for more clues, and upon drawing a blank, decide to discreetly dispose of her body, and clean all traces like blood and brain matter that was left on the floor.

"So did you hear or see anything else?" asked Alvin.

"No. We recognised her, and immediately fled back to our rooms in panic. We both have been inside, away from the doors just in case. No sound or signs of a fight could be heard from the hallway" said Cheryl.

"What do you think happened?" asked Naomi.

"She either had an enemy, or some random passerby deciding that she was an eyesore, that just happened to find her and decide to kill her. Or else, the Demoness Sect might have sent some punishment through the Voodoo they practice, just that they did not think she would be this badly injured" co concluded Alvin.

"But either way, we have to cut out trip shot. It is better for us to leave and go back to Backlund" he concluded.

"But we have barely spent two days on our vacation!" exclaimed Naomi sadly.

"It's risky to stay here. We will come back to the carnival if time permits another time" said Alvin.

"Also, I have acquired the other main ingredient for the Planter potion. If you are still sure that you want to choose that Pathway, you can become a Beyonder as soon as we reach Backlund" said Alvin, which immediately cheered Naomi up.

All three of them quickly packed all the luggage they had. Alvin stuffed the three Beyonder characteristics, the Sword of Culling, the Skeleton Whistle, and all the other spoils from this trip into the Red Castle.

They quickly checked out, went to the train station, and booked the closes train to Backlund.

"Maybe Hunters would never stay in possibly dangerous locations unless they have located the source of the danger" thought Alvin, as he felt most of the potion having been digested in the past days. He only probably needed to go on one more successful hunt to successfully digest the potion.

"This sure was an interesting and fulfilling place. I will definitely visit the carnival again sometime" thought Alvin, as he looked at the distant town through the private compartment of the train that was leaving.

He then turned around to see Cheryl who was holding a golden brown liquid in a glass, handing it over to Naomi, who drank it all.