Chapter 068

Immediately pulling out a shotgun, Alvin aimed the head and fired. The corpse-like lady figure was shot right in the head, and crumbled like a pack of cards.

Alvin looked at what happened in a daze, but suddenly lurched forward. A ghosty figure morphed out of thin air behind him and swiped the location he previously was at. Alvin pulled out his revolver, and fired at it.

The bullets went right through the figure, as it slowly faded away.

"Spirit Medium, who is controlling a ghostly Spirit" thought Alvin. He realised that this Spirit Medium was the Marionette of Rosago.

He fired a few more times, but physical attacks seemed to be wholly incapable of harming it. Alvin dodged its swipes as he tried to think of a solution. He did not have any means of attack that could deal with an incorporeal spirit, except maybe the Sword of Dominance, which he would never dare to use here, and thus did not bring.

Then, he looked up to see where Rosago was. He remembered that there was a limit to the distance between the Marionettist and his Marionette. Hence, he dodged around till he was in the right direction, and sprinted towards the storage building.

The Spirit Medium Marionette came out of her incorporeal state and gave a harsh scream which made Alvin dizzy for a brief second, but he still kept running. He also kept shooting a few bullets backwards to ensure that the Spirit Medium Marionette couldn't use the scream, or another strange ability.

After it chased him for a certain distance, it stopped, as if it could go no further. It gave a deathly gaze at Alvin, and proceeded to gather a ghostly green flame in its palms. Just as Alvin was preparing to dodge the suspicious-looking flame, Marionette tossed the flames up into the air. The green flame was suspended midair, as if it were a signal for rendezvous of sorts.

Though he was doubtful of its exact function, Alvin didn't delay his counterattack. He let a steel bolt loose from the crossbow which went through the now corporeal Marionette.

He then turned around and ran into the storage area without even checking the result of his attack. As he was nearing the building, he spotted a figure standing inside. Seeing this, Alvin banked left and kept running.

Sure enough, the figure he could see inside the building started shooting streams of flames at him. Due to there being sufficient distance, Alvin managed to dodge them.

He pulled out his revolver and shot in the direction of the figure, more due to instinct than anything else.

The figure easily knocked aside all the bullets with ease and started sprinting towards Alvin. Alvin ran to another structure nearby that was half ablaze. He wouldn't be directly hurt by flames, hence, he figured if he could avoid the falling debris if any, he could use the narrowed place to delay time, enough for another Nighthawk to come. He had killed one Pyromaniac, and another was now chasing after him, so he figured that at least 2 of the Nighthawks would probably not have an opponent, and would also come towards the green flame signal searching for one.

Alvin rushed into the building, and jumped over a fallen beam, only to see a figure already inside. The figure seemed to be trapped due to a large metal shelf having fallen right atop him.

Having recognised him as one of the Hunters, Alvin did not even pay much attention to him, as he swung the Sword of Culling to swiftly behead him. He then quickly freed his corpse and tossed it behind him, as he leapt to a window at the side.

He tumbled out of the window, and stood right under it, having reloaded the crossbow while running. Sure enough, a man jumped it if the window after a moment. Alvin, who was pointing the crossbow at the window, let the bolt loose.

He then started fleeing in a random direction once again. He could hear the thud of the crossbow hitting a heavy obstacle. And he was soon chased by a few large fireballs.

Alvin jumped forward, turning his body sideways. He avoided most of the impact of the fireballs this way. The singing from the flames was not a problem, as he was immune to fires.

He pulled out a revolver and emptied the bullets at the man chasing him.

He then started curving his path, because while the Pyromaniac was faster and had a better constitution, due to his naturally large highlander frame he was much less nimble than Alvin. Alvin took some steep turns, and jumped through the window he had just come out of moments ago.

The Pyromaniac was right behind him. As he entered after Alvin, he saw a figure hurling itself out of the door. Hence, he conjured a large fire stream and threw it at the figure. The figure seemed to catch on fire and was flung to the side. Just when the Pyromaniac was about to deliver a follow-up attack, he ducked as he felt something swing towards him.

Alvin wasn't disappointed that he couldn't smash the face of the Pyromaniac with the heavy crossbow. He immediately aimed the crossbow at the man and let a bolt loose.

The man yelled, as he dodged. He was able to move out of the way to an extent, as the bolt aimed at his chest hit his shoulder instead. He yelled, as he charged at Alvin who was reloading his crossbow, probably realising that Alvin seemed to be immune to flames, but not yet realising that flames with an edge could hurt him. But just as he got a bit closer, Alvin pulled out a shotgun from his back and fired twice, both at his face.

He immediately conjured a shield, but he was still pushed back due to the impact of the two shots.

Alvin turned around and kicked a column that was half burnt behind him.

What remained of the building started crumbling down, as Alvin had kicked one of the last columns propping up the building.

He decided on a likely exit direction, and sprinted forward, still firing behind him to delay the Pyromaniac.

Soon, Alvin was out of the vicinity of the building. As he turned around, he saw only the collapsing building. But just a moment later, a huge column of fire rose, pushing aside all the debris, and the Pyromaniac rose out, his shoulder seared shut with flames, with injuries all over him, looking pissed.

"Well, it seems you got your ass kicked in the first round highlander. Ready for round two?" asked Alvin leisurely with a smile.

The man roared, and shot towards Alvin. Alvin gave him a provocative gesture, and started sprinting diagonally.