Chapter 070

Alvin sneaked back towards the location of the supposed item storage, taking great care not to make any noise or otherwise show off signs of and alert another Pyromaniac.

He recycled the bolt from the previous Provoker when he left, but after being used twice, the tip was stained with blood, and slightly dull at the end. Hence, it was unlikely to go through the chest of someone again.

Hence, he took decided to take a detour, to the weapons vault to get some extra bolts that were there. He could also grab the extraordinary characteristic of the Pyromaniac which had undoubtedly condensed by now while he was there.

As he sneaked closer to the weapons vault, he noticed that there were people currently fighting around it. Rico was squaring off against a Pyromaniac at the front. A Provoker and two Hunters were also present, trying to flank Rico. But Rico never let them, always flittering around, and keeping all of them in the same direction. He was also loudly reciting a poem about the world of mortals, that made his 4 aggressors occasionally stumble due to sleepiness, whereupon the others would quickly wake him up.

Alvin decided to send Rico an assist and make his kill count of Hunters increase from 2 to 4. When he was sure only Rico could see him, he popped out his head to ensure that Rico saw him. Nighthawks always coordinated on missions, so he was sure that he and Rico would be able to tacitly cooperate on the fly.

Sure enough, Rico started taking wider steps, and increasing the distance between him and the Hunters who were slightly lagging behind the Provoker and the Pyromaniac. This would ordinarily be disadvantageous, as they could use ranged weapons, and thus force Rico to deal with the bullets with a part of his attention, but isolating the Hunter would be the best choice if there was a companion who could quickly pick them off.

Sure enough, no sooner had the two Hunters reached for their weapons, one of them collapsed due to a slightly dull, yet extremely deadly due to the weight of the bolt and the force with which it was launched, crossbow bolt.

Before the other Hunter could react, Alvin tossed the heavy crossbow in his hands at the other Hunter, who fell to the ground due to the impact.

Alvin immediately sprinted forward and slashed his throat before he could react.

On the other side, Rico started to gain the absolute advantage. He was dominating the reaming two without the interference of the two Hunters to annoy him.

Just as an assist, Alvin kept his distance and fired at the Provoker. The Pyromaniac, who knew he would be destroyed by Rico if the Provoker fell, was forced to defend the bullets with a flame shield, and also had to send streams of flames at Alvin.

Alvin pretended to dodge when he fact couldn't care less, as he kept firing. After his bullets ran out, Alvin withdrew some distance, and calmly started reloading his revolver under the incensed and disbelieving gaze of the Pyromaniac and the Provoker. He then jumped right back in, firing at the two. During the course of the distraction, Rico was able to pull the Provoker into a sleep. He then forced the Pyromaniac away and put his hand on the sleeping Provoker's forehead. The soul power he poured into the Provoker with this action pushed the Provoker into a permanent sleep.

As Rico was easily dominating and destroying the remaining Pyromaniac, Alvin waved at him and left. The Pyromaniac's weren't his mission target, so he was better off doing what he had originally planned to do. Grab the Pyromaniac characteristic and spare bolts for the crossbow from the weapon's vault, and then tried to raid the storage.

He ran into the weapon's vault, and grabbed as many as 5 bolts, which was the maximum he felt he could carry. He then searched for the corpse of the Pyromaniac killed, and grabbed the extraordinary characteristic that had already been condensed. After he finished reloading all his weapons, he rushed towards the storage vault.

As he approached the storage vault, Alvin noticed that a Pyromaniac was intensely battling Raleigh. But Raleigh had the advantage, so Alvin did not feel the need to do anything. Instead, he opted to sneak into the now unguarded storage vault.

As soon as he sneaked into the vault, Alvin could plainly see about a sparse dozen Beyonder items, including a couple of mystical items, characteristics, and ingredients. Alvin pocketed whatever smaller more valuable items he could, but he did not find Flame of Pure Yang, or Dense Cuboid Pus. The Flame of Pure Yang would only form in some of the hottest places around, so it was mostly available in Intis where there was a large desert in the western part.

As for Dense Cuboid Pus, it would form only in the deep salty lakes, and would float to the surface once fully formed.

Alvin figured the two main ingredients were like the fire and fuel for the Pyromaniac.

Alvin then spotted another door, leading further deeper underground. After a little hesitation, he decided to carefully explore.

As he entered, he immediately spotted some Flame of Pure Yang and Dense Cuboid Pus, sealed in glass containers. There were at least 5 of each he could spot, and he started pocketing those closest to him. He also spotted a closed book in the middle of the room, with the words, 'Child of Flames Experiment'

Just then, the door to the room swung shut. A few brass containers dropped onto the many Beyonder ingredients left in the room which Alvin had not yet taken, and also on the previous location of the items he had taken.

Alvin sensed danger, and immediately dove into a tight corner, where a shelf was built into the wall, and crouched down with his face tucked in, and braced for impact.

After a whizzing sound, the whole basement exploded into flames, engulfing everything into the flames.