Chapter 086

"I am injured? I didn't notice" said Alvin, surprised.

"It's not surprising. And it's not a big deal either. It's a minor tear in your spirit body. Not big enough to cause problems, and easily fixable" said Gordon.

"How should I fix it? And won't it have any effects on me?" asked Alvin.

"It's easy to fix. For such minor tears, you just need to have a Soul Assurer host a soul healing ritual. And 5 days after that, you will be good as new. And at lower Sequence in your pathway, it is difficult for you to notice the injury yourself. But if you were a Pyromaniac, although you wouldn't have noticed at first, if you tried to emit and control flames, you will suffer excruciating pain and aggregate the injury, to the point of having a possibility of losing control" said Gordon.

Alvin broke out into a cold sweat. He was lucky that Bramis did not want to fight him, or else he would have inevitably used the powers of a Pyromaniac, and probably suffered a lot.

"Thank you for telling me captain. I will request Rico or Raleigh to host the ritual, compensating them appropriately for the materials and time they spend" said Alvin.

Gordon nodded with a smile, and Alvin took his leave, in order to find Donald.

"So this is it huh?" asked Donald.

Alvin and Donald were both disguised as ordinary workers in the populated East Borough. Donald used his powers as a Faceless, while Alvin used a mystical item that he was given by the church.

Raleigh was a little further away, in a parked carriage, while Donald and Alvin disguised themselves and went close to the location that Alvin sensed the malice from.

Now, they were sitting in a small restaurant, having some food, as they looked at the brothel across the street.

"Yes. I am sure. The malice I felt came from that brothel" replied Alvin.

"Well, it's tricky now. That brothel could be a secret base for members of the Aurora order, but it is very well possible that the Beyonder you fought could have just been in the brothel the time suddenly felt a surge of malice towards you" said Donald.

"That is possible. I recognise his face. Maybe we can pull the matroness into a dream and see if she remembers him? And he probably had a companion in that case, someone who reminded him about the defeat he suffered. I have the Dream World Hat I redeemed with me. We can check on both of them" said Alvin.

"That's a good idea. But we should probably make sure that it's not a base of the Aurora Order first" said Donald.

"How do you propose we do that?" asked Alvin.

"Well, you go in the brothel, and have a look around. If there are no suspicious basements or heavily guarded rooms, then it probably isn't a base of operations. If the members of the Aurora were out in the open, they probably would have been spotted due to the anomalies by informants of the church" said Donald.

"Me? You aren't coming with me?" asked Alvin.

"I will come. But I will come from the side and replace some random bouncer. Then, I will use a Sealed Artifact to hypnotise him to obtain information. Provide sufficient distraction. I will firmly escort you out after a secret hand signal, and then we can leave" said Donald.

Alvin nodded. He then smoothened the clothes he was wearing, and pulled out some soli notes from his pockets, and tightly clutching it, he walked across and swaggered into the brothel.

After a few minutes Alvin was roughly pushed out by two bouncers. After they were a sufficient distance from the brothel, Donald used a small picture and showed it to the other bouncer.

"You threw the unruly fellow out, and then you both went back inside. The other guy with you went to the toilet" said Donald to the now dazed bouncer. He numbly nodded, and went back inside.

"Well?" asked Alvin.

"I don't think this is their secret base. I hypnotised multiple bouncers and working girls. They would definitely have noticed something if there was a base hidden here" said Donald.

"Alright. So do you know where the window of the matron's room is?" asked Alvin, putting on the Dream World Hat.

"Second floor, the first window from the left. Think you can scale this building?" asked Donald.

"No problem" said Alvin. Seeing him hesitating, he continued, "I will light a match for you once I am in there"

Alvin then went up to the building from the side. Donald used his powers of illusion to roughly hide Alvin, and he clambered upwards.

Inside, the room was empty, so he lit a match and held it up. The match transformed into a huge blaze, as Donald stepped out of it.

They then waited for a while. Sure enough, the matron of the brothel walked in a few minutes later. Alvin immediately put her to sleep, and both he and Donald entered her dream.

"Madam Hally, it's me, Alvin!" said Alvin as they entered her dream, in her dream, where she was soliciting guests as usual.

"Of course, master Alvin, welcome! Should I call your regular girls?" asked the matron.

"No need. I will take someone new this time" said Alvin, as he went past her.

Right behind him, Donald walked in, now using his Faceless powers to look like the Beyonder that Alvin had fought.

"Ah, master Gregory! It's so nice to see you again! Please, come in. Should I call Flower and Diamond?" asked the matron.

"No, I am in a hurry today. Madam Hally, do you know where my companion who was here with me earlier today is?" asked Donald.

"Ah, you mean master Lyod! I did not see him after both of you left the building I am afraid" said the matron.

"Ah! Isn't that Lyod over there?" exclaimed Alvin from behind, pointing in a random direction.

As the matron looked there, a pale and skinny man materialised.

"Ah! Master Lyod! How come you didn't tell me when you visited us again!" said the matron said rushing over to him.

"Wow, we often come here don't we?" asked Donald sitting next to Lyod.

"Of course master Gregory! The valuable business you and your friends at Red Cherry Trasport Services bring us what keeps us running!" she said.

Donald and Alvin asked a few more questions, after which they left the matron's dream.