Chapter 101

"So what do think?" asked a low toned voice.

"I can't tell. The characteristic of the Black Night is almost undetectable. Just like it was before" replied another voice.

"Well, it is to be expected. If it wasn't for the weird mutation to the item that made it unable to be used, there would have been a 6th Saint long ago. There are several qualified people" said the first voice.

"So why did you call me? The Box of the Great Old Ones cannot destroy it. We confirmed that the last time" came a third voice.

"If we have no other options, I want you to take him to headquarters and let them decide what to do with him. None of us can transport him without being detected. But with the Box of the Great Old Ones and your Traveler ability you can do it" said the first voice.

"So what happened?" asked the third voice.

"Well, an Oracle of the Creator, B had a desire of being promoted, but we do not have any spare characteristics, and even if we did, it wasn't his turn. As you know, we had this weird thing that appeared to be an extraordinary characteristic of the Black Knight, but we couldn't be sure. We decided it wasn't worth it to awaken his lordship or hold a divine descent of powers of the Creator for what might only be something that was contaminated with a Black Knight's powers years ago, so we let it be. B heard of this possible characteristic that could not be made into a potion, and wanted to try to see if he could use it. He paid a large price to redeem it, and gave it to his subordinates who were of the same pathway, hoping one of them would coincidentally awaken it. And what do you know, one of his subordinates accidentally let his child who was born at Sequence 9 swallow it, and the characteristic started fusing with him for some reason. The subordinate, unaware of this, fled, thinking he had he had lost the item assigned by his superior and that he would be killed for his incompetence. A little while ago, he managed to manged to find that subordinate of his in Backlund, and unaware that he did not know, tried to extract the whereabouts of the missing item from him. Unable to find it, he tried to threaten the son, thinking he had it. This stimulated the boy, and he partially sensed and was able to use the powers of the Black Knight characteristic" said the second voice.

"He was able to use the power of a Black Knight despite still being a Sequence 9? Impressive" said the third voice.

"Indeed. And instead of quickly alerting all of us and then facilitating for us to get him out of Backlund, that idiot B tried to use the 'Shadow Stripping' method to forcefully deprive him of the Black Knight characteristic, completely ignoring the fact that it was impossible to work on demigods. Maybe he thought that since the boy wasn't a real demigod, this restriction does not apply. Another fool who doesn't understand that the promotion to a demigod is a change in the life level. All he did was completely sap the strength of himself and his two Shadow Ascetic subordinates, and force the boy to partially lose control" continued the second voice.

"And all this happened when he had already been exposed to the Nighthawks. They found the traces left behind by the boy, and using some other unknown clues, locked onto the base of operations, and launched a raid. With B and two of his strongest subordinates sapped of strength, and the others in shambles due to their proximity to an out of control kind of Sequence 4. They were trounced, and all his subordinates killed while B was captured" ended the second voice.

"Haha. That is quite a story. Do tell me what happened next" said the third voice.

"After that, the Nighthawks accidentally provoked the kind of Sequence 4 that partially lost control. One of them had a mystical item of the Spectator pathway, and manage to calm the boy down for a while. But by this time, a faint surge of powers had already spread across. And as you know, Anthony is very sensitive to such surges. He started rushing over to investigate" said the third voice.

"Luckily, A, who is also in Backlund has a sense of measure. He too detected the surge, and managed to reach the place very quickly as he was much closer. When he noticed the boy, he, unlike B, understood what it represented. So he immediately alerted me, and then lured the boy over using some residual strength of the Creator. He then detonated a grazed soul of a Spirit Warlock, thus archiving concealment effects touching upon the domain of a demigod for a brief second, which he used to wipe out all traces of this boy and made him untrackable" said the first voice.

"What should be done with the boy?" asked the third voice.

"I am not sure. But I see that while the Black Knight characteristic is still active, it is still in that strange state. So I recommend we reseal it, have this boy consume the Listener potion, lock him in the temple for 12 weeks without any external influence, and indoctrinate him into our ranks. With luck, he will be able to absorb it smoothly when he reaches Sequence 5, we will have another Saint by our side in 5 years" said the first voice.

"A has made a huge contribution this time. If he succeeds on the matter he currently is working on, his contributions will be absolute. The Creator may bestow him with a chance to become a Black Kight. By then, we may even have 7 Saints" said the second voice excitedly. "Unfortunately, I cannot be witness to what happens next. I will be sailing west in less than a week, in our grand search of the residence of the Creator" said the second voice.

"Your mission is as important to us as anything else. As for A, I agree he did a fantastic job. He even had to sacrifice a rather useful soul. Hmm... I know. I have this Demoness of Affliction I had grazed that I planned to get rid of soon. I will bestow it to him" said the first voice.

"So it's decided then. I will set off immediately" said the third voice.

The place then descended into silence.