Chapter 116

The time was just past 9 30. The tavern was bustling, as this time of the night was peak hours. In the corner of this bar, sat a young woman. While she looked short, weak and delicate, no one dared to sit within 10 feet of her.

Xio finished the glass of beer in front of her. She then looked around, but couldn't see the person who had promised to provide protection. It was almost time for the meeting she had agreed to. Hence, she had to be going. She could only hope that he had already arrived, and his hiding and his tracking skill were as excellent as he claimed.

She then got up, paid her tab, and walked out of the bar. She drew on her hood to prevent the chilly wind from affecting her, and started walking towards her destination.

She walked for over half an hour, and finally reached a cluster of small buildings on the edge of East Borough. She looked around for a while, and saw a completely hooded man. He beckoned at her, and Xio followed him. He led her to a small number of benches, that seemed to belong to a now closed outdoor cafe. There was another man already sitting down on these chairs. The hooded man sat down next to the sitting man, and Xio sat opposite to both of them.

"What is the problem?" asked Xio.

"Haven't you read files with a list of demands and disagreements from both sides already?" barked one of the sitting men.

"I have. And I remember them. Now I want you to tell me" said Xio in a firm tone.

The two men stayed silent for a while, after which, one man said, "We are in disagreement regarding the sharing of some valuables"

"Are the valuables already in either of your possession?" asked Xio.

"No. But I know of their location. But I can't retrieve them without his help" said the first voice. "But he is too greedy"

"How am I greedy? 70% is more than my fair share if I pull it off! How can you who does nothing deserve any more than 30%?" questioned the second man angrily.

"Does nothing? I spent a whole year of my life trying to find this information. I left behind everything I had, and totally degraded myself and became the servant of a wretch, just for a chance at this, and now you say I have done nothing?" yelled the first man angrily.

"Both of you calm down" yelled Xio, seeing that both of them were standing up, about to pounce at each other's throat.

"Was there a prior agreement on sharing these valuable?" asked Xio after they both calmed down.

"Yes there was! It was 50-50! Something that I believe is extremely fair" said the first voice.

"It was fair if it was just taking the valuables. But they can't just be taken now can they! I have to figure out how to take them, because you couldn't until now! And I have to bear its cost and consequences" said the second voice.

"He is stupid, but not that stupid! He will probably know it's me after you take them! And I have to bear its cost and consequences! Did you think about that?" questioned the first voice.

"If you do something dumb, you are responsible for the aftermath. It's time you learnt that" said the second voice.

"What do you mean dumb? I have tirelessly worked on finding this location and finally know it! Just because other people know I know it too doesn't make my efforts any less meritorious. I wasted a year of my life on this" said the first person.

"A year of your life? Our elder brother has wasted a year of his life! And it's not because he couldn't own up to his actions, it's because you couldn't own up to yours! And now, he is rotting away on some darned ship, while you are drinking fine wine, eating great foods, and whoring around as you please" yelled the second voice. "If you could just have waited. He warned us several times that even the weakest nobles may have recruited some Beyonders, and that even ordinary people can do things to break our plans. You just didn't listen, did you! And one of our targets escaped, our elder brother took the blame and lost his promising career and prospects, and that important figure never trusted us again. That is the reason why we are running around doing petty errands for this useless idiot. This was the one good thing that is coming out of it, and you want a lion's share while I bear all the risk?"

"For your information, I have recently found the target. I have already told this to the important figure, and he has agreed to give me and elder brother a second chance" said the first voice.

"Really?" questioned the second voice expectantly.

The first voice answered in the affirmative, and they both stayed in silence for a while.

"Well, it looks like you both have ties that run far deeper than these valuables" said Xio.

The first voice stayed silent, but the second voice gave a lowly snort.

"For now you don't really have the goods do you?" she asked further.

After a pause, both voices answered in the negative.

"So I suggest you proceed to acquire the valuables first. For now, assume that the 50-50 split is in place. After you get the valuables, you can then decide on a fair split based on the circumstances you both encountered. Simultaneously, you can pursue the solution to the problem you seemed to have. I can arbitrate for you again if necessary" said Xio.

Both the voices stayed silent. After a while, the second voice said, "I agree" which was echoed by the first voice shortly after.

"We should discuss this in detail" said the second voice, to which the first figure nodded. He took out a paper with the words 'Everything that happened here is a complete secret" written on it, with a paper clip attached to it.

Xio said, "I agree" after which the figure handed her an envelope and left.

"This is the right amount. What interesting and weird people" said Xio after counting all the notes.

"I agree" came a voice right next to her. She looked over in shock, to see a figure wearing a black cloak sitting down next to her leisurely.