Chapter 121

Alvin found himself in a structure made out of stone, in what appeared to be the third floor, overlooking a quaint little neighbourhood. Isabella was standing near the window looking at the distant hills and the various birds that were flying by.

Alvin figured this was her home before she moved to Backlund. It was understandable that she remembered it fondly. You could hardly see the sky in Backlund most of the time due to the heavy smog, let only green hills and birds. According to what he learnt from their father, Isabella and his son, Dennis were unhappy with their move to Backlund. But their father who was a skilled goldsmith, wanted to increase his earnings, and the small market in their little town would not allow it.

While the there children understood that he was doing it for their future, they were still mad at him. Sophia had gone missing shortly after they started to move, and he always suspected that she ran away to stay with some lover in town.

He walked up to Isabella and said, "Good morning Isabella"

Isabella turned around and have him a confusingly smug smile.

"Is something the matter?" asked Alvin.

She shook her head, still smiling.

"So I wanted to talk to you about what happened the evening before yesterday. Do you remember what happened? If something significant happened, you should recall it. It helps you process it better" continued Alvin.

"Yes" she said, and the surrounding started to morph. Alvin expected the surroundings to become the scene of the explosion of the bar, but instead it became a cramped room with a sleazy looking man yelling at some people

His point of view was from the top of some beams on the roof. A figure was next to him, wearing jet black clothes and a black mask, who he recognised as Isabella, who suddenly dived downwards. She plunged a knife into the back of the head of the sleazy man, and while the rest of the people were still in shock, she kicked jumped out of the open window.

The room was on the third floor, but she glided down slowly like a feather, and touched down on the ground. The men in the room started yelling, as she dashed into the street and started running. A few of the men symbolically chased after her, but lost her in a few seconds. She ran into a few alleys, vaulted over a few obstacles and finally ran into what appeared to be a deserted building.

After entering, she cautiously looked back, and after confirming no one was behind her, she unmasked herself and strode into a room.

Alvin confirmed that the person he was seeing was the same person who he saw in front of the store after the explosion. But this assassination sequence was apparel what happened in the evening the day before yesterday. Just from the surrounding, he was quite sure that this location was somewhere deep in the East Borough. Though the location he saw her at was close to the edge of the East Borough, the East Borough itself was huge. Without a travellers ability, there was no way she could have been near the exploded shop and at the same time been committing this assassination.

But since he was beginning to get interested in her story, he decided to put off the questions till later.

As she strode in, there was a hooded woman sitting on a chair. Alvin could only partly see the features of her lower face, but he already felt he was very attractive in terms of looks.

"Have you finished the mission?" she asked in a soft voice.

"Borat is no more" replied Isabella confidently.

"That is good. I will collect the bounty soon. If you both keep this up, you will be able to afford the Sequence 8 potion ingredients very soon" said the hooded woman.

Alvin noted down the name Borat, as he could use his intelligence network to possibly lock onto the identity of this woman by finding out who claimed the bounty on him.

Suddenly, the hooded woman started coughing. She seemed to be in great pain as she as she took ragged breaths, and she even spat out some chunks of flesh and blood.

"Are you okay?" asked Isabella concerned.

"I am fine. You don't need to worry" replied the hooded woman.

"But since you were hit by those green flames a week ago, you still haven't recovered. How can I not worry?" said Isabella.

"It is a bit tricky, but it is not fatal. I can bear it for now. I know what to do if I cannot" replied the hooded woman.

"Nevermind that. How is the digestion of your potion coming along? What about your sister?" she asked changing the subject.

"So they know the acting method. And it seems that Sophia is still in touch with Isabella. She might be part of the 'you both' referred to earlier" thought Alvin from the side.

"We both are doing very well. We will both probably finish digesting the portion within the month, or maybe even earlier" said Isabella.

"That's very good. Now you should go back and have some rest. Tell Isabella that if she wants, I have an assassination lined up for her for tonight. I will be in the same place as always" said the hooded woman.

The woman Alvin thought to be Isabella nodded, and turned around re-wore the mask and left.

As she was leaving, muttered to herself, "I must discuss with Izzy and come up with a method or solution for these green flames that Diane has in her abdomen. I can see that it is hurting her badly. She is just trying to put up a brave front"

The scene faded, and Alvin found that he was back in third floor window of her previous home.

"Did anything else significant happen that day?" asked Alvin.

"No. It was a regular day other than that" she replied.

"And what is your name?" asked Alvin.

"Sophia" she said.