"Quiet! Listen to me everyone! I have found the bottom of the devil fish, they are under each island! We want to defeat them must go into the water!" Kama interrupted the dragons and said.

"Go to the sea?" A dragon was slightly silent.

Although it is a legendary real dragon, its strength is unparalleled.

But in the sea, this is the home ground of the sea monsters!

The combat power of all dragons will be reduced, their breath will not be used, and their movements will become slow!

The only difference is the question of how much to lower.

Especially when the number of such sea monsters is uncountable!

Even if they go to sea, maybe they will be in danger?

"Then go to the sea! Directly defeat them!" Some true dragons are fearless.

"Yes! We must capture them alive this time! These disgusting guys dare to provoke our dragon with their immortality! I want them to know how serious the consequences are!"

A group of real dragons are noisy, clamoring to teach the bottom-dwelling magic fish to make fish.

Kama nodded, and then grouped the dragons into groups. For safety's sake, every four dragons were in a group, responsible for a group of benthic magic fish.

Before going to the sea, Kama gave the dragons a layer of buffing spells, and then the dragons entered the sea.

In the end, only Kama and Shillong were left.

Kama said to Silom: "Child! Let's go to the sea too! You follow me."

Silo nodded when he heard the words.

The two dragons went down to the sea, and Shillong turned back into his real body, his current size was already comparable to Karma.

At this time, there are sea monsters everywhere in the sea. It is really dense. These sea monsters seem to be mad. They usually perceive the breath of the dragon and run around. Now they are like a death squad, facing Shillong and Ka Ma launched a death charge!

Papa Papa~

A group of small things about one meter slammed into Shillong's scales and knocked themselves out!

Some of them even hit their heads because they were too fast!

The sea water quickly dyed red!

Kama casts the spell again.

"Laws? Shocking!"

This is a very high-level deterrent spell.

A circle of invisible ripples spread from Kama's body, and the eyes of marine creatures hundreds of meters around him dizzy and floated toward the sea.

"Follow me!" Kama's words appeared directly in Shillong's mind.

He wandered quickly to the right.

The ripples from him continue. As long as those marine creatures get close to Karma, they are really like encountering a power grid. Some float directly out of the sea, and some fall directly down.

The two dragons swim freely. They have been swimming for one or two kilometers, and finally large sea monsters about ten meters in size appear. These sea monsters are no longer afraid of shock.

They roared in the sea, dozens of them swarmed up, and there were many more behind them. The battle was really not small.

Kama saw this battle without any counsel, and swam directly over to the sea monsters.

The size difference between the two sides is huge, and Kama is not under pressure to deal with it, but is there too many sea monsters? There are always a few that go around behind Kama and bite him.

Silong also encountered the siege of twenty or thirty big sea monsters. These guys would definitely die when they met Siro!

Shillon's power is far greater than Karma.

quickly emptied these sea monsters, and then he helped Kama clean up the rest.

At this time, there is no big sea monster to trouble them, but the boundless schools of small fish around have interfered with Shillong and Kama's sight.

The two dragons searched in the sea for a long time but they did not find the benthic magic fish.

For a long time, Kama said to Shillong: "These bottom-dwelling magic fish are very cunning. They should have seen that they can't beat us alone, so they must be avoiding us now. These fish schools have revealed where we are!"

"What should I do?" Shillong asked.

"You can only wait for the dragons of other groups to solve their group of benthic magic fish first! Two dragons in one group is not enough.

Only four scattered actions together can prevent the benthic magic fish from escaping. "Kama said.

"This..." An irritability arose from the depths of Siro's heart!

**** it! He felt like he was being teased by these low-level creatures!

There is no way to deal with them?

This is impossible! There is nothing I Shillon? Soderberg can't solve it!

It would be nice if it was on land! I just breathed in and let you all die!

He wandered irritably for a while, then suddenly turned his head and said to Kama: "Teacher, wait here for a while, I will immediately catch those bottom-dwelling magic fish!"

After , he did not wait for the other party to react, and directly activated the repulsion!

Layers of seawater were pushed away by the repulsive force, Siro's surrounding environment became anhydrous, the wings behind him instantly opened, and the red-gold flame ignited!

Boom! ! ! ~~

Shillong is like a king of the sea, starting to rampage in the sea.

With the repulsive drainage, Shillong's speed in the sea is also extremely fast, reaching the speed of sound!

In this state, as long as the ordinary little sea monster is hit by his repulsive force, it will be hit and shattered!

A large tract of small sea monsters was hit to death, and the red color instantly dyed the entire sea area and spread to the surroundings!


at the same time.

Two or three kilometers to the left of Shillong, three strange fishes with a body length of three or four meters gathered together.

These strange fish look a bit like radishes, and the mouths on their heads are wide open, revealing the sharp teeth inside.

There are a lot of tentacles under the cheeks on both sides of , UU Reading www.uukavanshu.com has three eyeballs on his forehead, and five or six long tails behind him.

"Wow wow wow wow~ (a dragon is approaching us again! Two kilometers away at ten o'clock! A bottom-dwelling magic fish was talking to the other two in a language specific to its own race.

After said, the bottom demon fish moved to the right, and the other two followed closely. They began to avoid each other.

"This group of **** lizards! We will let them know who is the overlord of the sea! The ignorance that believes in the gods will be destroyed by us!" Another benthic magic fish said.

The bottom dwelling magic fish have eternal memories, even if they die, they will pass on their memories.

This inheritance is more comprehensive than that of the Dragon Clan.

So comprehensive that even after tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years, the memory will not fade!

In the distant past, the hatred of the gods when they destroyed the benthic magic fish empire is still vivid!

This is also the reason why they never give up and insist on attacking believers!

"Inferior lizards! They will never find us in the sea! Soon their homes will be destroyed by us! Then they will taste the same taste as we did!" The words of a benthic magic fish revealed a delight .

They calmly moved to the right, not afraid of being spotted by the dragons in the sea.

But suddenly, the lead demon fish stiffened.

"No! Those lizards are not in ten o'clock directions! They are in a few directions!"

"Still wrong! At five o'clock! At eight o'clock! No no! It's really at ten o'clock!

is still wrong, at eight o'clock! bad! He is getting closer and closer to us! "At the end, this bottom-dwelling magic fish was a little flustered. The tentacle-