"Why? I forgot everything about last night? Think about it!" the boss said.

"Last night... Last night..." Anna clutched her head and tried to remember.

"A dragonborn, an elf."

The boss reminded him.

Anna's eyes lit up: "Yes! Those two big money! They are now!"

"Wait! Things don't seem to be right!" Anna's face suddenly changed, and she finally remembered: "Yesterday I wanted to get drunk with them so that you can triple the amount of alcohol! In the end I was poured? Those two A kid ran away?"

"Yeah! You missed it! Those two kids drank all the wine, nothing happened at all! It's hard to believe that this amount of alcohol is just underage dragonborn and elves." The boss said helplessly.

"Damn it! My chance of getting rich is gone like this! Those two brats! As long as I dare to pack them up, I will get rich! Both of them have space rings! And their respective swords, The value of the saber alone is definitely more than ten gold!

and that elf! All his clothes are melted with silver coins! The price is definitely a few gold coins!

In the space ring of this kind of guy, the value of the stuff is definitely more than hundreds of gold coins! "Anna was furious.

This kind of foreign rich child is really rare in a few years! Obviously, as long as you get this ticket, you can go directly out of the city and go to a city for a lifetime!

"Unfortunately, they have no chance with you." The boss said.

"Forget it! I'm leaving now! There are other things to do today!" Anna shook her head, took a deep breath, and wanted to go outside after she got rid of her boredom.

When the boss saw this, he rushed out of his counter and stood in front of Anna. He smiled and said, "Have you forgotten something important?"

"What?" Anna frowned.

"Money! Bastard! You haven't paid yet! Just want to get out of my door like this? Do you think I'm a vegetarian?" The boss yelled.

Anna was taken aback, and smiled awkwardly: "Haha, sorry, how much is it?"

"A total of 12 gold and 3 silver! For the sake of your old customers, count your 12 gold." The boss said.

"What!!? 12 gold coins??" Anna exclaimed.

The sound was extremely harsh, like dozens of ducks crowing together.

The boss couldn't help but frown.

"I only ordered four dishes and two barrels of wine, so you will charge me 12 gold!? Old Jamie is not so bad, right!" Anna roared.

"Asshole! Will my old Jamie cheat people? Think about how many dishes you ordered yesterday!" The boss also ranted back.


Anna looked at the opponent's tough look, frowned and thought, but after a while, her complexion changed again.

"How is it? Do you remember it?" The boss said with a sneer: "Who bluntly told the two foreigners yesterday to order? You will not forget it!"

Anna: "..."

"Big Brother Jamie! We have known each other for several years, and we have brought you a lot of guests! See if the money can be slowed down..." Anna's mouth forced a smile.

"No! My mercenary tavern doesn't have a credit statement!" The boss was expressionless.

"Then...Big Brother Jamie, give the younger sister a bit cheaper, okay?" Anna's voice was soft, and people couldn't help but want to get close.

"Asshole! Didn't I already give you 3 silver coins cheaper? Still want to be cheaper? I tell you! Don't think about it!" The boss clasped his arms, unmoved.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu don't have so much money ~ you just accommodating it ~" Anna's eyes began to redden, the tears inside.

The boss, Jamie, just looked at him quietly, his expression unmoved: "You can cry! I frown and count me as losing! When you finish crying, I will send you to the city's security management office! Go inside and continue to cry. !"

"Woo woo woo woo~" Anna cried bitterly.

kept crying for a long time, and Jamie did not back down.

Anna finally stopped crying, she expected to take out a purse from her pocket, and then fell on the table next to her.

Gold coins and silver coins were scattered.

Anna struck out 12 gold coins with difficulty, and added up the remaining two or three gold coins.

She clutched her chest and shouted, "It hurts! It hurts!"

"Hehe~" Boss Jamie took the gold coins on the table and immediately put on a smile: "Welcome to come again next time! Anna!"

"Damn it! Damn it! The old lady saved money for two years! It's all gone! Those two brats! I won't let them go!" Anna ran out angrily.

correct! The two brats said yesterday that they belonged to the Soderbergh Chamber of Commerce!

That dressing, they are destined to be not ordinary, so I still go to their club!

The old lady does not make back the lost money! I can't swallow this breath!

Time went back to last night. After Anna was drunk, Shillong and Arman ate all the dishes on the table.

Lao Gao was stacked with plates, and a large group of mercenaries around looked at the two dragons in amazement. This appetite is too good, right? Replaced by them, it is estimated that it will take more than 20 people to get this table of dishes!

And they? Only two! Do dragonborn and elves have such a big appetite?

A group of people dont ask themselves~wuxiaworld.online~ If they are all this big, how did these two groups survive until now?

"Hey! The food here is really good! Human food is well-known!" Arman patted his stomach and exclaimed.

"You're full, let's go! Find a hotel to rest, and go to Andre tomorrow." Silom said.

"Now I'm leaving? What about Anna?" Arman glanced at Anna, who was lying on the table and awake.

"The owner of this tavern should know Anna, and he will be optimistic." Silom said.

"Okay! Let's go!" Arman said, and stood up to leave.

The counter owner who had been staring at them saw this, and immediately became a little anxious. He hurried to the two dragons and said, "Two guests, your money has not been given yet!"

"Money?" Arman was taken aback: "Anna said, she treats her."

"This..." The boss gritted his teeth and said: "I don't know who you are going to treat, but this time the fee is not low. I'm afraid this drunk woman can't afford to pay when you leave!

Moreover, leaving a drunk woman and asking the other party to pay is not a gentleman's behavior. "

"Oh~" Arman was a little entangled when he heard the words: "But Mingming Anna said that she was a treat! Why do you want us to pay?

Okay~ How much do you think this time? "

The boss smiled and said, "Two gentlemen, 12 gold and 3 silver coins."

"What? 12 gold coins?" Arman exclaimed.

Why is it so expensive? That's nothing more than Dragon Island's!

"Sir, you ordered a total of eighty-three dishes and two barrels of wine... This price will naturally be a bit expensive..." The boss was also a little embarrassed.