After that, several sheriffs quickly put on their equipment, all in bright silver armor, fully armed, wearing helmets, and long swords. And a standard dwarf musket.

The dwarf musket is a very popular strategic weapon.

Their power is not a particularly powerful weapon in this world where magic, divine art, and battle spirit coexist, but they are particularly effective against the "weak".

The "weak" occupy more than 90% of the armies of the major kingdoms!

Humans without any armor, as long as they are below level 7 or 8, are at a disadvantage when facing muskets.

Even level 7, 8, or even level 10 fighters will be killed when facing a group of muskets!

Only those powerful existences of more than ten levels can ignore the threat of muskets, but such people are very rare.

If the weapon of a level 1 ordinary person is a musket, he will have a great probability of defeating a level 4 warrior with a sword weapon head-on, provided that neither side has excellent full body armor.

The power of the musket can be seen from this.

Several sheriffs sat on horses and drove the proprietress to the hotel quickly.

There are a total of eight sheriffs. They showed extremely high quality. Under the leadership of the boss's wife, they quickly came to the door of Silom and Arman.

"It's here! Think for yourself! The rich nobles will live here?" The lady boss said softly, aiming at the door.

The sheriff in the lead looked at the small wooden house in front of him. Perhaps it was a utility room before? The dilapidated exterior walls, discolored walls, and potholes all told the dilapidation of the house.

Really rich people live here?

Obviously not!

Only slum people can live in this place!

Several sheriffs looked at each other, signaled the proprietress to step back, and then drew the one-handed sword from her waist.

The one-handed sword exudes cold light in the night.

It seemed that the night might not be too peaceful.


The leading sheriff kicked the wooden door, and several sheriffs walked into the wooden house, one-handed sword and musket pointed at the suspect inside, and shouted: "Don't move! You are already surrounded by us! All squatting! Raise your hands down!"

The sheriff finished speaking before he had time to look at their goals.

Unlike what you imagined, a dragon wing and an elf did not sleep at this time, but stood up straight. The dragon descendant stood in front of the elf and protected the elf, while the gorgeously dressed The elves drew out his one-handed sword and looked at them angrily.

I only saw him airing: "Who are you guys? Robbers? I have long heard that there are more robbers here! But I didn't expect to be met by us the first time I came to Xinglan City!

You guys! I tell you, I met Alman Soderberg today! It will be your misfortune!

I want to punish you on behalf of justice! "

At the end, Arman's expression became upright.

"You thieves! We are the sheriff in the city! We received a report from the masses! You two have stolen the noble finances! Hurry up and catch it! Otherwise, don't blame us for doing it on you!" The sheriff looked on guard, with one-handed sword. On the chest.

"You robbers! Have you even thought of excuses? But justice will not succumb to evil! Come on!" Arman said at the end, holding the sword and wanted to rush forward.

On the side of , the wings behind Shillong spread out and hung in front of Arman: "Wait! Arman, there must be some misunderstanding here."

Shillong was very calm. The group of guys in front of him looked like the city's security managers. They offended the trouble they might have in the city in the future. Besides, the two of them didn't do anything. They were naturally not afraid of shadows.

"..." Arman was stopped by Shillong, and calmed down a bit, and stopped the movement of his hands.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Shillong said to the sheriff.

There is no intention to do anything.

"We received a report that you are stealing items from nobles." The sheriff also explained.

"Theft? Whose did we steal? You guys don't lie there anymore! You are a despicable robber! You must have fallen in love with my treasure!" Arman cried out behind Shillong.

"Who reported us? I swear that we did not steal, nor did we need to steal." Silom said.

"It's the proprietress of the hotel," the sheriff said.

"Boss?" Silom frowned.

What does this boss lady mean? When did we offend her? Why do we need to rectify?

"That's right! It's me!" The lady boss outside the house heard the voice inside the house and walked to the door and said, "You two paupers! Don't think that you are a nobleman if you stole the property of a nobleman and a wealthy businessman! The real nobleman and the rich merchant will live 10 Copper one night hotel?

actually only opened one defense? Isn't it crowded?

Hmph! You two thieves! Don't hide from my old lady's eyes! "

At the end, the lady boss felt more proud.


turns out to be the problem!

Shillon thought about the matter once, and it seemed to be exactly what the lady boss said, it made sense!

But the dragon cannot be treated with common sense!

So you are wrong!

But unfortunately I cant explain it clearly!

But its okay, I know people!

"We are not thieves, and we don't need to steal. Housing is just a night's thing. It doesn't matter whether it is good or bad. We are different from what you humans value." Xilong said: "That's right! We just arrived today. Lancheng, is here to find Andre Claudius!

He is the current president of the Soderbergh Chamber of Commerce, should you know each other?"

"Andre? Claudius? You said you know Andre? Claudius?" The security captain could not see his face under the iron helmet~wuxiaworld.online~ but the voice was a little surprised.

"Yes! We are here to find him." Silom replied.

"Hahaha! You said you two thieves know President Andre? Don't laugh at me! How can such a big man know you two thieves!" The boss lady doesn't believe the two dragons!


Silom frowned slightly, with a little unhappy in his heart, this lady boss is so good, how do you say that she is so annoying to do things?

I live in your store for nothing? Still steal your stuff?

want to target me like this?

In Shillon's vertical pupil, the stream of golden particles began to become more active, gathering and dispersing.

The room that was lacking of lights turned on and off.

In the entire room, an inexplicable pressure fell.

The air seems to become sticky!

The first lady boss just felt suffocated in her breath, as if she had a pair of big hands strangling her neck, and her chest was pressed by a boulder weighing tens of kilograms! The air can't be sucked up!

Her complexion became a bit crimson, her eyes gradually became bloodshot, her body was inexplicably hot, and her chest was extremely bored.

The body was filled with a sense of powerlessness.

"Woo~" The lady boss made a whine in her mouth unconsciously, her eyes full of panic.

"What are you doing!?" Suddenly a loud shout came, sweeping away the unnatural atmosphere in the room.

A sheriff outside the house discovered this abnormal phenomenon in time. The people in the whole house seemed to be abnormal, especially the lady boss who didn't wear armor. Everything that happened to her was seen by the sheriff.

That's why there is this blast!

