Not far away, Neferu, who was entangled by a group of elemental creatures and a few followers of the black blood beast, also discovered Andrei's situation, and suddenly felt anxious.

After swept away two earth elements with his tail, his neck was gently tilted back, his mouth was opened, and a beam of blue lightning aimed at the three-headed dog!

The price of this breath is that he has been cut out of a few small holes.

The blue lightning struck the devil dogs left front leg.

A large amount of smoke appeared on the left front leg of this demon dog. The demon dog is a fire creature. He is immune to most burns, but the paralytic characteristics that make him bite Andre stiff, and then he is safe. Dre teared off a large piece of meat!

The painful devil dog wailed desperately, but it was a pity that he was fixed by the golden dragon and could only be bitten.

But at this time, those who besieged Neferu were not idle, and she soon overwhelmed herself.

At this time, the senior warrior believer holding a giant axe had already rushed dozens of meters in front of Shillong.

The ferocious face frightened Alman with a sharp spirit.

The strength of this guy, Arman is in his eyes!

Absolutely strong!

The kind that can hang him up and hit him!

Shillon raised his arm at the believer.

Boom! !

The strong repulsion pushes forward! The mud on the ground was bombarded tens of centimeters lower, splashing around.

The repulsive force blasted this believer, and this believer did not even persuade him at all. With a sudden wave of his hands, his axe slashed forward!


After a slight stalemate for a moment, the believer's expression changed, and he quickly jumped back to the left to avoid the repulsion.

This repulsive belt pushed back ten more meters before disappearing.

The believer moved his body again at this time, and he launched a storm-like onslaught, trying to make Shillong too fast to react!

After all, in his impression, no matter how talented a wizard is without a guardian, he is extremely easy to deal with!

His speed was extremely fast, but he still couldn't break through Shillong's repulsion.

This believer surrounded Shillong's body and tried to advance continuously.

The surrounding rumbling and loud noises continued, and the repulsion belt kept advancing and increasing.

believers are constantly changing their bodies, wielding a giant axe again and again!

This terrible duel scared Arman again.

He was so afraid that the **** on the opposite side would break through Shillong's defenses and chop him with an axe!

Arman, who is in the body of an elf, hides behind Shillong, holding his shoulders tightly with both hands: "Shillon! Go back to his real body! Use your invincible real body to defeat these bastards!"

He was a little annoyed with this fellow Silom. He clearly showed the battle that could be crushed by his real body. Why did he delay it until now?

Didn't you see that the axe was only two or three meters away from the forehead again?

How dangerous!

Arman, this guy said lightly.

This kid doesn't understand anything at all!

Why is Shillong unwilling to turn back into his real body?

is not trying to hide my true strength!

is away from home, and there are no great brothers and sisters.

If the real strength is directly exposed prematurely.

was learned by a deliberate enemy! Then next time the enemy will be as strong as you, or stronger than yourself, right?

Dont understand this?

Haven't read a certain novel?

What if there are a hundred and eighty legends next time? Can I only take you away? What happens in the middle is even worse!

Shillong thought a lot at this moment.

But soon, the black blood beast believer on the opposite side could not allow Siron to think more.

When faced with the impact of a repulsive force again, this guy suddenly shouted: "High-level **** violent!"

This is his exclusive violent stunt.

The high-level rage unique to the barbarians, and the **** rage combined with the special effects of the Mara believers, merged into the current high-level blood rage!

The body of this believer swells again!

directly became a little giant about 2.5 meters!

The figure is exaggerated to the extreme!

The arms are full of muscles! The animal skin shorts on the lower body were also burst in an instant!

A wisp of blood floated from his body and floated to the sky. At this time, he looked terrifying!

is like a **** muscle demon from hell!

once again faced the repulsion belt, the believer's axe swung from top to bottom!


In a loud roar, the axe smashed the invisible repulsion belt!

A layer of broken glass-like fragments suddenly appeared in the surrounding air, suddenly appeared, and then suddenly disappeared.

"Hahahahaha!!!" The believer laughed wildly, getting closer and closer to Shillong!

Seeing this madman rushing forward, Shillong used gravity again!


The dashing believer bent his body and almost fell down. His hands instantly supported the ground with a giant axe to support his body.

Blue veins on the forehead burst!


With force under his feet, the believers shot straight towards Shillong like a cannonball.

no solution anymore!

Xilon secretly said in his heart that his current dragonborn body is still too weak! The difference between 15% and 100% is the difference between heaven and earth!

His body distorted with his thoughts, and soon turned into a super monster over 25 meters tall!

That's right! He still retained his strength!

did not show the real body!

However, the current strength is enough to cope with this situation easily!

On the dark scale armor, a little red golden brilliance flows, and the entire space seems to be slightly discolored.

This super monster raised its forelimbs and slapped directly at the giant axe believer on the opposite side! From top to bottom!


The berserk giant axe believer looked at the giant beast that obscured the sky in front of him.

But in the next moment, the soldier's quick thinking still made him figure out the key!

This is fake!

no doubt!

The monster in front of him is absolutely legendary!

But this dragon is a little dragon with a bone age of about 40!

This is the result of a magic detection by the intelligence organization a few days ago!

And this dragon is a magic genius!

The spell just now is really powerful! But because I am a magic genius ~wuxiaworld.online~, I will not be fooled!

The monster in front of him is just the opponent's transformation technique!

Hahahaha! I should really praise you! This is such an amazing transformation technique! I almost believed it!

"Hahahaha~~ They are all fake! The mere illusion also wants to confuse me???"

Seeing the claws of the giant beast getting closer and closer, the Berserker was not afraid at all. He seemed to have seen the phantom that shattered the opponent, and then split the opponent in half with an axe!

can't help but bring a bloodthirsty smile!


The claws of the giant beasts suddenly accelerated at this moment, causing a burst of energy, and instantly collided with the Berserker!

"Die to me!" The berserker's axe also smashed the beast's claws!

Clang! ! !

With a loud noise, the Berserker recalled his childhood, and when he first got an iron axe, he used it to chop iron blocks!

When the axe went down, both arms were almost cracked!

The feeling seems to be stronger this time!

The force of the collision between the two arms instantly turned into a cloud of blood!


His eyes widened instantly!

seems to be different from what I thought!

Don't wait for him to think about it, the claws of the behemoth are already covering his body!

then press!

rumbling rumbling

The entire ground was covered by giant claws, with a radius of one thousand meters, as if an earthquake of magnitude eight or nine had occurred!

Several fighting fighters almost fell down!

invariably raised his head to look at the earthquake center.

Then there was deathly silence!