Silom did not speak.

The students did not speak either, and William did not speak either.

They all know that Shillong is a super genius.

Principal Troy is a senior who likes genius very much. Seeing genius, he can't help but want to accept him as a disciple!

This is an occupational disease!

Shillon looked at the other party's big smile, "The proposal is good, but! I refuse!"


Troy was taken aback. Since becoming a legendary swordsman, he has accepted more than a dozen apprentices. This is the first time that he has been rejected!

And he also accepted several inhuman disciples.

The student next to is also shocked, is there any mistake?

Becoming a Juggernaut, such a coveted thing, unexpectedly refused!

This dragon descendant doesn't put the legend in his eyes at all!

Count you hanging!

Troy asked, "Why?"

"Because, I already have a master, although I don't teach swordsmanship."

Shillong replied.

I actually dont want to find a human teacher! The coach next to Troy who temporarily taught for a while yesterday is not a teacher.

As a person who was born in Blue Star in his previous life, he still values the relationship with the teacher more seriously.

With this level of relationship, it is not only the master who needs to carefully teach and love the apprentice.

There are also apprentices who need to help and respect the master if they can.

For ordinary people, it is natural to be able to climb this relationship with a legendary sword master.

But Shillong doesnt need it. Is the legend very strong?

Compared with the average person, of course it is very strong, but how is it compared with him? That's really not good!

So Siro does not need this relationship, he doesn't want to find a human elder to honor him.

does not need the power of this human elder.

After all, the two are not the same race anymore!

"Oh, okay! Alright! If you don't want to, forget it!" Troy also simply said, "Since you don't want to, then I'll go."

After finishing speaking, he nodded to Shillong and left soon.

Modern? Caesar looked at Shillong in the crowd and was moved again!

He came with him after seeing Troy!

But he never thought of it! Shillong would actually refuse to be the opponent's apprentice!

I refused this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

What a great thing!

Modern on the other side, and saw the respect for his master!

In order not to have one more master, and to share a share of filial piety, he directly rejected the Legendary Sword Master!

This is a dragonborn who is extremely respected!

His great brilliance is so dazzling!

in this real world! Everyone has sharpened their heads, and when they want to build relationships with powerful people, he is the only one!

Get out of the silt without staining! Only him! Alone!

Amazing! Amazing!

can't do it! The blood and emotion in my heart burned!

I want to go to the playground and run ten laps! Only in this way can we become stronger! Get a good result! Repaying far away, the swordsman in hometown!

Thinking like this, Modern leaves quickly!

Troy's departure caused other students to leave. The last one left was William. He took a deep look at Shillong before closing the door and leaving.

Only Shillong and Arman are left in the entire venue.

At this time, Arman smiled at Shillong and said, "Shillong! You guy! Good job! It really didn't shame me!"

"You kid, give me peace! It's only been a few days now? Just cause me trouble!" Silom said, "Is there anything else? I can continue to practice swords without me."

"No! I think you can practice?"


Arman stayed here for about an hour, then went back to continue the class and practice sword.

The days after seemed a lot more peaceful, and Arman didn't provoke anyone anymore.

Maybe its because everyone knows that this guy has a very strong brother.

On the contrary, many people started to flatter him!

Actually, they wanted to curry favor with Siro, but Siro had been practicing in the martial arts field, and they didn't want to have too much intersection with these people.

He honestly studied fancy sword moves in the training room.

This kind of day has been going on for nearly a month.

this day.

At night, a bright moon hangs high in the sky.

Andre Villa, in Shillon and Armans room, two dragons were lying on the bed, preparing to rest. Suddenly, there was a violent wave of magic power, and a portal appeared beside Arman.

This portal appears purple and black.

is two meters high.

At the moment it appeared, a voice also came from the portal.

"Dear metal dragons! Please listen to our prayers!

We are the natural elves of the blue and white forest, the believers of the goddess of the forest, Elona. Now, we have been violated by the evil green dragon and the black dragon. We need your help!

For this, we will certainly offer you a satisfactory reward! "

With a brush, Arman, who was originally lying on the bed, suddenly straightened up.

enthusiastically said to Shillong: "Shillong! Hurry! The time for justice is here! Let's go and support these natural spirits!"

Silom glanced at the portal, and was very calm. For this situation, there are records in his dragon heritage.

This is a higher dragon summoning spell cast by the opposite nature elves!

requires a wizard with at least 16 level to cast, and the gods they believe in must have a certain relationship with Bahamut, the **** of good dragons.

It's actually very simple to want to have a relationship with the old good dragon of Bahamut. As long as you are in the good camp, you can basically get along well.

And Elona is also a deity in the good camp.

There is a covenant between the two gods, and the people and believers of both sides will naturally help each other.

Of course, it is inevitable to pay a certain reward for inviting help, especially when the dragon is invited, and this kind of reward is generally determined based on the strength of the dragon and the difficulty of completing the task.

This is also the reason why Arman is so excited, to be able to deliver justice and earn coins! It's perfect!

Shillong does not reject this kind of support. Generally speaking, the metal dragon will support it in such a situation. If you can't fight, you only know if you can't fight. If you can't fight, then run!

can't run away? Do not make jokes! Lao Tzu's speed is kilometer per second!

"Wait! You'd better not go there!" Silom stopped Arman from saying, "If it is especially dangerous to face each other, it will be bad if I don't protect you!"

"This..." Arman was taken aback for a moment, then said: "Don't! I'll go with you! Isn't it more dangerous to be separated from you!?"

He thought of the attack he encountered in the previous movie!

In the forest near the city, you can encounter attacks. What if the enemy directly kills Andres house. Isnt Shillon relying on Andre to live?

Do not make jokes!

Only by Shillons side is the safest!

Arman deeply understands this truth!

Obviously, Shillong also thought about this question, and finally agreed.

The two dragons came to the side of the portal, and when they were about to step in, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Xilong paused slightly: "Don't go in yet! Go in with a shrunken dragon shape! It's safer like this!"

Because the portal is in the house and it is too small, it is impossible for him to directly pass by himself, he must be in a changed body shape.

For the sake of safety, the reduced dragon shape is obviously the strongest!

is at least much stronger than the dragonborn form!

After saying this, Shillong's figure was distorted, and he quickly turned into a black gold dragon with a height of 1.5 meters.

Dont ask why its not two meters! Because the portal is oval!

has become two meters, and Esilons body width is absolutely beyond the standard!

"What you said makes sense!" Arman nodded in agreement, and soon became a small silver dragon of the same size.

The two dragons quickly got into the portal.


is in the blue and white forest hundreds of kilometers away from Xinglan City.

The flames of war were filled with smoke, and tracts of trees were knocked to the ground by giant beasts.

Pieces of corpses fell on the ground, blood staining the whole land.

At least two to three thousand corpses fell on the ground, with a mixed race.

There are originally beautiful, beautiful natural elves, orcs with cyan skin and strong builds, short puppies, and a group of lizard people, as well as white horses, demons, ogres, and so on.

These creatures lost their lives forever.

There are also groups of nature elves sweeping the battlefield.

Pack the corpse of the companion.

"Today's attack is just a test!" On the edge of the battlefield, a beautiful female elf with blond hair and a flower crown looked at the battlefield being cleaned with a heavy face, and said to several elves around her.

Beside her, there are several elves, three women and one man.