
The old black dragon is spinning again! boom!

The earth shakes with this!

The dense cobwebs radiate to the surrounding cracks.

He was smashed into the servants by Shillong like a torn sack! Several unlucky guys were killed in this one!

These hapless eggs were directly smashed into meatloaf, red and white all over the place!


The old Heilong screamed, and when he wanted to struggle, the picture before him changed again!

There was a loud noise!

He was hit on another ground!

Boom! boom! boom! boom!

The whole ground is shaking continuously.

Within a kilometer, the fighting troops had difficulty even standing. Everyone was stunned when they saw the old black dragon being madly beaten, and some even forgot to continue the fight.

Did they read it wrong?

A legendary old black dragon was thrown like a toy by a stronger-looking mutant black gold dragon?


Except for the sound of a big earthquake cracking, all the roars of the old black dragon's high resistance.

The sound is ups and downs, it seems to have a certain rhythm...

The old green dragon and the elf queen also stopped tacitly, and watched Silong furiously in surprise.

The old green dragon saw it in shock, and already started thinking about running away.

"Wow "

The old black dragon roared, his head was stained red with blood, and his head was dizzy, but he knew that if it continued like this, it would really kill the dragon!

He tried his best to fan his wings when he fell into the air, and his body slammed into Shillong. When he approached, he usually hugged Shillong's neck.

then bit him on his neck.


is like biting on the extremely hard magic iron! The old black dragon felt that he was just biting the opponent's scales and sinking slightly!

With all my strength, it only penetrated about a centimeter...

If you want to pierce through at least ten centimeters of scales, lets dream...

Shillong didn't panic about this situation. He cocked his neck and opened his mouth just as a flame spurted out.

This is not nuclear calm breath, but ordinary dragon breath.

The red-gold flame turned into a torrent, covering a hundred meters ahead in a fan shape.

The temperature of the flame is at least about two thousand degrees.

This kind of high-temperature flame burned directly on the old black dragon and on the ground behind him.

The old black dragon suddenly screamed more astonishingly than before, and he felt that the water in his body was evaporating quickly!

When looks like a human, it is like being put on a stove! It's crackling.

The magical protective layer on his body did not make him feel much better.

He loosened his forelimbs and wanted to get away from Shillong, but at this time Shillong also stretched out his forelimbs, hugged the opponent tightly in his arms, and sprayed flames with his mouth open.

The entire body of the black dragon burned in the flames!

The water and flesh in his body are disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The original black scales slammed and screamed, the flesh rolled, and the pungent smell kept coming out of him!


Heilong's body was grilled frantically.

After he stretched his neck and poked out the flames, the first thing he did was not to fight back, but to plead:

"Shut up! Shut up! Don't burn it! I can't stand it anymore!"

The old black dragon begs for mercy!

But Siro didn't care about him, the flame in his mouth continued to spray.

"Shut up!... Forgiveness... the black dragon brother!" The old black dragon shouted with all his strength: "Everyone is a black dragon! Maybe it was a family fifty thousand years ago! Why bother with each other! Today you let me go! "

He is really scared!

The weird black dragon in front of him is too strong, so he can't struggle at all, and this flame is even more powerful than the ordinary red dragon! l If burned by him for another minute, I will definitely be burned to death!

But Silom didnt care about him, the flames in his mouth were still blowing, and the old black dragons begging for mercy gradually weakened, and soon, there was really no breath...

When Siro stopped his mouth, the old black dragon was left with only a pile of bones, charred and black, and his skin was burned out!

Everything in the body has been burned out, burned out.

slowly loosen the forelegs holding the opponent, boom~

The huge skeleton fell to the ground.

Xilong raised his eyes and looked around. The battlefield was already silent, and the evil dragon servants were stunned in place. Seeing Xilong's eyes swept, he immediately fell to his knees!

They stopped fighting! Surrender!

Evil Dragon Servant is this kind of bullying and fearful existence! They devote themselves to the evil dragon, just looking for an umbrella that can make them evil!

to plunder more scarce resources!

Shillon looked at the sky again, the old green dragon that had fought before, didnt know when he had already run away!

Not far away, beside the corpses of a few huge dragon beasts, the Elf Queen was standing. Apparently, after the old green dragon escaped, the queen cleaned up these big guys!

The war is over! It's that simple.

Under the unmatched power of Shillong, the legend is so fragile.

This is mainly because Sillon completely restrained the opponent!

More than power? Shillong is several times stronger than him!

Better than defense? Still strong you several times!

The same goes for speed!

In this situation where the overall situation is not as good as the other party?

how to spell?

still singled out!

This is pure death seeking! The gap between the two is too big!

The Elf Queen flew over, and she thanked Siro.

and said that he will be ready to thank him immediately.

Silo glanced at the evil dragon servants that were still left, at least about 6,000.

6000 free labor!

then asked, "What do you plan to do with these prisoners?"

"Of course they were all executed!" The Elf Queen's complexion changed ~wuxiaworld.online~ Hately said: "They killed so many of our brothers and sisters! They tried to surrender? Don't even think about it!

must use their blood! Come to pay tribute to the sacrificed compatriots of the Billel Elf clan! "


so ruthless! Actually want to kill the prisoners!

One kill is six thousand!

Are elves so cruel?

This is free labor!

Silo didn't expect these guys to be so real at first, and he surrendered when he saw that he couldn't beat him!

can't do it! I must save them!

Thinking about this, Siro said, "Kill all? Isn't this a bit cruel?

I remember that humans would not treat captives so cruelly..."

"There is no way! There is already a blood feud between us! In addition, the number of each other is more than us, we can't manage these prisoners at all, it is better to kill all of them, so that the elves of the clan can feel more at ease." The Elf Queen said The reason.

Hearing this, Silom's eyes lit up and there was a play!

He said tentatively: "What if I have a way to deal with these prisoners?"

"You want these captives?" The Elf Queen looked at Shillong, slightly silent.

In fact, she still wanted to kill all the captives, but Siro, the hero of this victory, said so, can she still not give it?

So there was only a moment of silence, and she said: "If you want, then I will give it to you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, then," Shillong said.

There is great happiness in my heart! He finally has his own team! The value of these six thousand troops is definitely above the water of the world's subtree worth more than two hundred thousand!