is the most beautiful art of destruction in the world!

More and more gray gas poured in.

Siro's body began to change.

He can clearly feel this change.

There are sharp barbs growing on his scale armor, and his body seems to be stronger!

The energy he swayed wildly increased without diminishing!

The red-lighted pupils stared at the fleshy wall of the zenith, and the flame pillar of Shillong began to burn the attached creatures.

stab la la la la~

The flame burns the zenith!

Huge plumes of smoke and screams filled the sky!

After swept around again, the world vibrated slightly again, and the gray-white space around it seemed to become even darker.

Shillong growled and began to grow mushrooms on the Zenith.

In the rumbling sound.

The mushrooms that can brighten people's eyes are lit up one by one!

He lowered the power of mushrooms and increased the frequency!

Even so, every mushroom can still clear everything within two or three kilometers!

The world is shaking more severely.

Despite this, the few giant eyes that grow on the top of the sky, and the tentacles one after another, are still motionless.

Even if they are affected by the nuclear respiration, they will not be damaged. They seem to be separated from this gray world by a layer of world.

However, at this time, several small gray spots suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

They flew closer and closer.

Siro can see clearly with his super eyesight.

These are a few monsters over 100 meters long!

Some are like whales, with tentacles full of eyes and mouthparts on their bodies.

Some are long snakes, the skin is full of hands, feet, and mushrooms.

There are only a few in total, and each is disgusting to the extreme!

They fly very fast, about twice the speed of sound!

quickly approach Shillong!

Shillon took a deep breath again.

A huge red gold sphere hits one of them instantly at a speed of tens of kilometers per second!

With a roar that pierced the eardrums, the monster roared and went straight through the mushroom cloud. Although the monster's body was full of scars, even half of its body was melted, revealing the internal organs full of tentacles and organs, but still shilling. Rush!

They don't seem to be afraid.

Siro looked at this monster that was much bigger than him, and was a little surprised, but it didnt matter!

He was violent inside and opened his mouth again!

One shot can't be resolved, then two shots!

this world! Nothing can't be nuclear flat!

The red golden light bloomed again, and then drowned the monster!

This monster finally turned to ashes in the white light!

Siro turned his head and started to quickly ask the other monsters to eat mushrooms.

Until only the last one is left, it finally approaches Shillong!

This is a peng bird with tiny wings and a long tongue. On his tongue, there are tiny snake heads.

Strange bird has a wingspan of more than 250 meters!

is the real Big Mac!

After it approached Shillong, it neighed and spit out a gray air stream, turning into a beam of light to rush towards Shillong.

As a result, Shillong burned cleanly!


The strange bird made a layer upon layer of hiss, his body turned into a grayish-white streamer, and it hit Shillong!

And the violent Shillong inside, not to be outdone, directly rammed his head.


The two giants in the sky collided with each other at extreme speed, but the result was gray-white, and the monster that was much larger than the black was knocked off hundreds of meters!

Shillong was just hit and flew backward several meters!

It can be seen that the battle between monsters is not more powerful than huge ones!

Although Siro is much smaller than the opponent, his body is actually heavier! The muscle density far exceeds the previous monster!

Looking at the monster that was flying upside down, Shillong spouted a flame column, and started grilling frantically at the monster.

"Curry Lili quack..."

The monster screamed, and the tongue on his tongue was hissing, the body was slowly melting, and the white parts began to turn gray.

But the gray-white energy in the body began to repair its body quickly! It is transitioning between destruction and restoration.

It did not fear death at all, and rushed towards Shillong again in the face of the flame.


Two monsters collided again!

After hitting the opponent, Silom quickly backed away, and spent a few seconds, quickly spit out a golden ball of light to grow mushrooms for the strange bird!

just one blow, it melted half of the body!

then used a pillar of fire to spray on the wound, burning this strange bird to death for more than ten seconds!

To be honest, the few monsters that have just appeared in this weird world are undoubtedly the most difficult thing Shillon has encountered so far. If it weren't for killing these monsters, the energy in their bodies has been charging it, and he would insist on not Go down!

But Shillong wouldn't think about it at this time.

He started planting mushrooms for Zenith again!

A few big mushrooms go down.

The gray of this weird world is gradually fading.

is getting paler and paler and seems to be disappearing.

In the end, the zenith actually cracked a very dark hole, about a kilometer in diameter!

Silom sees with his own eyes that can see thousands of kilometers, and it is also dark ~ wuxiaworld.online~ can't see anything.

A gray tentacle sticks out from the pothole.

is densely covered with tiny mouthparts, these mouthparts keep making strange cries.

sounds irritating and frustrating.

After the first tentacles appeared, tentacles slowly stretched out again, a total of 16 tentacles! Each one is seven to eight hundred meters long and clings to the dark wall of the cave, and then an octopus head comes out of the cave!

This head is covered with tiny eyes! There are millions!

All eyes fixed on Shillong.

The cry of the mouth on the tentacles stopped abruptly, and a series of gray energy pillars shot out from it, all over the sky! The gray energy column is extremely small, only the thickness of the thumb! But the number exceeds one hundred thousand!

Silong couldnt avoid it, and wanted to use repulsion to expel the beam of light, but the beam of light was too dense, and it was crushed instantly!

Then it rained on Shillong!

After these beams of light fell on the body coldly, like ice energy, Shillong's scales gradually turned gray.

The damage of these beams of light is not strong, at best it just makes him feel that he has been punched lightly, but it is too dense to hold it!

Every second, Shillong will be bombarded by the beam of light hundreds of thousands of times!

The scarlet golden bloodshot gradually appeared in the scale armor!

"Roar!" Silom roared. At this time, because of his strange state, he didn't feel pain, but he was inexplicably irritable.

opened his mouth and ejected a pillar of flame towards the monster.

After his flame met the opponent's beam of light, it directly burned through the beam of light and hit the monster, but these flames were completely ignored by the monster!

His body seems to be covered with a gray film, he is not afraid of Shillong's fire at all!

And Shillong is also under the sky of light, backing away!

