Sanlong felt the breath of conspiracy.

But they all excluded the kingdom. The reason is simple. They didn't really turn their faces with each other.

These guys are also counting on the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce to provide a large tax at the end of the year!

"What do you think of this incident?" Silom asked.

"There is no clue at all, and it seems that I haven't offended anyone recently..." Andre said helplessly.

"Ive met a killer before, and he was level 17! Now Ive encountered someone who disrupted the transport of our movies. Is this a competitor? Do you think we have any strong competitors? Can hire 17 Class killers, and powerful mercenaries to defeat our mercenaries, the financial resources must be very strong." Silom analysis.

Please use a 17th-level killer to assassinate the president of the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce. This cost at least thousands or even tens of thousands of gold coins?

can also invite powerful mercenaries to risk their lives to intercept the transport team, and the price here is bound to be no less than a few thousand gold!

"According to you, it should be the nobles, and only they have this strength." Andre said.

"These nobles want to kill their competitors because of the higher tax rate to maintain their own profits? Why didn't they do it earlier? Wouldn't the profits be higher?" Shillon couldn't understand.

Quit early in the morning, quit late, but at this time?

There must be something strange about this! And Shillong was not an expert in conspiracy, especially when he did not pay attention to other forces.

He really couldn't analyze the results. After all, after he came to Xinglan Kingdom, he has always belonged to the peace sect, making movies and learning swords.

But since the enemy is targeting him, he naturally can't wait to die!

He suspended his work, and returned to the servants' temporary enemy.

The arrival of the three-headed dragon naturally caught the attention of the servants from far away, and quickly put down their work and waited for Shillong's meeting.

Waiting for the arrival of the three dragons, Cusk hurriedly saluted Shillong.

Arman also stopped fighting with a level 10 orc.

He has been beaten in the past few days!

Sillon asked Cusk to call all the leaders of the foreign races.

then explained the matter.

Finally, he said: "Now, the time has come to do my best for me. It is up to you to protect my property. Of course I will not let go of those ignorant people who are against me. I will use Transfiguration to transform you into human appearances. , This helps to seduce them to the bait, and then you do what you can. It is best to catch them alive. If you can't catch them alive, just kill them!

Of course, if you capture those humans alive, I will reward you, just like the one who reported and escaped. "

"Of course! Your will is our mission!" Cusk said.

"You need to arrange the elites of various races. A total of 200 people are needed, and every 20 people are in a group. But you must pay attention to the arrangement of these people, there must be close people to stay in the clan land, understand?" Xilong reminded.

He worried that these guys would run away again!

These chaotic and evil teasers must be properly disciplined!

It was about an hour before Cusk found qualified candidates.

More than 60 orcs, more than 20 demons, more than 10 ogres, more than 40 lizardmen, more than 30 harpies, and the rest are composed of gray dwarves, jackals, and several cyclops.

does not contain goblins and puppies...

Shillong has cast a transformation technique for them one by one that can last two weeks!

More than 200 people, all of them used this frequent transformation technique, enough to drain the magic power of several legendary wizards!

These chaotic teases have never experienced transfiguration, and they feel uncomfortable all over, like wearing a few layers of thick padded jackets on their bodies, and some of them even broke the transformation directly!

Siro, for this reason, directly put gravity on the broken ones, crushed them to death, then healed them, and continued to let them adapt!

After three or four hours have passed, these guys have passed the test.

After that, Siro chose some more clever ones from them as the captain.

basically takes the shaman among the orcs, the demons, the jackals, etc. as the captain, and there are some problems with other sensory intelligence.

For this reason, Sillon also gave them a spirit dialogue spell for a certain period of time.

Otherwise they can't even communicate.

This has to make Shillong sigh! It's really convenient to learn arcane, otherwise you can't do many things!

Arcane is assistive technology! Assistive technology is developed to do more!

then let these guys leave with Andre.

After , Shillong continued to build houses.


Andre returned to Xinglan City.

arranged a transport team to transport the latest batch of audiovisual stones out of the city.

There are ten teams of carriages. Each team has 20 guards.

These guards are all transformed from Shillong servants.

all wore plate armor and looked ordinary, a little thin, and even a little ugly, looking dull-headed.

At first glance, it was a force that crooked melons and cracked dates.

Every unit was a little silent and seldom spoke along the way.

After walking for more than two days, a troop passed by the mountain road.

At this time, in the mountains 100 meters above this section of road, surrounded by large tracts of trees, there are ambushing forty or fifty "soldiers wearing kingdom-standard armors~wuxiaworld.online~). He opened his armor and lay some bored in the shade of the mountains.

There are only a few soldiers holding binoculars and watching the road below.

When seeing such a group of people, a "soldier" whispered: "Come! Here! A team is coming! I don't know if it's Saudberg's!"

"Huh?" Hearing the words, a leader who closed his eyes to enjoy the shade under the shade of the tree quickly got up, came to the soldier, grabbed the binoculars and looked down.

"There are no banners of the Chamber of Commerce, there are 20 people in total, it looks like a group of crooked melons, the newly hired mercenaries of the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce mentioned in the intelligence, should be this group of guys!

is really ridiculous!

In the transport death incident that happened just a few days ago, some people dared to take the order. Where is this third-rate mercenary?

The ridiculous Soderberg Chamber of Commerce removed the flag of the Chamber of Commerce as much as possible, and then invited these garbage mercenaries. Do you want to get through? "The captain said to himself, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey! Head! There are actually female mercenaries in this team! Give us a good time." A somewhat wretched "soldier" stared at the female mercenaries below, looking left and right.

Although these women look more average, they are not women after all.

squatted guarding the mountains, he had been hungry for a long time.

"Of course! When did I treat you badly?" The leader smiled: "Brothers! Copy guys to me! Work!"

"Brothers! Give it to me! Defeat them!" The leader yelled and took the lead in the charge!

He started to slide straight down the mountain.

The "soldiers" behind also slid down with a weird smile.

lifted up a cloud of dust.