"Dare to provoke me! To provoke my city of tomorrow! Let you taste despair today!" Silom roared.

Forelimbs slam on the ground.


The entire area of kilometer is another 10-magnitude earthquake!

While shaking up a large number of people, a strong repulsive force spread in all directions!

The earth shook wildly!

pushes the dust and gravel!

Among the human beings close by, thousands of people were bombarded into the air by the repulsive force, and then madly smashed by the gravel in the air.

Their bodies are like thin paper, pierced by gravel.

set off a **** fog!

"Can't let him go on! Robert! I'm on! You help me!" Troy was full of fighting spirit, and the long azure blue fighting spirit extended for dozens of meters!

He turned over and immediately jumped off the crown griffin!

While fell downward, a dark portal appeared from the void!

After Troy fell, he appeared straight behind Shillong, the legendary saber in his hand, [Hurricane Breath] pierced Shillong's scales!


Pushed with a strong force, enough to pierce the scales of the legendary dragon, so you cant make progress here in Shillong!

Do not!

Maybe it can be said that he stabbed in!

Pierced one millimeter into the scale!


can't be surprised by the thickness of the opponent's scales.

He was pushed out by the powerful repulsion!

was shot straight away hundreds of meters.

Troy, who was in the air, roared: "Magic troops! All are ready to launch!"

When he finished roaring, the magicians who were behind the troops who had prepared magic had already taken shape!

The light of colorful elements illuminates the entire battlefield.

Frost! flame! Thunder! Wind Blade! To stab!

roared and attacked the black gold dragon in the field!

But it's useless at all!

These bells and whistles of magic, 100 meters away from Shillong, have been bombarded by the repulsive force, and turned into gorgeous fireworks!

There are only a few soil thorns, one by one popping up beside him!

was originally about 1.5 meters in length, which can bring death magic to people. Before Shillong was 25 meters in height, it looked like an uneven road! Looks funny!

There are also some soil thorns, which were clearly used at the feet of Shillong, but they couldn't pierce his scales and were restrained abruptly!

Followed by the arrows of the crossbow!

took advantage of Shillong's repulsive force this time, and shot at him one after another!

It was originally a powerful arrow that was enough to shoot a target hundreds of meters away, but it was blown away by the strong wind that Shillon gently fanned its wings!

are like dandelions! Flying all over the sky!


Silo roared: "Dare to provoke my idiots! Turn into fly ash in the flames!"

The torrent of flames spilled from Shillong's mouth!

is like a flame of extinction, thousands of degrees of high temperature swept the audience!

The air all around is twisting slightly.

Some mortals who were burned can only let out a scream!

Then the flame poured in from his mouth and nose! But within three or four seconds, the flesh and internal organs will be burned out!

A few seconds later, the ashes are flying!

Siro stepped on all fours and walked slowly towards the densest place!

Seeing these human beings screaming, running away, and attacking him uselessly, smiled happily.

he is very angry!

Before he finished building the house, he had nothing to do. In order to improve the combat power of the alien race, he personally turned into a dragon form, and practiced against the alien race at the extreme edge of the city to enhance the strength of these guys.

I did not expect to be attacked suddenly!

This is a shame!

The City of Tomorrow is the city he just built, carrying his beautiful wishes and future!

In the embryonic stage, he was cut in the waist!

Facing the possibility of collapse!

How can he bear it!

He must have these idiots regret their reckless attack!

died in regret and despair!

Silom is like an invincible flamethrowing platform, all attacks are ineffective against him!

Only he is slowly breathing out flames, pushing forward, bringing death to the crazy people!

Unstoppable! Don't disobey!

More and more people were burned to death by flames!

Behind Shillong's neck, Troy anxiously attacked Shillong.

He stood on a scale, slashing and stabbing frantically with his weapon!

But it's useless at all!

The scales of this strange dragon are too thick!

Every time he slashed at the same spot with full strength. The powerful repulsion will blast him directly.

He reluctantly found that he had no choice but to take this monster!

His legendary weapon is only a legendary elementary quality!

Just as he continued to attack without giving up, a voice rang in his mind.

"Troy! Help me trick the dragon's repulsion spell! I want to use a legendary spell to hit him hard!"

is Robert's voice.

Troy glanced at the sky above a kilometer.

There gathered a lot of ice energy.

There is a group of Gryphon riders below, tirelessly throwing javelins at the strange dragon.

It's a pity that it didn't work at all. The blame dragon didn't care about it, and continued to spit the flame of death forward.

"Don't worry! But you have to pay attention! The repulsive magic of this strange dragon is very short! The full burst only takes 3 seconds, and the unidirectional one only takes about 1 second."

he replied in his heart.

ran quickly behind the strange dragon~wuxiaworld.online~ to attack again! The rumbling repulsion knocked him back hundreds of meters.

At the same time, Robert in the sky has already driven the Royal Griffin and rushed towards Shillong!

This royal griffin has been blessed with mental resistance spells, otherwise he would not dare to come within 100 meters of Shillong!

When the distance was only a few tens of meters, Robert flicked the ice ball condensed on the top of the staff.

This is the magic he has prepared.

10th level legendary spell.

[Extremely Frozen Ice]!

The legendary mage who developed this spell has used this spell to strike 40,000 soldiers on the battlefield!

Within a few kilometers, the world turned into ice!

is hailed as [The King of Ice].

Although Robert's accomplishments are incomparable with the opponent, as a legendary mage, he will definitely not differ too much after using it.

The entire hockey puck smashed down with a cloud of ice mist. At the moment it left the staff, a large area of mist appeared in the air within a kilometer.

The temperature of the space is dropping sharply!

Siro also felt the temperature change, and a little surprised he glanced at his puck.

There are too many mages on the battlefield, and the elements are too chaotic. I didn't notice anyone in the sky casting powerful magic, but it didn't matter.

Silo raised his head while the flame in his mouth aimed at the puck.

The flame collided with the ice.

The sound of chirping, the water mist erupted crazily, and it even turned into a thick fog.

People within a kilometer of a radius can't see people a few meters away at all!

Shillong looked at the puck colliding with the flames. The puck was unexpectedly strong. It actually faced his flames and continued to fall!

Seeing that he was about to fall on him, Shillon's eyes showed mockery.