There will be a small earthquake on the ground every time Shillong moves!

Flames began to flicker on his body.

Patches of fire fog filled his body, a circle of invisible fields spread out, and among the gaps in his scales, dazzling white light beams shot out.

The air began to heat up and the space began to twist!

He moved forward slowly.

All around are the enemies who have been frightened.

All the people who were several hundred meters away from Shillong seemed to be in a sea of fire. With every breath, the whole body was burning.

They clutched their noses and mouths in pain, and fled around.

People who were illuminated by the white light beam began to lose their strength quickly, causing dizziness, weakness, nausea, etc., and some even had incontinence directly! Passed out! Others began to hallucinate!

In their eyes, the world has undergone tremendous changes, and everything has become blood red and gray.

The companions who were originally by their side, worthy of relying on, turned into disgusting monsters full of worms, eyes, tongues, and smelly!

Fear is stronger than ever!

They seem to have been abandoned by the whole world, but they are weak and they can only whine in place.

A priest nervously stepped forward to cast an expulsion spell for a soldier. The gentle white light quickly expelled the soldier's weakness, allowing him to slowly regain some strength, but he did not escape.

In this soldier's field of vision, a terrifying monster is wriggling on him......

"Ah!!!" The soldier roared out of fear!

"Don't come close to me!!!!!! Monster!!!"

He burst out all his power instantly! Pick up the weapon in your hand and pierce the monster's body with a sword!

"You...why?" The priest's eyes were full of disbelief, but in the end he was hacked to death frantically by the soldiers!

But in the eyes of this crazy soldier, the monster disappeared!

He became happy, and attacked all the monsters around him frantically! He wants to change the world back to its original state!

The most terrifying thing is that those who were irradiated by white light and were close to Shillong, they also suffered damage from the previous searing domain!

Those who lost their power and couldn't escape from the realm began to die quickly because they inhaled a large amount of heat!

As Shillong moved more and more people fell to the ground! Howl! Vomiting! syncope! death!

He is like the **** of doomsday who brought destruction to the world!

Mortals cannot look directly! Can't get close!

The people here have lost the courage to face him.

What happened here is like a nightmare! A nightmare that they will never forget!

Those who are far away, fortunately not exposed to the radiation, have already howled and turned and fled.

They no longer have the courage to continue fighting! Even being a deserter is in danger of being executed! Fortunately, it is strong here to die!

A whole army of 20,000 people was defeated at this moment!

Seeing this group of soldiers began to rout.

Robert, who was still flying in the sky, and Troy on the ground looked at each other. As legends, the two can resist the flame field and radiant light, but they understand that this battle is no longer necessary!

Face this monster! Even if it is ten times more troops! I am afraid it will not help!

The level of this monster cannot be estimated at all!

This is a terrifying existence beyond recognition!

How can mortals be enemies?

Robert rode on the Royal Griffin with a flash, and appeared beside Troy, letting Troy get over the back of the Griffin.

Then a teleporter quickly appeared beneath him, trying to escape.

But Shillong had already noticed that the two of them were far superior to the others, how could they let them run?

Especially that mage!

He is the culprit for the heavy losses in the City of Tomorrow!

Roar! ! !

Silom roared wildly, and the tail wing moved, showing unparalleled speed again, crossing hundreds of meters in just an instant! Appeared beside them.

After his huge body was driven at more than 3 times the speed of sound, the result was a hurricane of dozens of levels forward!

The two who didn't have the slightest preparation were thrown off immediately!

Immediately, there was an extremely powerful suction force, sucking them back instantly!

The two were firmly fixed on a hot iron block!


The flesh seems to be burned on a red iron block!

The two let out a scream and took a breath unconsciously.


The hot air seemed to burn the lungs!

The two hurriedly resisted with their fighting spirit and magic power, only then did they improve slightly.

Two legends, like two ants, were easily caught in his paws!

Silom glanced at the two people who hung his forelimb paws at this time, and sneered: "Two! Destroy my city, where are you going?

"Your Excellency! We are members of the Starland Kingdom! Your move to build a city in the Starland Kingdom Mirror has violated the laws of the kingdom! We have the right to expel you!" Robert bit his head.

He speaks with honorifics.

no way!

The gap is too big!

Not an opponent at all!

He wasn't a Tiehan who fell into the hands of the enemy and could still be tough.

"That's just your human law! It can't control me!" Silom replied: "I only know that you completely angered me!

I was originally a peaceful metal dragon! I develop business! Bringing a lot of profits to your country~wuxiaworld.online~ Bring joy to the common people, the nobles, and the whole mankind! But you have increased the tax rate!

I build the city by myself! But came to destroy again! Do you really think I have no temper? "

"Your Excellency! We are willing to make up for your loss! Please let us go!" Robert begged for mercy.

"Ha ha ha..." Shillon just sneered as he watched the army collapsed and fled.

Said to the two of them: "My residents suffered heavy casualties! You let me break my promise!

I once told them, as long as they have citizenship in my city! Everyone will be happy! Never be violated! Will get eternal peace!

Everyone will be full! Will wear well! Will sleep well!

But I broke my promise! Many of them died in this attack!

You killed them!

Then the price must be paid! "

Shillon said at the end, his expression was extremely cold, even if Robert and Troy were in Shillon's realm, he felt the coldness from the soul!

"Watch it! How did your soldiers die!

Fighting against me is the stupidest decision you have ever made in your life!

Ants! Turn to ashes under my flame! "

Shillon said, his limbs were lying on the ground, and his head was on the ground.

The two guys in his hand were pinched by him, only the heads were exposed, and the sight was on the soldiers who had fled thousands of meters ahead.

What does this dragon want to do?

Shillong opened his huge mouth slightly, and the crimson flame in his mouth began to violently surge in it, spinning like a whirlpool.

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