After Shillong returned, he also began to treat the injured.

But his healing spells are not too good.

Only treat those seriously injured first.

On average, it takes about half an hour.

This treatment lasted for three days and three nights before it was over.

Shillon squatted on the ground and looked at Cusk in front of him and said, "How are the statistics for this casualty?"

"My lord! This time we have killed 552 orcs, 428 humans, 98 harpies, 157 goblins, 104 jackals...

A total of 2674 people died.

Many of these people were seriously injured without timely treatment. "

"How many deaths have been granted citizenship?"

"497 people."

Nearly 500, most of them are humans. Only those humans who are pulled over can directly obtain citizenship. Other people's original slave status, it is not so easy to obtain promotion.

"497 people! I am ashamed of them! I originally promised that they would have the happiest life, but they died on the road to happiness...

Send someone to count. The families of these dead citizens, give them gold coins!

10 gold coins for each house, and 2 gold coins every year thereafter. For 50 years! Shillon took a deep breath.

Cusk looked at Shillon in surprise, he couldn't imagine that the owner who usually stingy would have such a generous time.

It is necessary to compensate 5000 gold coins in one lump sum, and all of them together, that is 55000 gold coins!

Of course, in actual statistics, it is absolutely impossible to spend so many gold coins! After all, some of the dead have no relatives...

Although he is an orc and does not use gold coins in the race, he still has a bit of gold coins.

If you think about it carefully, the owner seemed to treat citizens with citizenship, whether they were humans or aliens, and seemed to be good.

It can be said that the attitude towards slaves is two extremes!

This dragon seemed not as unbearable as he thought.

Cusk thought to himself.

Then he gave the order and left.

Shillon glanced at the guy Arman at this time. The kid had been by his side just now. The atmosphere on the scene made him feel depressed and kept silent.

I really want to get back all the gold coins I gave before! I have to pay a lot of gold this time...

He gestured with his eyes, wanting to see if this guy could understand what he meant and give some meaning.

But this kid couldn't read it at all.

A pair of mercury-like eyes looked at him blankly: "Shillong, what are you looking at me? Do you want to ask my opinion? I think you did a good job! Although it has cost a lot of gold! But it is definitely a metal dragon Demeanor as it should be!"


This **** kid!

It seems that the gold coins given to him will be reduced in the future!

I am not to blame! You kid doesn't know how to be a dragon!

After that, Shillong began to build houses again to make up for those destroyed.

Cusk also spent a few days to complete the statistics for Shillong.

Then Sillon gave him gold coins and let him distribute them.

After a series of consumption, Sillon now only has more than one million gold coins in his hand.

To be honest, among the humans before, because of this attack, they have been disappointed in the city of tomorrow.

They are afraid that the next person to die in the attack is themselves!

After all, the human death rate this time is close to one-fifth!

No one can guarantee that the next person to die is not himself.

In the beginning, many humans wanted to sneak away.

But he was caught back by the alien sent by Shillong to watch the night.

This caused a lot of grievances in their hearts.

However, after the supply was issued this time, these people discovered that the terrifying dragon of the city lord was surprisingly good!

10 gold coins! Most of the people fooled here are poor civilians, and many people don't have so much savings in their lives!

From now on, the supply of two gold coins each year will be much higher than their annual work income!

Although they would still be instinctively scared when they saw Shillong and avoid getting close to him as much as possible, their evaluation of this strange dragon has improved a lot!

This is definitely a good dragon! And is a very responsible city owner!

In fact, their own gold coins are not used much now, because their housing has been settled by Shillong, and food is temporarily provided by aliens.

But there is a saying that they dont panic when they have money in their hands, and they still feel at ease with gold coins.

Now Shillongs City of Tomorrow has problems with the trading system.

But these can be solved!

As long as Xinglan King City's compensation is in place.

He will cut off the free food for these humans, and then let them demand food to maintain the normal trading!

Although it may cause dissatisfaction from some greedy people.

But Shillong is not a soft persimmon, the whole city is his word, and he will never be merciful to an uncooperative fool!

Star Lan King City.

Inside the palace arsenal.

His Majesty the King is still caressing his sword leisurely.

It seems indifferent to the army just dispatched.

In fact, he doesn't need to care about it, two legends, plus 20,000 armies, and five dragon annihilators, even the legendary ancient dragon dare not touch the edge!

Our dear Majesty the King really can't think of the possibility of accidents!

That's why ~wuxiaworld.online~ he can still be so leisurely.

But just as he was wiping a sword, there was an anxious voice outside the gate.

"Get out of here! I want to see your Majesty! I have something important to report to your Majesty..."

"You wait..."

This is the voice of the guard.

But before he finished speaking, His Majesty the King spoke: "Let the outside come in!"

There was a little dissatisfaction in the voice.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

The door was opened with a click.

Two soldiers in chain mail came in.

Their bodies are very messy and their faces are very dirty.

There was still a smell on his body, and he obviously came here directly after returning from the battlefield.

As a legend, His Majesty the King has very keen senses in his body. After smelling this smell, he frowned unconsciously.

The action of wiping the blade with his hand also stopped.

"Are you the soldiers on this expedition? Why are you so embarrassed"

His Majesty the King can recognize each other's attire and which army it belongs to.

At the same time, there was a faint feeling in my heart.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! We... We are defeated! Completely defeated... Everyone is dead! All dead!" A soldier was very excited when he saw the king, as if he had found the opposite.

As he spoke, tears were dripping from the corners of his eyes.

The face became more dirty.

This face seemed to have been soiled by tears before.

"What do you mean?" His Majesty's heart beat suddenly slowed by a beat.

Taking a deep breath, the premonition of uncertainty in my heart became stronger.