The fat woman smacked her lips, seeming to be aftertaste, and finally she said: "I will be the boss in this room from now on. You'd better listen to me, do you understand?"

The other women looked at each other and didn't know how to answer.

Seeing these women not talking, the fat woman nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, I will treat you as promised if you do not speak!

Let me introduce myself first. My name is Letty Blackhammer. You can call me Letty or Boss. "

A group of women still ignored her, but the fat woman Letty didn't care at all. She walked to Anna and patted her on the shoulder and said, "You will be the second child in this house from now on."


Anna looked at Letty silently.

Then Leidi began to chat with all the women. Twenty women first introduced each one. After a long time, one of the women suddenly cried out hungry.

This is a long-haired woman who looks a little thin. She was a stray before. She called her belly and immediately focused everyone's eyes.

"Sorry... I can't help it..." She seemed a little shy, her head drooping slightly.

"It's okay, but it's really not the time for you to be hungry now. Look now, there are still three hours before dinner time, so bear it." A woman said.

For people in this world.

Ordinary people in poor conditions generally only eat two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Only with good conditions, such as a female liar like Anna before, has the financial strength to eat three meals, and it is not bad.

"Yeah. I'll hold it back." The woman who called her belly before whispered.

But it didn't take long before the movement in her stomach grew.

For the next hour, the whole room was filled with the cry of the woman's stomach.

The fat lady Letty couldn't stand it anymore.

She stood up from the bark at once.

The people around were taken aback by her, thinking she was dissatisfied with the voice and looked at her nervously.

"Go! I'll take you outside to see if you can have something to eat!"

Unexpectedly, the fat woman Letty wanted to find food for the thin woman.

This surprised everyone, and the thin woman looked up at her blankly.

"Let's go!"

The fat woman Lettie walked to the thin woman while talking, took her hand and walked out. A group of women looked at each other without any response. Only Anna quickly followed.

Three women came out of the house.

The people outside have almost found a house.

There were also many people walking in the nearby aisles.

The three women had sharp eyes and saw that they were tens of meters away. Although the four men in shabby but relatively neat clothes were talking with another man who seemed to have just arrived, they were smiling.

Not long after talking, one of the well-dressed men patted the newly arrived man on the shoulder, then put his big hand on it, paused for a few seconds, and said something. After a while, the well-dressed man walked in. Inside, he took a portion of meat and gave it to the man.

After that, the man left gratefully.

When Leidi saw this scene, she winked at Anna next to him, and said, "These should be residents who originally lived here. There is a lot of food at home. Now our roommate is hungry. Anna, you go ahead. , Use your beauty to make some food!"

Although Leidi looked very strong, she had a very good mind. She knew that her appearance had absolutely no place in the eyes of men. She went to ask for food, and the chance of failure was very high.

But Anna is different. This woman has fair skin and is definitely a woman in a big city. She usually maintains well.

She is definitely a beauty!

As long as this kind of woman is dispatched, dealing with men is easy!

Those **** men!

Seeing a beautiful woman is like a male dog in heat!

Anna naturally understood, she smiled, nodded confidently, and smiled: "Leave it to me!"

After speaking, she walked ahead, and the three women came before and after the four men. Anna smiled sweetly: "Four big brothers, how are you! I am Anna. I just came to this city and I am not familiar with life. Brothers, can you take care of me, sister?"

The four men looked at Anna, unconsciously revealing a trace of disgust in their eyes.

These four are the Witte four!

Since the establishment of the [Budden Angels] Club, they have been dedicated to helping those confused men.

At the same time, I hate those **** women more and more!

dirty! nausea!

As long as they see a woman, they will unconsciously remember the memory of being tainted by the harpy.

Although it is no longer afraid, this shame will not fade away because of the passage of time!

Witte's face was cold: "I'm sorry! We are very busy, we don't have time to talk to you, you can go find someone else!"


Anna's eager smile froze.

This is different from what I thought!

"Brothers, what are your names? Why are you so indifferent to others? Am I so annoying?"

Anna's face was full of innocence, and she took a few steps forward as she spoke.

Close the distance with the four men.

But this directly caused a violent reaction from the four Witte!

They took a step back.

Witte was even more furious, pointing at Anna, and sternly shouted: "Don't come close to me! Damn and disgusting woman!!!"


Anna's eyes stared at the boss, as if she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

Damn? Disgusting woman?

Is this talking about me?

how is this possible! I am a super beautiful woman!

"Big brother...what are you talking about? Am I that scary?"

Anna was dumbfounded.

"Disgusting! Too disgusting! Stay away from me!" Viter snapped.

Behind Anna, the two women who were fat and thin were also dumbfounded.

They all know that Anna's appearance is absolutely in line with the definition of beauty in the eyes of men, so why is this man still like this?

Could it be...

Does...he likes other types?

Like me? Plump type?

These men have good eyes!

The fat woman Letty's eyes lit up, she seemed to have discovered the key to the problem, she raised her chest and smiled confidently.

Then he walked to the other person, opening his mouth as he walked, just about to talk.

The man opposite broke out again!

The look was extremely angry~wuxiaworld.online~ One hand was shrunk to her chest, but her fingers were pointed at Letty!

"Didn't I say it? You **** and disgusting women! Don't come near me!"


Letty was also dumbfounded.

Her face turned red.

This is irritated, miss her Leidi, she was also a tyrant in the former town!

Which man does not hide when she sees her?

Now you are being yelled like this?

My mother used to be a level 5 fighter!

Four **** men! I want to clean up you!

The angry Letty rolled up her sleeves immediately and moved forward.