There is no arrogant and violent arrogance that other people think Red Dragon should have.


Arman's expression changed and he snorted coldly: "I don't want to live with other female dragons!

In the future, Shillong and I will return to Long Island and live with my mother forever.

You have no chance! "

His attitude did not waver at all.

"Oh~you...really brainy!" Julia was speechless.

Knowing that he couldn't convince the other party, he could only turn his gaze to Shillong, his eyes a little fiery: "Dear Shillong, you should have seen something before, right?

My love for you will never change! Lay eggs with me! Only the two of us! "

After that, she turned her head and said to Katis: "You don't deserve to share Shillong with me!"

"You say you don't deserve it! Don't think I can't beat you, you can be so arrogant!

I Katis, will not succumb to the enemy of love! "The mother green dragon speaks righteously.

"Huh!" A fierce light flashed in Julia's eyes.

The body began to twist slightly!

"What do you want to do? We are all dragons favored by His Majesty Tiamat! Do you want to do something to me?" Katis took a guilty step back.

"Your Majesty Tiamat today can't save you! I said it!"

After Julia finished speaking, she roared and revealed her real body, with a height of more than thirty meters, which was almost twice that of Katis.

Plus a slender figure, an unusually large dragon wing.

Throughout the scene, it seemed to stand out among the chicken cubs.

And Katis, at most is an adult hen!

The gap is very obvious.

The dragon of this size called some people who didn't know her real body to get air-conditioned!

too horrible!

Arman also instinctively hid quietly towards Siro.

Damn female dragon, so big!

But soon, he seemed to have thought of something, and then asked Julia: "You horrible female dragon!

I didn't expect to have this kind of strength. Why didn't my brother show up to help when he fought the golden giant before?"

His complexion was a bit ugly. If he lost the thrilling battle at the time, the entire city would have millions of people, and I'm afraid it would be unpredictable.

"Help?" Julia was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "This doesn't seem to be necessary, how could Shillon lose! He is the strongest dragon!"

Julia's reaction was a bit beyond Arman's expectations, making him completely unable to understand where Julia's self-confidence came from.

"Although my strength is also good, it is still a lot worse than the avatars of Shillong and the Lord of Dawn. Rather than going up to help, it is better to wait for Shillong to defeat the opponent."

When Julia said this, she was completely declaring. It seemed that from the beginning, there was no concept that Shillong would fail.


Arman and the others were silent after listening, but at the same time they were a little surprised.

"You actually know the identity of that golden giant?

Lord of Dawn? That powerful god?

The golden giant is his clone, how confident are you in Shillong?"

Arman couldn't understand.

Others are also scared!

The powerful **** descended the clone, crusades his own city lord, and was killed by the city lord!

I'm afraid no one will believe it!

That is an existence that mortals can't imagine!

God has always been omnipotent in the eyes of mortals!

It cannot be defeated!

But now, this common sense is actually broken.

Although it is only a clone, many people cannot understand the concepts of incarnation, clone, and real body.

Therefore, these people have only one idea.

The city lord who can defeat the lord of dawn is definitely a god!

Ok! That's right! It must be so.

The eyes of several servants became more fiery.

Danny's eyes flickered even more.

There is unspeakable worship inside!

Sure enough, I knew that the Dragon King is also a god! Still a stronger **** than the mighty Lord of Dawn!

what! Dragon God, Your Majesty Shillong!

I am willing to follow you forever!

Just when a group of people worshiped.

Xilong suddenly felt that the expansion of the godhead fragments that he had been hiding had sped up slightly...

Glancing at the few guys who looked admiring in front of them.

The faith of these people seems to be stronger...

"What? Shillon? Soderberg actually defeated the clone of the Lord of Dawn?" Katis asked in surprise.

She doesn't know the news yet! This is more shocking than killing 20,000 troops, two legends, and threatening a country!

"So you don't know... Then why do you like Shillong?"

Julia twisted her huge head and stared at each other with ruby eyes.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly said: "This is the news that His Majesty Tiama told you!

I want you **** to seduce my Dragon King! "

At the end, Julia's eyes flickered fiercely, and she gradually leaned toward the other party!

"Damn! Are you crazy? Actually you really want to do it?" Katis was scared, and she took a few steps back again.

The dragon's face was full of tension.

Arman had already placed one hand on Shillong's scales, and an infinite sense of security emerged in his heart.

Start gloating!

let's hit! You two lowly female dragons! Best to kill one!

Humph! The evil five-color dragon, dare to hit my brother, pay attention!

"You two, please stay away from my territory. This is not a place where you can make noise at will." Silom finally spoke at this time.

Although I don't understand why this female red dragon is so confident in him.

But now let them get out of here, an eyesore!

Shillon's words made Katis feel relieved, and at the same time exclaimed: "Julia, this is not your Flame Mountain! It is the domain of the Dragon King! You can't tolerate your presumption!"

The mother Honglong narrowed her eyes slightly, stopped, and then glanced at Shillong.

Seeing that Sillon's face seemed to be a little impatient, he changed back to his human form and said to Katis: "You got a small life back! Katis!"

Damn it! Why don't you fight anymore!

Arman watched anxiously while complaining that Siron was nosy.

"If nothing happens~wuxiaworld.online~ The two can leave. The five-colored dragon is not welcome in my city." Silom said.


Julia frowned and looked at Silom and said, "Dear Silom, we have known each other for several months, so you have the heart to drive me away?

Have you forgotten the happy time we spent together?

Forgot that I rescued Andrei and Neferu from Xinglan City? "

Shillong was silent.

Indeed, this female dragon did nothing wrong before.

He also helped his friends, so it was really wrong to drive them away.

He could only sighed and said: "Then you continue to stay, but it is best not to cause trouble to me, otherwise I will not forgive you!"

"Hmm~ Don't worry, have I troubled you in the past few months?" Julia laughed.