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The three female dragons didn't understand at first, but after hearing Danny's words, they looked at each other.

The female blue dragon couldn't help straightening her neck and said, "Is this... the power of the Dragon King?

Your power is as great as the sun!

Your colors are as brilliant as brilliance!

what! Dragon King~

what! My love~" At the end, she couldn't help but sing a few more words.

Katis also raised his neck, his green eyes were full of excitement, the whole dragon was standing, and the two dragon claws were rubbing together.

Muttered to himself: "This is the power of the Dragon King!

Sure enough, he has the resources of the Dragon God!

The most perfect and elegant green dragon queen, combined with the dragon king, will inevitably give birth to the most perfect egg...I look forward to this day..."

"Dragon... Your Majesty the Dragon King... It's too powerful..." The female black dragon looked at the big sun in the sky full of worship.

The eyes of giant dragons are much stronger than those of human beings. In all respects, they have strong adaptability to this dazzling light, and after the initial discomfort, they are already enough to look directly.

The Titan Giant, who was pressed by a group of radiant people, turned his head and looked at the huge light source in the sky with shock.

And the huge wave that is still spreading, rolling up the dust!

"This...is this also the human power that all things can possess?"

He was deeply shocked. He had only heard the rumors. Although he had also seen the potholes on the Xinglan Kingdom, the inferior nature of creatures was like this.

They only want to believe what they have seen with their own eyes, and everything in the rumors will have a certain fluke.

"Fanwu?" Kneeling on the ground, Danny raised his tearful face and stared at the giant bitterly: "You mess! How dare you insult the great dragon **** as a mortal thing?"

Danny was furious and raised his eyes to look at the giant who was suppressing Cusk and said: "Master Cusk! I beg you to execute this Titan directly!

He insulted the great dragon god!

Must be put to death! Peel him off, cut it into pieces and feed it to the ogre! "

"You!! Very vicious!" The Titan was shocked, looking at Danny with a shocked look.

"..." Cusk was a little silent, but just glanced at Danny and said: "How to deal with this Titan, just wait for your majesty to send it off."


A piece of burnt land in the distance.

The huge red dragon grinned, one foot ravaged the ground back and forth.

The entire ground was stepped on to a depth of more than one meter.

Finally, he raised his forelimbs angrily.

In addition to the scorched ground that was squashed, there was also a burnt mud.

It was the ranger hunter who was hunted down by her before.

The poor guy was chased all the way because he shot off the red dragon's eyeplates. He was finally overtaken seventy to eighty kilometers away. Then he didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy. He was roasted into coke by the red dragon...

The big sun that suddenly appeared in the sky also attracted the red dragon.

She raised her eyes and murmured: "Yes...According to my inherited memory, this is the power of the strongest dragon... I must lay my eggs with him..."


As the huge light source in the sky disappeared, the shock wave stopped at the last two kilometers away from the city of tomorrow, once again piled up a thick soil wall.

This time the aftermath is considered dissipated.

There was only a huge hole in the sky, and Silom turned around and flew directly back.

The bones of the ancient dragon lich have turned into fly ash under the nucleus subsidence.

Or it may become the elementary particle of the universe.

He is not interested in exploring.


Hundreds of miles away, in a cemetery in a certain town.

In the dark night.

There was a sudden change in a cemetery, and the ground was constantly being confessed, one, two, three.....Finally, there was a pounce.

A white bone suddenly emerged from the mud behind the tombstone like a gopher, and looked around with some doubts.

There was a voice of soul full of doubts: "How could I... be here?"

The thinking in his soul fire was chaotic, and he tried his best to think for a while before clarifying his clues.

A month ago, I received a secret letter from a mage legend who invited many legends to crusade against the dragon king near the blue and white forest, and wanted to seize the opponents godhead fragments...

But why am I now in one of the locations where the phylogeny is stored?

I am dead? Didn't even escape, the soul was annihilated?

Is the soul now incomplete?

Damn it! After the skeleton sorted out his thoughts, he hated it.

The ancient dragon lich is different from the ordinary lich. The power of the lich all comes from the soul and spells. Even if they are resurrected from the phylactery, their strength will not be lost too much.

But dragon lich is different, they have a lot of combat power from their dragon skeleton.

After all, a single keel is an extremely rare and extremely hard material.

Many legendary weapons are made with legendary dragon bones and various secret materials.

Without dragon skeletons, they are not even as powerful as ordinary Liches!

How can they not hate this kind of power discount?

Just as the dragon lich was contemplating.

Suddenly a cry of exclamation sounded: "Ah! No... undead? Why are there undead here! Help!"

"Huh?" The Dragon Lich heard the words, the soul fire in his skull was pulsing, and he looked very uncomfortably in the direction of the sound.

I saw a middle-aged night watchman wearing a cotton-padded jacket with a lantern in his hand wailing, turned his head and ran.

"Damn stupid humans!"

The Dragon Lich muttered to himself unhappy.

Stretching out his skeleton hand, the magic of darkness gathers here.

Death ray!

The dark magic that was originally condensed suddenly shot out!

call out!

The pure black magical ray did not directly hit the night watchman's heart as he expected, but passed one meter away from the opponent's side...

"Damn it, what's going on? How could I make such a low-level mistake? The spells are all targeted wrong?" The Dragon Lich couldn't believe it.

But the reality is before us.

This death affected him too much.

The difference in his body and the sharp decrease in his soul caused him to have problems with the release of spells...

"Forget it, the top priority is to find a place to cultivate first." The Dragon Lich shook his head and was about to leave.

But before it took a few steps~wuxiaworld.online~ a loud shout suddenly came from behind.

"The undead are there!"

"Hurry up, everyone! Purify it! For the light! For justice! For the priest Lily!"

"Asshole! You all wait! The undead are too dangerous! You villagers quickly step back and leave it to us professionals!"

"You **** knight, don't think you have a horrible idea, we don't know! Priest Lily has nothing to do with you!"


The Dragon Lich turned his head and glanced at the crowd rushing towards him.

There are more than a dozen, let alone.

Some are dressed up as villagers, but some are just professionals.

Some were carrying lanterns in their hands, while others were holding various weapons, hatchets, axes, kitchen knives, sickles, everything.

