The lava giant seemed a little embarrassed. Then in order to express his apology, he stood in front of Zhan Shiqi, and Teddy on one side quickly ran over. The two dogs were finally safe.

However, they did not stay in place, but quickly evacuated near the Molten Core.

The magma rain continued, screams kept coming and going, and at least tens of thousands of fire creatures died in this disaster.

Not waiting for Zhan Shiqi and other monsters to take a few steps.

Suddenly a loud roar resounded through the entire 15-layer flame abyss!

"Who is it!!! Dare to awaken the great Balrog Lord! Safron Ragel!!

Stupid and ignorant mortals! Will surely become ashes under my flames! ! "

Oh la la ~

Near the ground of Molten Core, there appeared a spider web of cracks.

The bright red light illuminates the entire abyss!

"Bugs! Feel the flames of Sulfuron!!"


With a radius of 20 to 30 kilometers, all the cracks began to erupt large-scale magma!

The whole world seems to be welcoming the end of the flame!

In this outbreak, at least tens of thousands of demons died! Although many demons are fire creatures, they are not completely elemental bodies, and their resistance to fire is limited.

The temperature of the magma is clearly beyond their tolerance.

Zhan Shiqi and Teddy, in order to get out of the range of the magma eruption, have become the main body, and began to run wildly.

Although the lava giants are not afraid of magma, they do not dare to get too close to the heart of the molten fire, otherwise they will be found by the Balrog King, and there is only one dead end!

The awakened Balrog King will burn everything in the nearby territory to ashes!


Inside the Molten Heart.

The temperature here has risen sharply, and the temperature of the entire space is at least two or three Baidu!

The air seemed to have been ignited, and large expanses of flame ignited in the void!

The indeterminate time, and the dense fog around, make everything here seem particularly unreal.

A huge flame giant slowly rose from the lava lake after the fire column erupted!

This flame giant is at least 100 meters high!

Comparing the lava giant outside with it is a joke! Just like a baby!

The body is composed of flowing magma and flame magic, it has two extremely thick lava arms!

Each one is fifty or sixty meters long!

The lower body has no feet, like a flowing whirlpool! It keeps spinning.

On the body, there is actually a set of extremely black armor, which binds the body of flame!

Its eyes are like two small suns, so bright that mortals cannot look directly.

Endless heat radiates from it!

Its eyes are staring straight in front of it, a dragon that looks like a puppy. Although this dragon is entwined with a dead soul enough to move the entire abyss, it obviously can't make the King of Balrog look too high. .

Because there are countless demons in the entire abyss!

The demons on each layer, to say nothing, are in the tens of billions! What about killing a million demons? As long as it is willing, it doesn't take long at all, it can also do this, and what it can do is even more frightening!

The Flame Demon King looked at the dragon angrily and let out a thunderous roar: "Reptiles! Dare to disturb the great Flame Demon King's sleep.

Get ready to become ashes in the endless flames! "


As the words of the Flame King fell, the ordinary ground beneath the dragon instantly turned red! It boils like magma.

Thousands of degrees of terrifying lava fire pillars skyrocketed!

"Humble elemental creature, are you using your flame to clean up the dust on me?"

A taunting voice came from the lava fire column.

Listening to the words of the dragon, the eyes of the Balrog King looked directly at the pillar of fire, the dragon inside was not damaged at all, and he looked at it with a look like it!

Damn it! I have never been the only one looking at others with this look! How can other creatures dare to look at it with this look?

This has never happened before!

This made the flames in the chest and abdomen of the Balrog King burn more violently! The infinite flame seems to break through the shackles of the body, and violently open: "The foolish things that dare to look down on the power of the flame will be turned into ashes!

Die to me! reptile! "

It roared again, spouting a spinning pillar of fire!

This pillar of fire is so bright that it turns white!

Like a hurricane of flames.

Enclosed the dragon's body completely!

Even the ground beneath the dragon is rapidly melting!

"The temperature this time is good! At least 20,000 degrees Celsius, which is good for bathing!"

The dragon engulfed in flames once again uttered words that made the King of the Flame Demon extremely embarrassed!

"Damn ants! I dare to underestimate Sulfuron's flames!"

The Flame Demon King was extremely angry, stopped the spitting flames, and squirmed quickly. After approaching the dragon, the huge flame fist brought the boundless flames, and hit the dragon with one punch!


The fist pierced the body of the giant dragon, hitting the red earth straightly, and in an instant a huge pit with a depth of more than 20 meters and a diameter of 60 or 70 meters appeared on the ground!

The dragon at this time has already turned into a golden meteor and plunged into the sky! The fist of anger of the flame demon king only penetrated the golden trail left by the dragon!

There was still a thunderous roar left in place: "Despicable and stupid elemental creatures! Let me teach you what is the real flame!"

"Reptile! You can't escape! The entire abyss is my hunting ground!"

The Flame Demon King raised his head, his bright eyes followed the golden trajectory straight into the sky, and he found the dragon.

Thick smoke rose from the Flame Fist, and the elements surged fiercely. Suddenly, the Fire Fist of the Flame Demon King hit the sky again!

"Molten jet!"

The upper half of its arm disappeared instantly, as if it had become a flame portal.

The black and red rocks enveloped the dragons with fiery flames jetting into the sky!

Each fire meteorite is more than ten meters in diameter.

With a huge roar, at a speed that surpasses the sound, like a machine gun bullet, it constantly shoots from the raised right arm of the Balrog King!

With this level of attack, every fire meteorite is as powerful as the arrow of the [Dragon Annihilator] and the single legendary spell!

Large meteorite fireballs rise from the ground ~wuxiaworld.online~ a giant dragon blasting into the sky.

The speed of sound is very fast, but it is very slow compared to the speed of the dragon, and even slower in the eyes of the dragon!

When the dragon wrapped in black mist flew to the top of the sky, the meteorite fireball had just flown several kilometers. It takes at least tens of seconds to reach the dragon.

This made the dragon's eyes reveal a deep contempt.

He opened his huge mouth and suddenly took in a big breath of heat.

The scales on the chest were cracked.

Strands of golden light illuminate the sky!

In the distance, Zhan Shiqi, as the three-headed demon dog of hell, has three heads, and his habitual three heads look at three directions respectively when running.

One of them looked directly at the sky behind.

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