The strength gap between the two is too great.

The demon dog is just a monster of level 13 or so. How can it survive the attack of a legendary demon?

This is still when the opponent hasn't made all the effort.

"Hmm~" Barlow Flame Demon laughed happily. It liked hearing the screams of enemies and the fearful gaze most.

A long time ago, it liked to catch some monsters and study various new tricks of torture.

Then he looked at Teddy who was on the side, the smirk at the corner of his mouth thickened.

The whip waved again.


Avoiding Teddy who was not in a hurry, the left head was opened with a big hole, blood flowing.

Teddy let out a pitiful wailing.

The two dogs glanced at each other and fled.

The lava giant lying on the side sighed silently, and let's run, let's run, anyway, staying is also going to die.

Alas~ If only Brother Seamore didn't go back! such a pity.

I seem to be dying soon?

The lava giant looked at the sky blankly, Brother Seamus, I really want to be hugged by you...

Take a dip in the magma lake with you...that was my happiest time!

The two dogs wanted to escape, but how could their speed be comparable to that of Barlow Flame Demon?

Before they could run a hundred meters away, the fiery red figure of Balo Flame Demon descended from the sky again and blocked the two dogs.

"You can't run away! You have to die in my hands today!"

He licked his lips happily: "By the way, I haven't eaten the three-headed dog of **** for a long time. I really miss it."

As he said, the whip in his hand struck the two dogs again.

Ooo~ The two dogs barked in pain, and Zhan Shiqi shouted angrily: "Damn Barlow! You deal with me like this! My main dragon will definitely kill you! Turn your body into ashes! Then bury it in those In the dung of the little devil!"

"Hahaha~" Barlow Flame Demon laughed: "Your master, I am afraid that he has turned into ashes in the flames just now! Waiting for him to avenge you? Don't be too naive! Fool! Forget it! After all! With your low IQ, its hard to understand what Im talking about."

"Stupid thing! You can't understand the horror of my main dragon! He won't lose to the King of Flame Demon!"

"Innocent stupid thing! Die to me!" Barlow Flame Demon shouted sharply.

The two whips danced into afterimages, completely photographing the two dogs, but within a short time they drew blood dripping from them, covered with blood, and bones can be seen in some deep places!

"Damn Barlow Flame Demon! I'm fighting with you!" Zhan Shiqi roared.

The spark in his mouth flickered.

Ballow Flame Demon's eyes are full of disdain, stupid things!

Do you want to use flames to deal with the noble Balo Balm? In his race name, there is the word flaming demon!

Although it is not a pure fire elementary life, but its resistance to flames is extremely high, and he is not afraid of flames of ordinary thousand degrees!

Seeing Zhan Shiqi's stupid behavior, he even stopped the offensive, ready to let the flame give him a warm bath!

But the next moment Zhan Shiqi's dog's head suddenly turned around, and this flame was aimed at the lava giant behind him!

He wants to save the lava giant!

"Stupid thing! You can't make it in time!" Barlow flame demon howled, the whip had turned into a fire dragon and drew towards the demon dog's forehead!

If this stroke is drawn, it is enough to prevent the fire of the dog from hitting the lava giant, and draw him into a concussion!

Snapped! There was a crisp sound.

Another demon dog instantly blocked the whip!


Teddy let out a miserable howl again, and a huge hole appeared in his body. This beating was completely different from the playful beating before! The flaming blood, like magma, could not stop flowing down.

Teddy's body splashed and fell to the ground.

Zhan Shiqi beside him finally sprayed flames onto the lava giant.

The giant is like a fish that gets water, instantly regaining a lot of vitality.

A large patch of gray on his body faded, and the flaming magma body boiled slightly again.

Although there is still a lot of gray on the body, it is much better than before.

It slowly climbed up from the ground: "Damn Barro Flame Demon! How dare to be the real master of the Fifteenth Floor, the lava giant! I will let you know how powerful we are!"

"Huh! What's the use of a weak thing even if it gets up again? It's just to delay your death for a while!" The Balo Flame Demon didn't care at all.

Even if the opponent's state is in its heyday. He can beat the opponent, not to mention now?

His body turned into a fiery red phantom, quickly appeared in front of the lava giant, and the big sword that had not been used in his hand suddenly slashed towards the opponent's waist.


There was a loud noise.

The lava giant staggered, and his waist was like a broken stone, with a big cut cut out.

Immediately, he let out an angry roar and hit the opponent with his right fist.

But Barlow Flame Demon's figure was too agile, and he dodged a little sideways.

Another sword struck the giant.

The body of the lava giant became darker and darker with the slash of the Balo Flame Demon.

Zhan Shiqi hurriedly sprayed out another flame behind him.

Barlow Flame Demon didn't pay attention to Zhan Shiqi anymore, and was still fighting with the lava giant.

Zhan Shiqi is like a gas station, constantly replenishing flame energy to the lava giant.

But after a few times, the lava giant obviously couldn't add oil.

A large amount of gray appeared on his body, and his movements were a lot slower. This made Zhan Shiqi and Teddy anxious. If this lava giant was defeated, they had only one dead end!

And the grinning smile at the corner of Barlow Flame Demon's mouth became more and more ferocious.

Just when they were extremely anxious.


A fireball of lava with flames passed through the air with a roar and fire waves passing by Zhan Shiqi's side.

Peng slammed on the unprepared Barrow Flame Demon, knocking him out a hundred meters away, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

There were huge footsteps, and they approached with a slight movement.

"Damn Barro Flame Demon! I dare to hurt my Kadan! Dare to provoke our lava giants! I want you to look good!"

A huge lava giant, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com raised his right arm and ran towards this side quickly.

He is the lava giant who left before, Seamus Huorong.

Walking on the way back to the territory, after discovering the strangeness behind him, he made it a little curious, so he returned, and he wanted to see his brother Kadan being beaten by a Balo flame demon.

This rhythm is almost beaten to death! The fire of anger has made Seamus's lava heart burn more violently!

Quickly came to the side of the lava giant Kadan, and the two lava giants quickly kissed each other.

Zhan Shiqi and Teddy can even clearly see them kissing each other!

Zhan Shiqi's dog face was a little dazed, but he quickly reacted.

This is the unique replenishing feature of the lava giant clan! This effect is achieved by kissing from mouth to mouth similar to humanoid creatures!

I just heard it before, but I didnt expect to see such spicy eyes in reality...