What is this for?

Why is it so fast? Why is it flying towards me?

Three questions emerged from his mind.

Chijin's light fell 100 meters in front of him!

At that moment, the goose bumps all over the Barlow Flame Demon came out.

The original body temperature is the smallest Baidu body.

The bare back was like rain for a moment, and there was endless cold sweat!

He felt a deadly threat!

This is a crisis that has never been felt for more than a thousand years from birth to now!

It's a sign of death!

"Do not!!!"

Balo Flame Demon's eyes were full of horror, and he issued a final cry of despair!

After that, it was a little familiar, and the terrifying white light suddenly broke out!

Submerge him completely! Devour!

The consciousness of Balo Flame Demon instantly entered the darkness.


The two lava giants stared at the white light that erupted in the distance. They were elemental creatures, and they would not be blinded by this extreme white light or hurt their eyes.

The two giants stared blankly at the white light that appeared in the distance after Silom spit out the golden ball of light.

At the same time a gray mushroom cloud slowly rose from the ground.

A terrible shock wave swept in all directions!

Pushing everything on the ground.

Gravel, dirt, fire trees, and the dead bodies of fire creatures.

Mixed into a terrifying wave!

"This...what's this?" The lava giant, Simoreng said.

"This... Isn't this the shock that almost killed me before?"

Qiao Yan, another lava giant, suddenly reacted.


The two lava giants reacted thoroughly and looked at each other.

The feelings are all caused by the dragon.

It was just aftermath, and almost killed Qiao Yan!

I thought it was the Lord of the Flame Demon.

What should we do now?

Want to avenge the dragon?

The two lava giants exchanged glances.

Report a fart! Do u wanna die?

Such a message was revealed in Seamore's eyes.

"Oh~" The other end can only scream.

The two giants continued to watch the beautiful and terrifying wave of death, until a terrible roar reached their ears.

Then after more than 30 kilometers, the shock wave that had basically dissipated, leaving only a gust of wind blowing through them, making their bodies like magma flash red.

They realized that this great horror was over.

"Have you seen it! This is the power of my lord!"

Enough to shatter everything, all lives must fear it! This is the strongest power of invincibility! "

Zhan Shiqi was extremely proud, as if the power just now was his.

The dog is expensive by the Lord and has penetrated into his bones.

"This kind of power can indeed match the King of the Flame Demon." The lava giant Seamus exclaimed.

Silom slowly landed in the sky, with an indifferent expression: "The Balo flame demon has turned into fly ash.

What I said, it doesnt matter even if you let him run another twenty or thirty kilometers, he will never escape from my hands! "

"As expected of my lord!" Zhan Shiqi looked at Shillong with bright eyes.

"Thank your Majesty Shillong!" Teddy's three pairs of dog eyes are very bright, and his face is admired: "Your Excellency Shillong! Please let me be your licking dog, no! Be a subordinate! I am willing to be loyal to you forever At the feet!"

"Oh?" Shillon looked at Teddy with some surprise. How could this dog be so active?

Much smarter than Jian Shiqi! At that time, this stupid dog was as smart as Teddy, so there was no need to waste my devil contract!

"A very wise choice! You will be my dear subordinate from now on! Don't worry! I am in the main material realm, but I am known to love subordinates!" Silom looked at Teddy with relief.

This is a magic dog conquered by his dragon's charm!

"And my clan dogs, I believe they must also want to join you! Please let me take you to the clan land, let the clan dogs pay tribute to your sacred appearance! Let's join your clan!

This is the honor of the whole tribe of **** dogs! "Teddy's face is full of admiration.

Sell all the clan dogs in the clan directly! Just ask Shillong to be happy!

Shillong could even perceive a large amount of milky power of faith from Teddy's body into his body, flowing into the fragments of the Lord of Dawn.

This power of faith is only slightly weaker than that of a fanatic like Danny A, and it is many times stronger than that of Zhan Shiqi!

"Very good! As long as you can persuade your own clan dogs to invest in me, then I will give you the right to rule them." Silom praised.

"I will do my best for my lord's will!" Teddy roared with excitement.

Can't wait to bring all the clan dogs here at once.

Licking Shillong's toes together...

"Then...what about me?" Zhan Shiqi was a little anxious on the side!

Damn Teddy! what is the problem? How can you flatter so much! It's so shameless!

He was so honored to betray the clan dog?

How can there be such a shameless dog in this world?

Damn it!

Zhan Shiqi still cursed in his heart at first.

But at the end, I felt wrong!

Under his Dragon Throne, his identity as the first dog licking dog was threatened!

No way! I also want to let go of my self-esteem!

He ran to Shillon's toes quickly, and looked at Shillon with bright eyes while licking.

"You...?" Shillon hesitated. This stupid dog was obviously not as good at trouble as Teddy, but it was an old licking dog.

There is no credit, and there is hard work.

"Which of you two brings more clan dogs, whoever is the orthodox leader, whoever brings the less is the deputy commander, so be it. Don't say I won't give you a chance." Silon said after thinking for a moment.

"Thank my lord!" Zhan Shiqi said and raised his head. At this time, his three pairs of dogs were blazing fire.

This is the fire of fighting spirit!

He turned to look at Teddy, and barked his teeth defiantly.


Teddy was a little dazed, he still didn't know why Zhan Shiqi was gnawing at him, but he wouldn't admit defeat.

He hurriedly returned a tooth.

The sights of the two dogs met in the void, as if a string of thunder light exploded.

"Huh~" Silom sighed.

The physical and mental difficulties are getting stronger. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

It's really strange.

He is only forty-five years old now, and after falling asleep more than ten years ago, logically speaking, he will not welcome the next sleep.

But the situation now is the same as before.

He took the two dogs, separated from the two lava giants, and found a volcano nearby.

A molten giant snake with a body length of forty to fifty meters originally lived here, but after Shillong approached, he threw away his hometown a long time ago. I don't know where to go.

So this became a land of no owner, and Shillong came here with two dogs.

He said to them: "I am going to sleep here for a while, you can wait for me to wake up and go to your family land together."

He was a little worried about these two dogs. Although the strength is not bad, there will always be a one-thousandth, one-tenth, or even lower probability of encountering danger.

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