The words of the King of Flame Demon fell, and he rode away on the sky of fire.

Two demon dogs are left alone.

"Hu~ finally completed the task my lord gave." Zhan Shiqi's legs trembled.

"Teddy, under the coercion of the King of Flame Demon, you were able to say nothing. Sure enough, I underestimated you before.

You do have the strength to compete with me for the canine leader! "

Zhan Shiqi sighed with emotion, then turned to look at Teddy on the side.


In an instant his dog's eyes opened wide.

I saw the original Teddy, not only the four legs trembled.

The excrement under you is more like a sluice with a broken valve, and it flows down!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." Teddy's mouth spat out a little white foam...

Three pairs of eyes rolled up.

"Bah!" Zhan Shiqi spit a hot saliva from his dog's mouth and flew straight to Teddy's face.

"Trash! I was frightened into such a virtue!

Unfortunately, I thought you could compete with me for the reputation of being the first dog licking dog. It seems that I look up to you! It's disgusting! it stink! "

Zhan Shiqi hurriedly shook his head. Just now because he was too nervous, his nose was malfunctioning. Now I can't bear the smell of **** and urine!

He left here quickly and ignored the stupid dog.

In the days that followed, the two magic dogs had been circling around the volcano.

Days pass by.

The original vibrant lava lake has gradually lost its color.

The red magma turned into gray clods, which slowly dried up and dried up.

The wisps of gray mist penetrated through the clods, which was terrifying poison gas.

Zhan Shiqi and Teddy couldn't stand the poisonous gas at this time, so they quickly stayed away from here.

The ground for several kilometers is slowly losing its original hot and red, turning into gray dead soil. It is full of absolute silence and the breath of death permeates.

Spider-web-like cracks spread over a radius of ten kilometers.

Time is like this, slowly passing by for three years.

this day.

The dormant volcano in Shillong is already covered with a gray and poisonous fog, and the earth is dry and cracked. At this time, it has become a forbidden zone for life.

Occasionally, a monster with incomparable intelligence breaks in, and gray spots appear on the body in a few breaths, and it will die!


boom! !

In the crater, a pillar of fire broke through the originally dry magma land instantly, and the pillar of fire went straight to the sky for dozens of kilometers! Like the resurrected flame king, proclaiming his arrival to the world!

At the same time, a huge black shadow floated slowly along the pillar of fire from the broken dust.

Until the black shadow floated for tens of meters.

The pillar of fire dissipated. It came and went fast. Only a few flame demons discovered this strange scene.

When the pillar of fire dissipated, the true face of a huge black shadow was revealed.

This is a terrifying dragon with a huge huge pole.

The body length is close to 110 meters! The unfolded wings even cover the sky and the sun, measuring a full 130 meters!

The scales of his body are pitch black, and the golden streamer turns in the gap.

He was surrounded by endless black-gray mist.

In his huge nostrils, he breathed from time to time.

When he breathed in, the gray mist and dust around him was sucked in, but he didn't care at all.

When he exhaled, a long string of sparks mixed with gray mist emerged.

The surrounding space is moving with his breathing rhythm, and bright red sparks are emerging in the void, which are indefinite with the breathing of the dragon!

In his eyes, the stream of golden particles is as dazzling and beautiful as the sun in the sky.

One big and one small winding backwards, flames and gray mist entwined with two pairs of dragon horns.

In the golden gaps of the scale armor, golden particles sputtered from time to time.

Every golden particle falling on the dry ground will turn the gray-white dry soil into scorched black.

And this burnt black will rapidly expand until it spreads to a radius of tens of meters...

Needless to say, this dragon is a sleeping Shillong.

He heavily sprayed two long flame dragons from his nostrils, and then took a light breath.

He felt full of power in his body.

Especially the energy of the flame, do not spit it out!

The flame between the mouth and teeth was jumping happily, occasionally a little jumped out from between the teeth.

Shillong opened his mouth.

The red-gold pillar of fire revolved like a whirlpool, turning into a storm of flames, sweeping straight to the ground diagonally below.

These dry and cracked ground was burned by the flame, and quickly turned into gray-black powder.

Then because of the impact of the flame storm, it turned into fly ash...

Shillon turned the faucet slightly, and the flame storm swept straight ahead.

The dry soil on the ground is flying.


The flame storm hit the dry volcano wall, quickly burned a hole and shot directly toward the sky!

Thousands of meters are sprayed straight to the end!

The flame's owner seemed to be announcing his own awakening, but it seemed that he had no ulterior motives.

Then Silom closed his mouth, and the storm pillar of flame came to an abrupt end.

He looked at the ground burned by the pillar of fire, thinking slightly, this time the flame, the temperature alone, was about two thousand degrees higher than the previous one, and the range was much longer.

He can clearly feel it.

Throwing away his fission and fusion fire, the power of ordinary fire is greatly increased.

As for the first two flames, it is not that simple to increase the temperature.

But increasing the power is no problem.

The simplest and rude way is to increase the equivalent!

For example, let the three-phase breath, which was previously only 30 million equivalent, advance towards the real 50 million equivalent Ivan!

Shillong didn't know if he could do that level now.

I have a chance to try it later...

Silom looked at the valley opening that was ejected from the L-shaped ground directly in front, and slowly landed on the ground.

But how can the dry earth now bear his weight?

The earth began to collapse, boom~

With the dust rising in the sky.

The ground was falling inch by inch, and soon the place where Shillong stood on his limbs sank dozens of meters, and the middle part began to sink against Shillong's abdomen.

This made him a little uncomfortable, his eyes lightly dazzled.

A huge repulsive force instantly acted under him.


With a loud noise ~wuxiaworld.online~ the lowest layer of the entire ground sank ten meters again, and Shillong was able to stand firm.

He stood on the ground, shaking slightly.

A huge shock wave rushed out of his body, mixed with infinite flames, spreading towards the upper half in a semicircle shape!

The originally loose dry soil around it was like fly ash that encountered a flame hurricane, mixed in it, and was quickly scraped off layer by layer.

Soon, there was only a desert around him, and endless dust was floating in the air.

Shillon turned his head slightly and began to look for the whereabouts of Zhan Shiqi and Teddy at this time.

Be prepared to find out how long I slept this time.

Soon, he found Zhan Shiqi in a small forest fifteen kilometers away.

