Peng! Peng! Peng!

A huge ground shaking from far to near.

A huge behemoth is rushing here.

Teddy and Shillon turned their heads and looked at Zhan Shiqi.

"My lord!"

When he saw Sillon looking at him, he immediately shouted.

It didn't take long to come to Shillong.

"Okay, let's set off now, go to the seventeenth floor of the abyss and take all of your people into my territory."

Shillon said and left with the two dogs.

He flew in the sky by himself.

Two dogs on the ground are running.

The consequence of this is that the speed of travel is greatly reduced.

After all, each abyss is not small, not to mention the same size as the previous Blue Star.

If you are unlucky a little, and the Styx is farther away, it is really going to be a dead dog.

At least two demon dogs are exhausting enough.

They don't have the ability of Shillong to approach immortality.

You need rest when you are tired, food and drink when you are hungry.

In the middle of the journey, I rarely encounter monsters that can't open their eyes. It's just that in the fifteenth layer of the abyss, Shillong's reputation is so great that he is already a more scared existence than the King of the Balrog.

After all, the Flame Demon King stayed in his molten heart and rarely walked around.

Unlike the Death Star, scurrying in the sky.

Of course, occasionally there will be individual blind demons who will still find the trouble of the two demon dogs running wild on the road, and the weak two demon dogs will clean up by themselves.

Powerful, Shillong was directly sprayed down by a spiral flame vortex at an altitude of several thousand meters, and immediately eliminated these blind demons.

This seriously affected the speed. It has been more than 20 days before the party came to the end of the Styx.

Looking at the river at the end of the roaring sound.

Zhan Shiqi and Teddy got directly into the Styx.

Crashing down the river, the water of the Styx protects them from falling down.

Shillong waited on the shore for a few minutes before he calmed down.

The entire Styx flows back down before booming.

Thousands of demons died in the surrounding area.

They didn't expect that they had already escaped ahead of time, and they were more than 20 kilometers away from the Omen Star, and they would be killed by flames and shock waves...

They are really wronged! When being rushed to death by the shock wave, all of them sighed that it was not easy to be a demon...

If there is an afterlife, maybe it is better to be a human being?

But this is already much better than the previous ones.

After all, the number of demons who died and died each time was close to 100,000!

Enter the sixteenth floor, the abyss of ice and snow.

Not many demons here have heard of the prestige of the Death Omen Star of Shillong Abyss, and because of Shillongs higher flight and two **** three-headed dogs, there are more demons who come to look for trouble than the fifteenth floor. On a lot.

It took nearly twenty days for Shillong and his party to reach the seventeenth floor.

As soon as Shillong entered, he felt that the world at this level was different, and the gap was very large.

There is a feeling of primitive jungle.

What catches the eye is the boundless tall trees and mountains.

It is similar to Xiaguo's tourist attractions, but the scenery is beautiful.

With Shiron's eyesight, you can see many animal-type demons fighting each other below.

For example, it should be a cute and cute rabbit.

But as a demon creature.

The bunny stood up, his legs were strong and strong, and they looked all muscles.

The upper body is similar to humans, the abdominal muscles are extremely developed, and both arms are of the devil muscle level.

The head of the rabbit looked terrifying, and there was a fierce red glow in his eyes.

The height is more than two meters.

At this time, this muscled rabbit was frantically beating a single saber-toothed lion with a shoulder height of about three meters!

The muscle rabbit is like a boxer, jumping from left to right, his fist is as fast as lightning, and it falls on the lion's body like a storm.

Not long after, the saber-toothed lion wailed and fell down.

The rabbit was directly on the spot, opened its mouth, and began to devour the carcass of its prey with its two front teeth.

There is also a blue wolf with a shoulder height of about two meters. They are wrapped in green light, soaring in the low altitude, spitting out thousands of wind blades, and blasting at the enemies on the ground!

When a huge black spider faces an enemy at a distance of 100 meters, it breathes black spider thread, sticks directly to the prey, and then drags it back...

This is the territory of the monsters.

The two magic dogs emerged from the extremely dirty Styx, and when they smelled the familiar smell again, they looked extremely excited. They raised their heads and let out a loud wolf howl.

After hearing some weak monsters around, they all fled instantly.

The two demon dogs will return to their hometown, their necks are straight, and there is an indescribable hoarse on the dog's face.

Just like those who work outside and make a lot of money to return home.

They held their heads high and started to rampage!

No matter who the leader of this territory is at all, no matter how awesome they are, there is no such awesome owner!

As a result, many territories have suffered.

Walk all the way for six or seven days.

A total of more than a dozen territories all died tragically under the flames of Shillong!

These hapless guys have run across their territory in the past.

No other creature dared to come to their territory to make trouble.

That would be seen as a provocation, which would lead to a war.

But this time, they saw two demon dogs swaggering like this.

How can you bear it?

Immediately, there was a roar that shook the sky and killed the enchanting dog!

Just when they appeared in the sight of the magic dog, ready to appreciate the appearance of the magic dogs from shock, fear, horror to turning their buttocks and fleeing in embarrassment, the two magic dogs looked at them with disdain!

Then he looked up to the sky and let out a loud howl of a wolf.

Then, a pillar of fire full of death and destruction fell from the sky!

Straight down on the leaders who are preparing to hunt!

Just a moment, it took them half their lives!

The strength is not legendary, almost instantly, it was burned, and the flesh and blood evaporated!

People above the legendary level can cry a few times, and then quickly turn around to escape, but they cant escape at all~wuxiaworld.online~ The pillar of fire is like a spotlight and has never left on them!

No matter how coquettish their position is, fast or slow, they just can't get away from the pillar of fire!

In this case, they couldn't hold on for a minute, and they were burned to death! As a result, many jungles have been burnt down.

The trees in these jungles originally had extremely high fire resistance.

A demon dog like Zhan Shiqi, even if it can spit out flames close to a thousand degrees, it is impossible to burn such trees without a few hours.

And those weak, only a few hundred degrees, even if the trees are ignited at first, but after a while, these trees will secrete some liquid by themselves to extinguish the flames.

But the flame of Shillong is different. Its temperature is not only over 5,000, but also has a special energy that destroys and destroys everything.

Even if it is only contaminated for a short time, it will burn the trees like a worm.