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"I also think it's some kind of super powerful weapon. Let me tell you that there are definitely a large number of spies from other countries in our city.

The return of the Dragon King this time is definitely to show his strength! Used to frighten neighboring countries, I have heard that the iron kingdom next door has been adding troops to the city close to us, the purpose is not pure! "A "wise man" analyzed.

A group of citizens are talking here.

A sturdy dwarf brutally squeezed the crowd from behind a bunch of people, came to look closer.

When he finished watching, the whole person was taken aback.

The great invention that changed the world?

What a big tone!

The dwarf secretly said in his heart, but this dragon king is definitely not to be peeped!

Its individual strength is extremely powerful, and even this kind of existence is said to be something that can change the world. What kind of terrible thing will it be?

Want everyone to visit? He listened to the analysis of the people around him while secretly saying in his heart.

After three days, you must take a good look at what big moves the Dragon King has, and then pass the information to the motherland.

A lot of spies had the same determination in their hearts as the dwarves.

Until three days later.

But early in the morning, many people rushed to the square.

They found that at this time the center of the square where people had come and go had been isolated, with a square steel table in the middle.

The table is sunken in the middle, and the peripheral design is very precise.

There are also many seats around.

A bunch of mutated radiators guarded the surroundings, and the broadcaster that had been erected next to it had been turned on, perfectly aimed at the steel tabletop.

A group of people couldn't understand what it was.

Can a strange metal table really have the ability to change the world?

They talked around in a low voice.

Wait until ten o'clock.

On the north street, a group of passersby was quickly lined up.

The leader was a Demon Dragon descendant who looked less than one meter, four or five meters away, walking forward.

The city is very famous, Alman, the brother of the city lord, and Kusk, one of the citys administrators, as well as several famous human-shaped female dragons are walking behind this demon dragon descendant.

Only a few people here have seen Shillong's dragonborn body.

When the City of Tomorrow was first built, among a million people, perhaps only a few thousand, or even fewer, have seen it.

Just when a group of people was discussing who it was, someone gave them a bit of science.

Amidst the noise, Shillong led a group of aliens to a space separated in the middle.

Each finds his own seat and sits down.

Only Arman and Kusk, and a man in a tuxedo with an amplified microphone in his hand walked to the steel table placed in the middle.

The crowd onlookers soon discovered that both Arman and Cusk held a deck of cards in their hands.

The "two" walked to the opposite table and sat down at will.

Then another guy who seemed to be the host with an amplified microphone put the microphone to his mouth and said: "Citizens of the City of Tomorrow! It's an honor to see you all here. I am the host and Narrator, now I give you a grand introduction.

The invention that is about to be shown before everyone and can change the world is a game. It is a [Mainland Legend of Heroes] game carefully researched by the great Lord of the City of Tomorrow, the King of Dragon, and His Majesty Shillon Soderberg.

It brought together heroes from the entire continent, and used their experiences and legends to create this game perfectly.

It is a game that can make you crazy as long as you have played it!

Now I will give you a brief introduction to the rules of this game..."

I have been talking for three or four minutes before the brief introduction is complete.

Although most of the people below certainly don't understand, the host can't continue to explain. The only thing left is to explain while waiting for the game to start.

Afterwards, Arman and Cusk inserted the card into a groove.

Suddenly, the original ordinary steel table was instantly activated.

Streaks of white light lit up from the center, like a concave surface of a billiard table.

An icy metal electronic sound played.

"The mainland legend of heroes has been prepared. Players on both sides should choose their own heroes and throw dice to determine the order of their hands."

At this time, the huge broadcaster next to it had already been aimed at this tabletop, putting everything clearly.

In front of Arman and Cusk, nine small figures appeared.

A beautiful female mage with a beautiful face, blonde hair and blue eyes.

A paladin wearing armor and a heroic appearance.

A holy male priest in a priest's robe?

A female thief dressed slightly exposed.

A rough-looking orc warrior, and a hunter with a long bow, a hideous warlock, a shaman who controls the elements, and a strange-looking druid.

Arman glanced at it and said, "The incarnation of justice like me, of course, chooses the Paladin!"

While talking, he clicked on the small doll image of the Paladin with his finger.


After he clicked, the paladin's doll seemed to be infused with life, and his entire eyes became agile. He slowly walked to the edge of the table corner, put his right hand on his chest, and shouted: "Glory gives me strength!"

The audience below were all surprised. Is this a life magic item?

How come you have never seen it?

Feeling so advanced?

Some people who don't understand are secretly surprised, what is this?

Why does that villain look the same as the real one? The eyes are so brilliant? Can speak?

Did the dragon lord seal the human soul inside and make it a game?

Why are you calling someone to watch? What is the conspiracy in this? I keep watching, will my soul be taken away?

A group of people have complicated minds.

But the people above don't care about them~wuxiaworld.online~ Kusk stretched out his thick finger and clicked on the orc warrior.

The little orc warrior, like the paladin, walked out of the nine small people pile, walked to the corner, suddenly raised his fisted right hand, and shouted: "For the tribe! For honor!"

After the two had finished choosing their heroes, the host continued to interrupt and said: "Okay! Both players have finished choosing their heroes.

His Royal Highness Arman chose the incarnation of justice, the Paladin. His hero skill is to consume two crystals and summon a Paladin recruit with 1 attack and 1 life to join the battlefield. Since ancient times, everyone has known that many people are powerful!

Paladin is obviously this kind of profession that takes more people and less people to the extreme.

As for Kusks warriors, the hero skill consumes two mana crystals and adds two armor points to himself!

This is also very powerful. You must know that the lives of both players are only 30 points. When the lives are zero, the game will fail.

And the superimposed armor can make you more resistant to beating! "