, The fastest update of the latest chapters in the field of plutonium!

"This weapon doesn't seem to be so good?" Someone couldn't help but said, seeing the attack and durability, "It's only 1 point of durability, and it's gone after a single slash."

"You stupid! This is a purple weapon with special effects underneath! Didn't you see it? As long as you attack the entourage, you can cut seven knives! Although after each knife, the attack will be reduced by 1 point, but this knife is definitely powerful Is the card okay? After it is equipped, it is not a problem to hack four or five monsters!" A smarter analyst said.

"Hiss~" After listening, everyone around them inhaled, and suddenly said, "Yeah! This card looks so strong!"

A group of people talked about it, and a man suddenly said: "This dwarf brother! How about you sell this card to me? I'll give it a gold coin!"

"What is a gold coin and a card?" Someone was surprised.

But the dwarf spy disdainfully said: "What are you kidding! I am the one who lacks your gold coin?"

"Oh~ that's really a pity." The man shook his head with some regret, and stopped talking.

The dwarf man quickly added this purple card to his new deck, and then continued to open the card.

When he opened the last ten packs, he finally saw a purple card again.

The picture shows a tall man with three pairs of arms, double horns on his head, and flames wrapped around his body.

[Mutant Danny's]

Purple quality

Crystal 6

Attack 6, Life 6

Special effect: As long as this card exists on the battlefield, all your mutants attack, and your life is increased by 1.

Flame Ball: After each round, randomly inflict 1 point of damage on an enemy.

Seeing this card, people around shouted: "Isn't this one of the mutants' captains, Captain Danny? You can actually buy his cards, and it feels great to see the effect!"

"Can it be awesome? This is a purple epic card! Look at this dwarf, he opened two hundred packs, a total of two thousand cards! There are only two super rare cards!"

"I envy him with such a powerful card."

"Then you also spend money to buy it! Four gold coins!"

"Go away! Where do I have so much money!"

The dwarf spy had separated the blue cards from the white ones before. At this time, he took out a total of nearly two hundred blue cards and quickly picked out what he needed.

Because his purple [Bloodhowl] is a warrior card, and the purple card [Danny Ao] is a blessing effect of mutants.

He chose the direction of fighters and mutants when he formed the cards, quickly assembled the cards, and then put the useless ones into the space ring.

This operation was a second time for the person next to me. I thought it was an ordinary ring, but I didn't expect it to be an expensive spatial ring. The fruit is a local tyrant!

This dwarf definitely runs a weapon shop at home!

A group of people thought.

Of course, this is actually given by the country as a spy...

After the dwarf formed the deck, he returned to the previously failed machine triumphantly.

At this time, the middle-aged man who despised him was still sitting there. He had defeated three opponents before.

His opponents are all Mengxin who barely scored 30 cards. Where is his opponent with ten blue cards?

He was directly hammered by a middle-aged man!

At this time, the opponent opposite the middle-aged man chose a beautiful female mage.

The two have fought until the sixth round.

But there are no more monsters of female wizards on the field, only two monsters of middle-aged men as warriors.

The situation is doomed, and every few rounds the middle-aged man defeats the enemy again.

He proudly said: "It seems! My strength is too strong! It's really boring to play with you rookies! Let's get some excitement! How about a little bet? What about losing to winning? 10 copper coins in a round?"

"What stupid thing are you talking about! This is not your house! If you want to play a game of 10 copper coins, buy a machine yourself and go back and play with your friends. This is a place for everyone to play together. "Someone said angrily.

The people on one side also made a few noises.

Seeing nothing, the middle-aged man murmured to himself: "A group of weak and poor poor ghosts!

Forget it! We did not pull it down, we continued. "

Then a man wanted to sit down, but before he sat down, he was stopped by the dwarf spy. The dwarf spy said to the man: "Wait!"

Then he said to the middle-aged man: "10 copper coins per round, I will play with you!"

"Hey~ aren't you the defeated player before? Why did you come back so soon?" The middle-aged man was a little surprised. He smiled and said, "You only have one or two blue cards in your deck? Just dare to continue with me. Fight?"

This middle-aged man had been fighting with other people before. They were all surrounded. He didn't know that after the dwarf spy went out, he bought another two hundred packs of card packs.

"Hmph! I lost to you before! It was totally an accident! I will never lose this time!" the dwarf spy said.

"That's all right! You want to send me money, I thank you it's too late, although there is only 10 copper, but it is also money anyway! This will make me a little more energetic." The middle-aged man laughed.

Then the dwarf spy wanted to sit down, but the waiting man didn't want him to take the place, and blocked him: "Hey! Mr. Dwarf! Don't you know if you come first? Now it's my turn!"

"Hmm~ It's really troublesome!" The dwarf spy murmured, eager for revenge, he directly took out 10 copper coins and handed it to the other party: "Take it! Is it mine now?"

The man took the copper coin and immediately smiled and said, "Sit down! Sit down!"

"Humph!" The dwarf spy snorted and sat down.

The middle-aged man on the opposite side said: "You guys are quite rich. You want others to give 10 copper coins for every position."

"Does it matter?" The dwarf spy said to the middle-aged man while inserting the deck into the card slot and activating the game, "Anyway, you will return the money to me soon."

"Very confident?" The middle-aged man smiled slightly.

Both sides chose fighters, and the middle-aged man took the lead.

first round.

He directly played a 1 crystal blue card Kingdom Guardianattack 2, life 1.

With this card with 2 attacks, the middle-aged man has been killed twice in the second round with the opponent's 2 crystal card.

He knew it was a very good card.

When he ends the round.

It's the turn of the dwarf spy~wuxiaworld.online~ he sneered coldly.

Play the reward card as a backhand, and get an extra mana crystal this round, so that he temporarily has two mana crystals.

He directly sneered and inserted a card into the card slot.

A mutant man with flames appeared on the battle table.

Consume crystal 2.

Attack 2, Life 2.

The special race [mutant] is marked below.

After the flame man appeared, he said, "Taste the smell of flame! Stupid guys!"

As he spoke, a flame ball appeared in the hand of the flame man, and then tossed it directly to the kingdom guard!


The life of the kingdom guard returns to 0 and disappears...

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