, The fastest update of the latest chapters in the field of plutonium!

"Uncle Orom, the observation is really keen." Silom smiled.

"So you should be honest, there is really not a place you can go!" Orom said.

"Can you go outside with me?" Silom said.

"?" Arman and Orom looked at each other: "What do you want to do? Is there any question that can't be said here?"

"Show you something, it's too small here."


Although the two dragons had some doubts in their hearts, they went out.

Outside, on flat ground.


Shillong's dragonborn body quickly twisted in front of the two dragons.

His face gradually became hideous and weird, and his body quickly deformed and expanded.


A dragon roar came from Shillong's mouth, like a thunder explosion, shocking the soul!

Arman licked the weak **** and fell straight to the ground, rolling his mercury-like eyes.

Orom shook his head slightly.

This kid, did you tell me to come out to see his real body? Even if you can change, can't you change inside?

In other words, the space in the library is considered spacious, and it is comfortable to stay at the level of Taikoolong.

But before he said he was leaving this world, he lied to me?

Orom frowned and watched Sillon's body expand rapidly.

He soon surpassed him, followed by the 30-meter-high and 60-meter body length in Oroms image.

Then it is 40 meters high and 80 meters long.

Just when Orom thought it was about the time, Sillon's body still didn't stop swelling, and soon under his shocked eyes.

Turned into a terrifying dragon with a height of over 50 meters and a body length of over 100 meters!

With each breath, flames emerged from his mouth and nose, and the temperature of the surrounding space unconsciously increased with Shillong's breathing.

Because of the high temperature, everything around it looks extremely unreal.

With the appearance of this giant beast, the ground made an overwhelming squeak, and spider web-like cracks spread quickly to the distance.

"Ohhhhh~" A yelling sounded, interrupting Orom's surprise.

I saw Arman, who was frightened and fainted before, jumped from the ground like his **** was on fire.

"It's hot! It's hot! It's hot in your mouth!" He yelled, and quickly expelled ice mist from his mouth to cool himself down.

After the ice mist came to the outside world, it quickly reacted with the surrounding high temperature.

It made a sneer and became a large swath of water vapor.

"I'm burning to death!" Arman opened his eyes at this moment, and couldn't help but cried out when he saw the real body of Siro, "Siro! What are you doing! Take your power away!" It's hot! I hate this kind of heat the most!"

"Sorry, I can't hold it." Silom shook his head.

After he returned from the abyss, he didn't show his true body much and didn't have time to exercise his control.


A stream of golden particles sputtered from him and landed directly on Arman.

"Oh!!!" Arman screamed: "I'm burning to death!"

He looked at Shillong in horror, and quickly withdrew hundreds of meters back, slowly emitting ice mist to relieve the overheated body.

His beautiful silver scales were so large that they were completely blackened, which made him very heartbroken.

"You..." Orom was a little dazed. He is a Golden Dragon, and he also prefers fire attributes, but he is not afraid of these temperatures.

At this moment, he was a little unsure that what he saw was true. He gently rubbed his eyes with his paws, then raised a dragon's claw and gently stroked Shillong's forelimbs.

"..." Then he became even more dazed: "Is this true? Not an illusion?"

"Of course it is true, Uncle Orom." Shillon said, patted Orom's shoulder with his forelimbs, like an adult patted a child.

As a result, because of excessive force, Orom staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Uncle Orom, are you okay?" Shillon quickly supported him.

"It's really true..." His eyes were full of shock, and some couldn't believe what he saw.

Looking at Shillong's tall and sturdy body, and listening to Shillong calling his uncle, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He raised his head and looked at the tall Shillong and then at himself.

He found that he only reached the opponent's chest...

This gave him extremely subtle emotions.

Your size is enough to be my grandfather's grandfather, right? Call me uncle?

"Siron, you are not repelled by the power of the world?" He was a little unbelievable.

"I got the help of Time Dragon. He gave me a treasure that can overcome the power of the world in a short time." Xilong said, but immediately he frowned: "Even if I turned back to my true body, I should It can protect me from being rejected by the power of the world for 24 hours, but now it seems that as I grow, this time is also shortening, and it is only about 7~hours now.

Silom clearly felt that the time force in the necklace he swallowed in his belly was "fast" disappearing, much faster than it disappeared three years ago.

"Time Dragon? The Time Dragon, the head of the three legendary dragons?" Orom asked in surprise.

"It should be, he introduced himself like that."

"Hiss~" Orom breathed again.

"The Time Dragon is recognized as the strongest legendary dragon, even if compared with His Majesty Bahamut, it is not much better." Orom praised: "Sure enough, Shillong, you are also an amazing legendary dragon!"

"So, I will go to my mother. Uncle Orom should also understand me, right?" Shillon lowered his head and looked at Orom who was like a young dragon in front of him.

"This..." Orom hesitated again, but he was really no match for Shillon's eyes.

Being stared at, he feels so stressed!

"I'll take you to Elder Kama's. If he agrees, I have nothing to say." He finally decided like this.

"Okay! Let's go now~wuxiaworld.online~ Shillong said, quickly changing back to dragonborn form.

Arman then came back cursingly.

Three dragons quickly found Kama Dorn.

He was also looking at some books at this time. After seeing Sanlong coming in, he looked at Silom in surprise and asked, "My child, why are you back?"

Shillong told Kama what happened again.

Kama groaned slightly after listening.

"I'll go with you, Arman and Orom are staying on Dragon Island, don't go anywhere."

"How can this be? As the uncle of Shillong, it was wrong for Viola to go to the Doma Arcane Empire before. Now I want me to stay here like a coward. I can't do it!" Orom was emotional. excitement.

Arman wanted to go too, but when he was about to speak, Shillon glared fiercely, shrinking his head and dared not speak.

