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"Ahem~ Sorry, I am very confident in my grandson, and believe that he can become Master Bob's disciple with his talent." Karma reminded him with a cough.

"Yes...Is that so?" The black cat asked again.


"Okay, then you come with me. Testing talent is unusual and requires sophisticated magic equipment."

As the little black cat said, he limped into a magic circle in the corner.

Shillong and Kama followed closely behind.

"Wait! I'll go and take a look together. I'm very curious what kind of little genius I can see today." The young man yelled from a distance and quickly followed.

Something is wrong! Kulolo is very wrong!

It's not like this usually, sprained the foot? It seems impossible, it is not a harmless pet like its appearance.

It's the moon civet specially bred by the Doma Empire.

From birth, he has an extraordinary talent for arcane spellcasting.

In terms of strength alone, it is not under him!

The flexibility and strength of the body are enough to tear a general Corporal Beast.

How could this kind of murderer twist his ankle? There must be something wrong!

The "three people" a cat stood on the magic circle, the little black cat raised a paw and gently tapped a few times on the ground magic circle, and finally the light flashed and disappeared.

"What's the matter with them? Kurolo and Mulang are so weird." Some students asked strangely.

"It's just a child who thinks he has outstanding talents. What should I care about? Don't there be dozens of such people every year?" Someone said.

The woman who had fought against Mulang did not speak, but frowned, silently looking at the magic circle in the corner.



There was a flash of blue brilliance on the ground of a certain layer of the Mage Tower.

The "three" cat appeared.

Shillong looked at this place.

There are metallic walls everywhere, and the surroundings are a bit empty and cold.

"This is the place to be tested?" Karma asked with some confusion.

"Yes..... Very few people come in here. Everyone pays five kilograms of Arcane Dust even if they pass the level. Like yours, very few." The black cat twisted his feet and continued walking towards the metal gate. go with.

The others followed, and Mulan was at the end, frowning slightly, looking at Kurolo.

Why are you bringing these two guys here?

This is not a test point...

Siron and Kama followed in the middle. They felt a little wrong in their hearts, but they didn't dare to use arcane detection or communication. Arcane fluctuations would be sensed by sensitive arcanists.

After walking to the gate, the little black cat tapped the gate a few times again, and the gate was opened.

Exposed inside.

This is an extremely empty field, more than a football field.

There is a steel pillar with a diameter of about five meters in the middle, with many holes on it, and many camera-like things around it.

"You can go in first. Just stand on the pillar in the middle. I'll go to the control room to control it. Then you can follow my command. You can test it out soon." Little Black Cat said.

"This... Is it so troublesome to detect arcane talent?" Kama asked involuntarily.

The ominous premonition in my heart became stronger.

"Of course, arcane talent is something destined from birth. It is naturally not easy to detect in every drop of your blood, every drop of bone marrow, and every cell." Little Black Cat said.

"Is that right?"

"Do I have to lie to you? It's unpredictable? I'll pay for it!"

"Test! Let's test!" Karma quickly stopped the other party: "Siron, you go in."

"Okay, grandpa." Silom glanced at the little black cat and walked in.

"You also go in with him." The little black cat said to Kama: "He is a child, and it may be a bit troublesome for me to teach. You stay with him as an elder. By the way, don't let him break things."

After Shillong left, the little black cat Kuroro seemed to have a tougher tone.

"No, my grandson is smart. One person is enough." Kama didn't want to go in.

"You want to listen to me! You know! I let you in! Just go in! If you don't want to, you can pay!"

"Good! Good! Good! I'll go in and watch my grandson, isn't it okay..." Kama walked in silently.

Drop~ The huge iron gate slowly closed.

Shillon and Karma looked around and found that the iron gate was thick and unusual.

It's about two meters thick.

The two-meter-thick iron gate exudes a cold texture.

Outside the door, the black cat Kuroro let out a long sigh of relief, and the whole cat body relaxed: "Meow ~ finally sent them in."

"Kulolo, what are you doing?" Mulan couldn't understand what Kulolo did.

"Have you forgotten my race?" Kuroro jumped onto Mulan's shoulder and said.

"You are a moon cat, how could I forget." Mulan was surprised.

As Bob's disciple and an arcane genius, Mulan is extraordinary in both combat and knowledge.

"Then what is my natural ability?" Kulolo asked again.

"Aoneng, mind, hallucination, and danger perception..." At the end, Mulant was taken aback: "Danger perception?"

"Yes, I felt it in the child of those two people!

That is a breath of horror!

I can't imagine...

What is he and why is it so scary!

When I approached him, I felt endless malice!

I have been following Master Bob for 60 or 70 years since I was born, but I have never felt this terrible once!

My heart stopped beating at that time! "

Kurolo looked horrified: "But I know, I can't show it!

If they were torn down on the spot, all the lives we were there would die! "

"Is it scarier than the teacher?" Mulant asked.

"Bob will not be hostile to me!" Kulolo said: "But I believe that the monster inside who does not know his true body is definitely stronger than Master Bob!

His malice is radiated from the body unconsciously, as if it is an aggregate of evil itself, if I share my perception of danger with you. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

I think when you approach him, you will faint on the spot! "

"..." Mulant didn't speak, but his eyes were a little erratic.

Who is this dead cat looking down upon? Do you think I have the same guts as you?

The body is small, and the courage is also small!

"Okay! Go to the control room, I want to take a good look at the real bodies of the two monsters, and freeze them by the way." Kulolo reminded.

"They must be very rare treasure creatures, they can definitely sell a lot of arcane dust!"

Perhaps after leaving Shillong, Kuroro gradually returned to life.

It stretched out its delicate little tongue and licked its lips.

Crescent cats like creatures like arcane dust very much.

A little bit in their food can make them happy for a long time.

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