, The fastest update of the latest chapters in the field of plutonium!

Waited a moment.

In the entire empty space, a large light blue light suddenly lit up.

"Look, this should be the testing method of the Arcane Empire." Kama said, stroking his beard.

"I hope so..."

The blue light in the space is even worse.

Karma: "It should be an in-depth inspection."

The blue light turned dark blue.

Karma: "This test should be very comprehensive, with a strange and weird test method.

But didn't they say that we should cooperate?

How can we stand here and do nothing?"

He is a little strange, but he still maintains a certain awe of Thomas' Arcane Empire.

"Perhaps... it's coming soon..." Sillon said.

A white mist suddenly gushed from the walls on all sides.

Shillong and Karma felt that the temperature around them was dropping rapidly...





"No!" Kama was suddenly alert.

When he thought about it, he wanted to cast a fireball to dispel the cold surrounding him.

But found that his ability to cast spells was isolated!

"No! We are really exposed!"

Karma said in surprise.

The two dragons were soon separated by casting spells.

When using Transfiguration before, the last strand of magical power was consumed.

Peng, amidst a loud noise, his original form appeared!

Shillong's huge dragon body appeared, suddenly narrowing the vast space.

Because of his height, his whole body is in a half squat state.

Karma was directly squeezed to the edge by Shillong.

"Teacher! You will be transformed into a human body later, I will lead you to the destination as fast as possible, rescue my mother, and then run away!"

Silom said, raising his forelimbs, and slapped the wall fiercely to one side with a roar!


At least a million tons of power hit one side wall fiercely.

The surplus of the counter-shock alone made the head of Kama Dorn feel dizzy.

The surveillance cameras around, directly exploded!

The entire mage tower is shaking.


Monitoring room.

Kulolo watched mockingly at the unusually huge black-gold monster dragon raising its claws.

"What does this guy want to do? Are you going to attack the surrounding walls? This is stupid! Maybe his claws will break!"

Kurolo is very calm.

Until the strange dragon slapped its paw on the wall, its expression froze!

The entire large screen, dozens of cameras monitoring the screen without blind spots, at this moment, all turned into snowflakes!

The entire mage tower is shaking...

On the ground floor, the trainees who had been practicing in pairs immediately stopped practicing.

They supported the solid surroundings and looked at them blankly: "This...what the **** is going on? Senior sister?"

They asked the woman who had previously faced Mulant.

This woman is one of the first students to get started.

"I don't know, I have been in the business for almost five years, and this is the first time I have encountered this kind of problem. But anyway, I think we'd better go out and avoid it first."

This senior sister said, ran out quickly, and the others quickly followed.

And at the top of the mage tower.

Here lives the most noble person in the entire mage tower, Master Bob.

He is in a room full of various instruments and equipment.

On the edge of an iron bed.

Master Bob is now full of excitement.

He cautiously held a magic pattern carving knife, smeared with arcane dust that had been rendered by magic.

Engraved with magic patterns for a rabbit-shaped monster golem on the iron bed.

The whole body of this golem has been densely covered with 99% of the magic patterns, only the last 1% has not been completed!

This is a masterpiece that he has spent several catties a month to complete the final step!

As long as the entire golem is completed, it will have a combat power close to that of a colonel. What's more rare is that it has a good auxiliary role.

In the future, he and his old friends can take advantage of each other.

Master Bob stared closely at the inscription spreading under the carving knife, just as it was finished.


Amidst a loud noise, the whole room trembled fiercely.

Master Bob stroked his hand.

It had already been crossed, and the route covered with blue magic was severely cut off by the carving knife!

The blue light of the entire rabbit golem disappeared instantly!

"No!!! My golem!!! My hard work!!!" Bob yelled up to the sky, "Who is it! Dare to break my good deeds! I want to take his soul out of my body!" !

Tuck in a little dog head man! And inside the synthetic beast made up of pigs and **** bugs! Then throw him into the cesspool!

Let him know what true despair is! "

Master Bob's one month of hard work was in vain!

This made him let out a desperate roar.

bump! There was another loud noise, and the mage tower vibrated even more.

The arcane light on Master Bob flashed and disappeared in an instant. When he appeared again, he had come to a room full of surveillance screens.

It was very dark inside, there was no light except the light from the screen, and there was no living person.

Only three metal golems stood.

When Bob's figure appeared here.

Several golems instantly recognized Bob's identity, and the red electronic eyes flickered.

"Dididi... confirm your identity, Master Xinghui Tower Master, hello Master Bob! What can I do for you?"

"Tell me! What's the matter with the shock just now?" Bob's expression was so dark, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Dididi... is reading all the monitoring and analyzing useful information...dididi..."

"It has been found. Two giant dragons appeared in the eighth floor underground, an ancient golden dragon, and an unknown ancient black golden dragon attacking the Mage Tower..."

While the electronic sound was on, the dark screen in the middle, two or three times larger than the others, suddenly lit up.

Then the scene of Shillong tapping the wall was quickly screened.

"Damn it! Tell me! Why? There are two dragons or more dragons in my mage tower?" Bob roared~wuxiaworld.online~Dididi...It's the moon cat Kulolo and Mulan Brought it down. "

The screen jumped again, turning into the screen of the little black cat Kurolo and Mulang walking into the cage with two dragons!

"These two stupid things! Does he want to **** me off so as to inherit my mage tower? It's a dream! Even if I die! It will be inherited by my son and grandson! How can I get these two idiots!

Asshole stuff! I must have them pay! "Bob roared.

But before he finished roaring, the entire mage tower shook again, this time it was stronger than the last time!

Immediately afterwards, Bob felt that the entire mage tower began to tilt!

His complexion suddenly turned pale, and his figure flashed again.

Go to the street outside the mage tower.

There are wailing and screams everywhere here, citizens of the Arcane Empire running desperately.

