Shillong was floating quietly at this time.

The entrance to the goal is all gray, and there is no breath of life around.

Looking down, there is also only a gray fog that can't be seen at the end, but the closer the star core is, the thicker the gray fog, and some have even been compressed into a solid.

He boldly inhaled some of the gray gas on the planet, which contained a little energy. Generally speaking, it seemed to be a planet of little value.

His brows wrinkled lightly. Without intelligent creatures, he could not develop his own believers! Then this crossing is meaningless, it seems to be crossing again?

But he immediately became cautious, this kind of crossing was too random!

It might not be a bad thing to travel here by myself this time! At least it reminded him.

If the next time you cross directly and appear on a neutron star or black hole, wouldn't you just die?

He thought about this problem. Although the probability is very low, he has to guard against it!

Let's portray the portal honestly in the future.

At that time, send your hands to explore the way first!

There is also to minimize the number of random transmissions. After all, if you use a portal, the portal is interoperable!

What if there is a monster stronger than him and directly invades his world? Don't you want to run away in such embarrassment?

Ok! Have to guard! Shillon's brain came to life at once, thinking a lot.

In the end, he is still going to continue to check this star field to see if there are other planets, even if the journey is farther, it is better than opening the plane portal without restriction!

Look up at the stars.

There is a huge golden star on the upper left, emitting endless heat.

The planet he is on should not be too far away from the golden star. No wonder the temperature of at least 800 degrees here makes him feel a little comfortable. It turns out that it is relatively close to the star.

He turned his head and looked at a planet on the right. It was an asteroid composed entirely of purple, much smaller than the gray misty planet he was currently on.

It has been emitting a mysterious purple light, Shillon looked at it with the super longan that he had advanced many times, and there were creatures moving there!

Purple weird plants all over the ground, as well as curious creatures.

Shillon watched carefully for a long time and found that these creatures didn't seem to be smart, and all their actions were mostly instinct.

There is no need for this creature to spread faith.

Then he looked at a colorful planet not far from the bright purple star. About half of the planet was filled with blue, and half was composed of gray, green, etc.

This is a human life planet similar to a blue star!

However, in addition to humans, there seem to be some creatures that are not ordinary animals. These creatures have extraordinary powers. After checking carefully, Shillon found that their abilities are really diverse, and they are not inferior to his demonized humans. .

Humans and these creatures seem to get along very well. Basically, one of the two or three humans will bring an extraordinary creature and walk on the streets like modern society.

Everything about humans is closely related to those extraordinary creatures, and the proportion of the two is more extraordinary.

Moreover, these extraordinary creatures seem to have very good intelligence. Shillong has seen that they have communicated with many humans.

For example, in a supermarket, a young man brought a gray-skinned supernatural creature like a squirrel to buy something. Shillong clearly saw the young man pointing his finger at the shelf in front of him, facing the supernatural creature like a squirrel. Move your mouth.

The squirrel-like supernatural creature immediately opened its mouth, and finally used his little finger to hold a bag of nuts, and then humans put the nuts in the shopping bag...

There is also a cat with a long tail, rolling up a pen to do homework for a child, and that child is playing games...

There is also a person playing a fighting game with a small monster with three hands and a similar human inhuman shape...

These are all manifestations of wisdom!

All humans on this planet! All have the qualifications to spread my glory!

Shillon was very happy that this trip didn't seem to be in vain, but he found that his distance from the planet didn't seem to be short.

He doesn't know how much, but it is estimated to be about 10 million kilometers.

And now his flying speed is within the atmosphere, at least about 7 times the speed of sound. There is no restriction of gravity in the universe, and he does not need to spend extra experience to use gravity to eliminate his own gravity. His speed will only be faster. !

Slightly adjusted the direction of flight, Silom spread out his dragon wing, and the end of the dragon wing instantly ejected a thousand-meter-long red gold flame!

In the next instant, the huge body of the dragon disappeared!

It turned into a red-golden meteor and slammed straight towards the star of life at ten times the speed of sound!

Calculated according to Blue Star time, five days later.

The red gold meteor formed by Shillong had just flown halfway, and various cosmic rubbles were floating on the flight path, all of which were crushed one by one by him. His speed did not decrease at all, and he continued to hit the Star of Life.

And in the atmosphere of the Star of Life, a large number of round blue-skinned creatures live here. They are like beholders. Their entire body is made of eyeballs. They should be hideous and terrifying creatures in the imagination. They are strangely cute. .

These creatures are the "eyes" of this planet. They have super viability, do not need to breathe, do not need to eat, they can survive as long as they absorb all kinds of micro energy, and they have super vision.

After being cultivated by humans, he has been in his current job.

Observing all actions outside the planet, if there is an abnormality, they will report their human master.

At this time, there were big eyeballs outside the planet and saw the scarlet golden meteorite formed by Shillong!

This meteorite bumped into the planet strangely! I thought it would be crushed with other gravel blocking the road, but it seems to be extraordinarily strong! Shattered all the meteorites blocking the road!

With an unstoppable attitude, I want to descend on the planet!


The body of one beholder vibrated, and in a peculiar way he began to contact other beholders within the planet.

It needs to report this situation to its owner!

Inside the planet, in a building like a military base.

In a separate luxurious room, a middle-aged man in military uniform was dealing with affairs in front of the computer, but suddenly, he had been placed in a concave basin next to him. The blue iron ball with a diameter of only fifty or sixty centimeters suddenly opened. Eyes, humming and shaking.

After hearing this voice, the middle-aged man on one side changed his expression: "What happened [Clairvoyance]?"

Buzzing! The blue-skinned beholder known as clairvoyance continued to shake, but immediately its eyes began to glow with blue light, and a beam of blue light shone directly on the curtain directly opposite it.

A starry sky scroll appeared on the entire screen.

In the messy and beautiful starry sky full of rubble, a red gold meteor between the gray mist star and the magic purple star continuously smashed the rubble at an extremely fast speed and moved forward.

Seeing this picture, the middle-aged man's complexion changed instantly, as if thinking of something, he asked aloud: "Is this meteor coming towards the earth star where we are?"


[Clairvoyance] The entire eyeball is swinging up and down, as if nodding.

"It seems a bit bad! This meteorite should not look big, but it seems very strong. Even if it falls into our planet, it should not burn out completely. Then, tell me, with its current path strength , Where will it land?"

Buzzing, clairvoyance shaking his body.

The picture on the screen began to change, and soon became an endless sea.

"Sea mile?" There was joy on the middle-aged man's face: "It would be fine if it is the sea mile! Clairvoyance has reduced the picture I see, let me see where the earth star is here, and the nearest city. How far."

Clairvoyance buzzed again for a while.

Then the whole picture began to shrink until the first city near the sea was exposed.

Looking at this city, the middle-aged man frowned and muttered: "This should be the Dragon King City."

As he spoke, he opened his military uniform, and there was a special large belt around his waist. The belt looked very special. Every few centimeters on it, there would be a dimple with small **** stuffed on it.

The middle-aged man took a small ball with a diameter of no more than **** from the special belt.

After the small ball got out of the hole in the belt, it magically doubled in size, and then the middle-aged man pressed a button on it.

The small ball was opened directly, and a little monkey who looked like a 5-year-old child jumped out of it.

The monkey's eyes are very divine, and a faintly wise light flickers. After coming out, there is no normal monkey naughty, but very quiet.

With a smile, the monkey said to the middle-aged man: "Amway, what do you call me? I'm still playing the ghost hero game! You disturbed me."

Its voice sounded a little old, and it didn't match the appearance at all.

"A Ling, look at the next screen, how far is the center of the sea area above from the nearby Dragon King City?" the middle-aged man said.

"Oh?" The wise monkey named A Ling glanced at the curtain in surprise, "What happened?"

"A strange meteorite is flying towards the earth star, and it may cause disaster!"

"Oh?" The wise monkey nodded clearly, and immediately communicated with Clairvoyance. The scene on the screen changed again and again, and finally the wise monkey said: "Don't worry, this meteorite is not threatening.

His current speed is about 11 times the speed of sound, and it will take 5 days to descend into the sea dragon domain of the earth star.

The nearest city of Dragon King is more than 100 kilometers away. With the power of this meteorite falling through the subtraction of the Earth's atmosphere, there is no danger to Dragon King City.

Really don't worry, you just need to pay attention when you send a few professional spirit monsters from local cities. "

"Well, then I can rest assured." The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay! I'm going back to play the ghost hero, goodbye." As the wise monkey said, he jumped and fell on a sphere not far away. Its body shrank and jumped into the sphere and disappeared. The opened sphere also closes by itself.

"Hey~ you monkey, you have been addicted to games, be careful to become a waste monkey!" The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly.

"Huh! My old man doesn't need your stinky boy to educate! Just take care of yourself! Stinky kid!

Don't think about who raised you when you were a kid when your parents were away?

Now that you grow up, you dare to talk to me like this? "The voice of dissatisfaction with the wise monkey was heard from the sphere.

"Um... you think I haven't said anything." The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly.

He immediately called his subordinates and ordered the defense of the Dragon King City.

In his opinion, it is just taking precautions before they happen, just a little bit of meaning.

Five days have passed.

On the coast of the Dragon King City, there have been more than a dozen in-service spirit masters of the Spirit Alliance gathered here. By their side, they all carry at least 3 spirits, and these are all spirits of the psionic system.

It is used as a precaution. Although the above said there is nothing wrong, everything is in case. If there is a small wave, the flood-fighting army formed by them will jointly resist!

A total of 5 to 60 psionic spirit monsters are enough to resist a 10-meter-level monstrous wave!

"Come on! A meteorite has really fallen!" A spirit master suddenly said, staring straight at the scarlet-gold meteorite in the distant sky, even in the daytime, it is like a bright light in the night. Dazzling.

Everyone watched it "slowly" fall towards the sea, until the moment it fell into the sea!

The violent impact rolls up the huge waves! The waves are clearly visible even if they are 100 kilometers away!

It seems to be much more violent than they expected!

A bald ghost teacher immediately changed his face and said in shock: "Is this wave a bit too big?"

"It's okay! The distance is far away! It's definitely not possible to get to our side! You are optimistic, the wolf will disappear in ten minutes!" Someone disapproved.

"Okay! I hope so." The bald spirit master frowned, and finally chose to trust the intelligence of his companions and the Federation.

But soon, ten minutes later, the waves became clearer, and the power was still terrifying!

"That's not right! I feel so wrong! This wave! Will it really disappear?" Someone panicked.

"It's okay! We are still more than 60 kilometers away! Don't worry!"

"Yes... there are more than 60 kilometers..."

It was another 10 minutes later.

The waves are more than 30 kilometers from the coast.

Looking at the giant wolf whose power has not diminished much, finally, the bald ghost master was not calm. He ran to the calm guy before, lifted his collar and said: "Hold the grass Nima! You are telling me. Once again, you told me that this wave can't make it!?"

"I...I..." the man was speechless.

"Enough! Now is not the time for infighting! Hurry up and rule the Federation! This wave is not small! There is definitely a crisis of flooding the city!" A spirit master stood up and pulled the two infighting away.

"Damn it! It should have been reported long ago!" The bald muttered.

Quickly dial the federal communications and ask for support.

After spending more than a minute, he reported the situation to the Federation, and the Federation quickly responded to the message, saying that it would send reinforcements immediately.

However, within a few minutes, a large number of spirit masters rode their spirits to the coast one after another. They all received a notification from the Federation on their mobile phones and rushed there.

For the sake of the peace of the city, and as the confederate staff, they have the obligation to protect the safety of the city.

Of course, there are also a lot of non-organized spirit masters, and it is nothing more than a sense of justice that urges them to do so.

In another minute, the waves are getting closer and closer to the coast. When less than ten kilometers, everyone can see the horror of the waves more clearly!

That is even after a distance of 100 kilometers! There are still waves 20 to 30 meters high! Come surging! Looking at the situation, if it can't be stopped, it will definitely cause immeasurable damage to the interior of the city!

The bald spirit master patted his head, he took a look at the distance, and on average about five meters, there would be a psionic spirit team.

This brigade has expanded horizontally several kilometers away, and thousands of ordinary spirit masters, under the leadership of more than a dozen elites, are ready to fight the wave.

The team lineup is absolutely powerful, but the bald elites still feel that it is not enough, and the other spirit masters are also solemn, as if they are facing an enemy.

When the wave was still five kilometers away, a middle-aged man riding a pippi shrimp ejected from a distance.

This middle-aged man seemed to be very famous. After seeing him, all the anti-sea warriors showed a little relief.

The bald elite also smiled: "The owner of the Dragon King Taoist Hall, you can count as the curator Hailong."


The Pippi Shrimp-like spirit is very large, about six meters in length. When it hits the ground, the entire ground vibrates gently.

The middle-aged man turned over and jumped off the spirit.

He took out a space ball to put away the spirit, and said: "This is no ordinary trivial matter. As the curator of Dragon King City, how can I not come! I am sorry for my duty like that!"

He looked at the waves with a serious expression.

"This wave is far less optimistic than I thought at the beginning!" He muttered.

He also knew about the news that a meteorite fell into the sea before, but the upper level said it was a trivial matter, and he didn't care about it. Now that Chenxiang has evolved into a city-destroying crisis!

He took out two space **** to release two spirits.

One is like a huge blue sea cucumber, and the other is like a dragon, with a body length of more than 25 meters and looks extraordinary.

Everyone looked at ease when they saw the two spirits.

"With the Super Sea Cucumber and Sea Dragon, curator Sea Dragon, there should be no problem with this wave." The bald man complimented.

"I hope so." Curator Hailong said to himself.


At this time, the roar of the waves finally reached everyone's ears, and it sounded like the roar of the sea god!

Let a group of people who had become confident because of the joining of Curator Hailong began to panic again.

Until the waves were only a few hundred meters away.

That terrifying wave, still more than 20 meters high, really showed up in front of everyone!

More than twenty meters high! A terrifying wave as high as eight or nine stories! Stretches for tens of kilometers! It's just coming with the momentum of swallowing the sky!

That terrifying shadow made everyone feel guilty. If this kind of huge wave hits humans without protection, it will definitely die on the spot, right?

At this time, the Hailong curator shouted angrily: "Sea Dragon King! Use Dinghai for me! Slow the impact of the waves!

All other spirits! Use all psionic barriers! Hold the waves to me! Protect the city behind us! We are the patron saint of the city! How can you be afraid of the mere waves! "

"Oh oh oh oh!!" The crowd seemed to be inspired, and they roared one by one, and the spirit monsters around them were wrapped in blue light.

A blue light curtain appeared in front of you, and all the blue light curtains were connected into one piece. It looked extremely magnificent!

This light curtain stretches for more than ten kilometers, and the height is almost 30 meters! It is a huge blue wall against natural disasters!

And the huge eyes of the specially named sea dragon with blue brilliance appeared, and the speed of the horrible waves that were getting closer and closer seemed to be slightly slowed down, and the sound of the waves was a little quieter.

But it did not stop!

Until...Boom! ! !

The terrifying waves hit the psionic barrier fiercely, causing the entire barrier to sway slightly!

"Top! Withstand it!" Someone yelled happily as soon as the wave was stopped outside the psionic wall.

"Not yet! The waves are wave after wave! It is far from the end now! Don't let your guard down!" Curator Hailong roared.

boom! ! !

As Curator Hailong's voice fell, the entire psionic barrier was once again hit by terror!

The whole barrier shook even more!

A few of the weaker spirits are even more faltering.

boom! ! !

The psionic barrier was hit again.

More psionic spirits trembled all over, and those with weaker strengths fainted directly because of excessive mental energy consumption!

The entire psychic barrier shining with blue light is even more dim.

"Damn it! Some spirit fainted! When will this wave end!" Someone roared in panic.

"Hold on! Curator Hailong is fighting the waves with us! There is this adult! We will not fail!" someone shouted encouragement.

boom! ! ! !

Another wave is on the psionic barrier!

A group of psionic spirits passed out!

The psionic wall is getting dim.

"Block.... Can't stop it!! Can't stop it at all! I don't want to die here!!" Someone shouted in panic, "My life! It shouldn't end here at all!"

He is not a federal staff member ~ wuxiaworld.online ~ Naturally, he is not willing to lose his life here.

While he roared, he turned around and ran away. When the spirit beside him saw his master running away, he turned around and ran.

"Damn! Don't give up! We haven't lost yet! Why run!!" The people around him roared angrily.

"Unstoppable! Federal bastards! Actually let our people in this city fight the waves! They killed us! They killed everyone in the city! I will never kill them for their mistakes!" The man let out a desperate cry, turned around and started to run away.

A large number of people who were not firm in their will turned around and fled together. For this reason, the psychic barriers became more and more dim.

Curator Hailong's face was gloomy, he watched a group of people run away and couldn't stop them. This time...it was indeed the Federation's dereliction of duty!

It's because they didn't think well! Dragon King City is just a small coastal city, and there is no too strong combat power to stop this tsunami that is far more terrifying than expected!

Even because of the tight deadlines, many good spirit masters in the city did not rush over!

Plutonium Dragon Field

Plutonium Dragon Field https://