The terrifying heat is directly immune to him, only the terrifying impact is constantly washing his body, the scales on his body are trembling, and the invisible strength is running around in his body.

Strands of scarlet blood spilled through the scale armor.

But Silom was laughing wildly, looking at his masterpiece in front of him and laughing wildly, even though the laughter was amidst the terrifying explosion, even he himself couldn't hear...

The explosion continued, Shillong was always watching, and the whole space was constantly bursting...

On the outside, Leviathan was dealing with the gods while dealing with Shillong who had been taken into his body by him in a different space.

For him, Shillong's threat is far greater than that of the gods. This does not mean that Shillon's personal strength is far stronger than the outside gods several times, dozens of times.

It's just simple, Shillong exerted restraint on him in terms of life level and ability!

This is unimaginable by Leviathan. As a chaotic creature, he has been one of the highest personal creatures in the entire multiverse from birth.

Like ordinary gods, these creatures are all acquired creatures after Chaos, and they will be restrained by Him innately.

As for the plutonium dragon, Leviathan had actually encountered it a long time ago and had some understanding.

Although the strength is very strong, the strongest of them can fight with him, but the opponent can never restrain it!

Restrain Him in the person of life!

And what happened to the plutonium dragon now in his body?

Can he swallow his power without limitation and side effects, and continuously improve his strength in an incomprehensible posture?

This directly forced him to imprison the other party in the inner world of the body.

Let him spend huge energy to repair the inner world that is constantly being destroyed.

This made his offensive even weaker, and the gods who fought with him also discovered that something was wrong.

But the gods just thought that their attacks were getting better and better.

This made them attack more vigorously, perhaps this evil thing is not as strong as they thought...

"Hamm!!! Hey!!!"

Suddenly, among the countless mouths on Leviathan's body, a scream that was ten times higher than before erupted.

His whole body actually started to swell and crack!

Strands of terror overflowed, and the white light that was so bright that the gods were astonished overflowed from Leviathan's cracked body!

"Hahahaha! What a bullshit! It's nothing more than that! Look at Laozi **** you! Give me death ah ah ah ah ah!!!" Hextor roared loudly.

He was repelled by the gods before, but Hextor, who was unwilling to retreat, stayed stubbornly and continued to fight Leviathan.

Hextor, who thinks he is not weaker than his mighty power, does not allow himself to retreat!

The gods burst out in Hextors cry, and their firepower instantly doubled!

"Hamm!!! Hey!!!"

Leviathan neighed.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

His body finally couldn't support it, and it burst completely. The terrifying flame was dissolving Leviathans evil power, making it impossible for him to recover instantly.

The shock that swept everything erupted centered on Leviathan's body.

Instantly wipe out the attacks of the gods against him!

Under this shock, the attacks of the gods were like fireworks.


The entire space was shaking frantically, and large-scale spatial cracks shattered like mirrors.

The horror of the shock wave directly shocked these gods.

How can this intensity, this feeling, be so like an explosion after the life of a star comes to an end?

The gods were slightly shy in their hearts, they wanted to turn around and escape, but the endless evil monsters around didn't know what the fear was, they rushed toward the explosion!

The gods can only run away, while attacking and destroying evil.

But this greatly reduced their escape efficiency. In this space that cannot be teleported, at their own speed, they can't run through the impact of more than 10,000 kilometers per second behind them!

Deities such as Mystra, Peiro, and Corylon have their bodies directly annihilated!

Divine power is scattered with the shock wave!

And Bahamut and Tiamat, as dragon gods, naturally have a body strength that far exceeds that of the other gods, but they can't resist this kind of shock either. Their bodies are constantly being torn apart, and a large amount of blood is spilled.

The body is like a small boat in the storm, following the waves......

The whole explosion didn't know how long it lasted. The gods such as Mistral, Peiro, and Corylon recondensed their divine powers and transformed them back into their bodies.

Their faces are not very good, and this impact has caused considerable damage to their original godhead.

On the body of the two dragon gods, blood was overflowing, and the breath was somewhat decayed.

Despite this, their auras began to rise rapidly, and the deity's unique resilience and immortality were undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

When they stared at the center of the explosion, where Leviathan was originally, they saw Shillong who had rushed into the opponent's body before.

This young plutonium dragon, at the center of the explosion at this time, opened his mouth and unscrupulously swallowed the escaping gray evil spirits. The dragon's face revealed unspeakable comfort...

"Hamm!! Hey!!"

A weird neigh echoed in the void.

Those fleeing gray evil gods quickly turned into countless small Leviathans with a diameter of about 10,000 kilometers, and countless eyes stared at Shillong who was still chasing.

"Hamm! Hey!"

The void split, and more and more evil spirits appeared in it, flocking to Siro, but Siro did not pay attention to it, and only the strongest evil divine power was in his eyes.

The body kept chasing the small Leviathan that had broken from Leviathan.

Although evil spirits still attacked him wantonly, these are just raindrops hitting on the diamonds.

Shillong kept on chasing Leviathan, this was the picture the gods saw.

This picture made them not even directly continue to work on Leviathan, but to clean up the evils that kept rushing to them.

The picture I saw before my eyes seemed to... just one Shillong was enough to wipe out Leviathan?

The gods watched silently.

Time is passing fast...

Shillong was constantly devouring Leviathan's body.

However, Leviathan used all kinds of methods to help Shillong. He was like a helpless lamb.

Constantly being eaten away, constantly trying to resist, and then making up for his wounds with the evil and strange surroundings.

The picture at this time seems to have entered an unlimited loop...

I don't know how long time passed.

The gods are getting bored even watching them.

And Silom also told them that they could leave, and it was entirely possible to give him a dragon here.

The outside world needs their help even more.

This made the gods very shameless. They refused at first, but after watching for a while, they really found that their own existence is indeed dispensable for the current Shillong. Can helplessly leave.

And when they returned to the star realm, they found that the time had just passed five years.

And the situation in the star realm is not as bad as they thought.

Most of the twisted worlds have been completely suppressed, and only a few are still stubbornly resisting...

Everything is so unexpected.

The remaining deities informed the gods that they did not resist the hardship shortly after they separated from them, but immediately found that the power of distortion was greatly reduced and was easily defeated by them.

This caused the gods to directly think of Shillong. This guy seemed to start devouring Leviathan at that point in time...

I can't believe everything went well.

Bahamut returned directly to his kingdom of God, and met Arman, Viola and other dragons in the kingdom of God.

At this time, these dragons all gathered with a god-level old dragon to educate the child with the blood of Shillong.

In the kingdom of God, the child was behaving beyond Bahamut's expectation. He didn't talk much and was quiet.

However, the child seemed to be a little afraid of him. At the first moment after seeing him return, his eyes flashed with surprise and horror.

He seemed to have seen something incredible, then he lowered his head and returned to silence.

For Bahamut's appearance, the other dragons were also very surprised, but they knew what old Baha had done with Shillong before.

Now that the dragons thought that the evil thing had been wiped out, they asked about the whereabouts of Xilong.

As a result, it was naturally told that Shillong was still fighting Leviathan.

This surprised the dragons. Did Bahamut escape?

Seeing the weird expressions of the dragons, Bahamut naturally explained it.

After learning that Sillon was singled out against the evil Leviathan, Arman began to feel proud again.

Before these gods told him that evil things are the most terrifying things in the world.

The gods need to work together.

The entire star realm may encounter unprecedented crises.

What now?

Hasn't been taken care of by my brother?

Although it may take some time, it doesn't matter!

His brother is invincible! The most awesome in the entire star realm!

Then I, Arman, is the top five in the entire star realm!

Why is the top five?

Because I am the Shillong brothers! Who is the blind **** who dares to mess with me?

I'm going to put Shillong and do you all!

As for Sisolian, he became more silent after hearing the news.

I...Is it possible that the future Longsheng will live in the shadow of that guy?

I don't want to study! I don't want to learn! Don't want to take an exam!

He thought hard.

For ten years, Shillong did not appear.

For fifty years, Shillong was still missing.

It has not been seen for a hundred years.

At this time, all the twisting evils in the star realm had been eliminated.

The entire star realm returned to calm.

But Shillon never appeared, still making Arman and Viola a little anxious.

They asked Bahamut to check the situation.

Bahamut naturally agreed, and after spending a little time, he came to the side of a dragon and an evil creature.

Finding that they were still fighting, Leviathan was swallowed while healed, and behind him was followed by a dragon that was already over two hundred kilometers long.

This giant dragon is naturally the Shillon that has absorbed a lot of evil spirits.

Bahamut looked at the changed appearance of Siro for a while, and he could feel that Siro's power had been horribly improved.

It is estimated that he can be killed by a tail!

So is the plutonium race so powerful?

Shouldn't it?

Bahamut was a little confused.

It took a long time to remember the purpose of coming here, and then communicate with Shillong.

In the end, he learned that Siron still had to stay here, expressing his desire to completely eliminate Leviathan.

Bahamut naturally wouldn't say much about this, after all, this is a good thing.

In fact, this is completely because Shillong can't let go of this experience pack. This Nima **** too hard!

Compared with this, the intensity of the previous spending on belief value promotion is nothing at all.

This is the thrill of upgrading that Shillong has never experienced before, and naturally it is not so easy to give up.

So another hundred years have passed...

Two hundred years have passed...

Three hundred years have passed...

Arman, Viola and other dragons are used to it.

And at this moment, in a certain kingdom of God, Luo Shanda, the Lord of Dawn, finally looked forward to the stars, hoping that the moon would return his concubine, the Mother Earth God.

The Mother Earth is a woman with long hair like golden wheat.

The appearance is beautiful and elegant, and the figure is plump and charming.

Is a very mature female image.

And beside the Mother Earth, there was a strong man with a body like steel and a naked upper body.

He stood silently beside the Mother Earth God, looking at him with admiration and reverence.

This is the concubine brought back by the Mother Earth from experiencing life in the lower realm!

The Lord of Dawn is very clear and very upset, but He can't show his upset on his face.

Because He still needs the help of Mother Earth.

"My dear Sunlight, why do I come back this time, you will close the kingdom of God?"

Mother Earth was surprised.

To close the kingdom of God is to disconnect from other deities. This is a stupid thing that no deity would do.

It will be disconnected from outside believers, which can easily cause events such as instability of believers' beliefs.

If it werent for this kingdom of God, the Mother Earth might not even find a way back.

"Cough cough~" Chen Xi Zhizhu coughed twice, and motioned to the strong man with his upper body naked with a glance.

Mother Earth knew clearly, turned her head and smiled at the man who had been with him for hundreds of years:

"Dear Murphy, I am discussing something with the great Lord of Dawn. I will send you to the Kingdom of God, where there is a residence I prepared for you."

"As you wish, my goddess!" The man called Moffeli said with admiration.

"Go." As the Mother Earth spoke, he kissed the other party, then waved his arm slightly, and Murphyli disappeared.

The Lord of Dawn on one side's brows jumped.

Don't remind yourself in your heart.

Hold it back! I want to hold back! I am the cub that Mother Earth loves most!

Is the great Lord of Dawn! It's a god!

"Okay! You can tell me, UU reading www.uukanshu.com my dear light of the sun!" Mother Earth said softly with a smile on his mouth.

"My goddess! Chang Tiya, do you still remember the plutonium dragon named Shillong more than fifty thousand years ago?" said the Lord of Dawn.

"!" Mother Earth's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The dragon that caused great sins on the main material planet?"

"Yes! This is the evil dragon!"

"Of course I remember! The sins he committed! No **** will forget!"

"He's back!" The Lord of Dawn said.

"Oh? Come back to die? My dear Sunlight! With your justice, he should have been killed by now?"

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