Hyong, do you want to join us?

So, the other day I watched the live of the guys, or rather, Jin, Namjoon, and Jimin, and the idea, that came to me at the same moment, just didn't leave my head for a whole day, until my hands got to the computer. Initially, the narrative was planned differently, in fact, it was quite innocent snotty shit, that was supposed to result in beautiful loving YoonMins and blah-blah-blah. I do not know, where it came from and why the hell something went wrong, but it just wrote itself, seriously! In general, I noticed, that more and more often I began to give out such meaningless minis, that go against the usually full-fledged and seasoned plots. These guys sometimes push me to do things, that I didn't even think to describe before. Couples are quite non-standard, at least for me, but, oddly enough, I like what came out, in the end, more, than what I planned. So, it's nice to jerk off, ladies and gentlemen.

The distribution of roles in pairing refers to the initiative, that the character shows and what he does about this specified intimacy, and not to the receiving / submitting position of the partner. That is, in the case of YoonMin, the initiator of leprosy is Jimin because he is the first in a couple. With Namjoon, too, respectively: Jimin/Yoongi, Namjoon/Jimin

Again, I say thanks to the person, who always support any idea of mine that would not have come into my sick head. Thank you, you are the best!!!

Warning: there is no justification, there is none at all, a dirty-dirty-dirty practice described, too talkative Yoongi, too cheeky Jimin and Namjoon, who is too embarrassed by all this, is beyond the norm.
And yes, the author is a fucking perverted bastard. And who will do what to me for this? 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you all and see you soon.

A link to the live of the guys in the VLive application, which, in fact, is the source of inspiration for this outrage. You can watch live without registering on the platform, subtitles are included in the settings:

The text was originally written in Russian on 29.04.2021

I do not speak English in the original, so I apologize for possible grammatical or syntactic errors.

If someone wants to share the work in their group/on the page, I don't mind, indicating my credits/links/nicknames and how it should be done. But! The link to the work should not get into public networks, such as Twitter, for example! Therefore, to avoid misunderstandings, despite my consent, please, specify in your personal correspondence/comments exactly where you want to share a link to the work, and I will be happy to answer.


After the end of the live, Jimin helped the seniors to clean up the mess, that they had made during the preparation of the so-called salad. All three guys were laughing and joking while washing the dishes, recalling their ridiculous argument, that started during the broadcast. Jin was just dying of laughter, bursting into his "glass" laughter, it was worth remembering, how ridiculously funny his juniors looked, stuffing their cheeks full of food.
"And yet," Jin wiped a tear from the corner of his eye, watching as Jimin leaned his head on Namjoon's shoulder, clutching his blue pullover with small fingers, choking on a crystal clear laugh, "I think you exaggerated, Jimin-ah. Five strawberries are too little."
Jimin immediately pulled away from the middle member, but did not remove his hands from him, and stared at hyong with wide eyes, as far as their incision allowed.
"Hey, you saw, I have four that barely fit in my mouth. I don't understand, how you managed to persuade us at all. It was ridiculous and so embarrassing," Jimin blushed his cheeks, continuing to smile. In fact, he liked to fool around with his hyongs like this, when they supported small, seemingly not for their age pranks, completely enjoying the stupidity of the situation. But this... was really awkward. Park liked to play and pretend to be embarrassed on camera, liked to bite his lower lip like an inexperienced little girl, liked to close behind small hands and pretend to hide behind one of the older members, while inside everything was shaking with satisfaction from everyone's attention. Jimin loved attention, loved compliments, loved being loved and praised. And I didn't see anything wrong with it. After all, at any moment he was always ready to forget about himself and support any of his bandmates, to help them, to give all his warmth and care, that up to that moment they gave it to him. Therefore, Jimin was rarely, really embarrassed. But today, the elder hyong managed to knock him off balance. Although Park did not give in to hyong's stupid suggestion to stuff five large strawberries into his mouth, which in the end could not fit inside, because he was simply not used to giving up so easily, he was seriously embarrassed. And the most important thing is that it wasn't even the fact of their antics with Namjoon-hyong, who a little earlier also underwent a similar "punishment", shamefully losing the first time in "rock-paper-scissors" and stuffing seven small tomatoes into his cheeks, so much confused the junior. He felt a wave of burning shame flood his bright cheeks, when he realized, that his thoughts were running completely in the wrong direction, as soon as he saw his hyong's puffed cheeks, his slightly open mouth, which made his lips become even thinner, trying to hold the red fruits, a barely noticeable smile when one of the juicy berries popped out, and a muffled voice. A voice, that sounded like a tocsin in-ears in a completely different context. Jimin felt like a fucking pervert, realizing, that he would like to hear Namjoon moan. To see, how his eyebrows are wrung, his tone breaks into a wheeze, and instead of squeezing, his lips stretch until his mouth is filled with a far from red fruit stuffed into a dispute. The excitement, that had seized the inflamed brain receded a little when it came to himself, and Jimin felt the gaze of his two seniors on him, while he was trying to shove large strawberries into his, as he put it, small mouth. Trying to make it as less funny and even sexy as possible, Jimin was defeated with every berry consumed, because Jin-hyong constantly laughed at him and made inappropriate compliments at that moment about how beautiful Jimin was. But Namjoon, like Park himself a little while ago, was literally staring at him, chewing the remains of tomato in his mouth. And again a flock of goosebumps rolled down the back. Jimin tried to pull himself together. After all, he had never thought of his leader in such way. Yes, of course, they are all guys, they have seen each other naked more than once, and even the most sometimes piquant situations, such as jerking off or petting, did not bypass them. All of them are adult young men, deprived of carnal attention, and mutual help sometimes even went very well. But, unlike Taehyung, with whom Jimin was very close, Jungkook, who sometimes simply could not be refused with those deep brown eyes and a gentle smile that showed his front rabbit teeth, or even Yoongi, who, despite his distant and cold disposition, was almost nicer and more gentle than any of their group, Jimin had no intimacy with the leader. Never. Not once. And it's not that it scares Jimin or anything else. They are so close that it is simply impossible, they have lived with each other for almost ten fucking years, they know each other's weaknesses, and also the most base and dirty deeds. But still, even this did not calm Jimin, when he realized exactly what he was thinking. He hadn't had sex for so long because of all the preparation for the Grammys, working on the release of a new single and the upcoming comeback, that he simply didn't have the strength for anything else. However, no one forbade Jimin to think. Fantasize. Represent. And now, damn it, his fantasies were ahead of his common sense.

"Come on, the strawberry was your idea by the way. I was just talking about tomatoes, actually," Jin pushed the junior in the shoulder, immediately patting his golden hair.
Jimin suddenly realized that he was still holding on to his middle hyong. He only nodded, agreeing with all the absurdity of the situation, smiling brightly, which made his eyes become even narrower than usual, turning into crescents. Hyong was holding Jimin's waist with his large palm, and Park only now felt the heat spreading throughout his body from this touch. His hands were suddenly sweating, and Park was sure, that just a little more and he would wet the fabric of hyong's pullover, which he was clinging to so desperately, with his sweat. Namjoon was a tactile guy, often putting his arm around his junior' backs or shoulders, putting the hand on their knee, ruffled their hair, or grabbing their hands, wrapping a ring of his fingers. But now his tactility did not play into the junior's hands. His head was literally exploding from an overabundance of images flying like a whirlwind somewhere in the subcortex, and a veil of vulgar images began to grow before his eyes, which did not want to retreat, making Park worry more and more. It's not-good worry.
"Hyong," Jimin turned to Jin, carefully extricating himself from the limb of the middle hyong, opening his own fingers, thereby releasing the blue crumpled fabric of the pullover. "If you don't need me anymore, I'd like to visit Yoongi-hyong. He's in his room, right?" Jimin looked questioningly at the older member, who is also the rapper's neighbor.
"He was there when I left this morning. As far as I remember, he did not mention any specific plans."
Jimin nodded and squeezed Jin's shoulder a little, almost galloping out of the kitchen. He needs air. Urgently. And he just needs to relieve tension. And he knows perfectly well, who can help him in this.
"What's the matter with him?" Jin asked, shaking off the residual moisture from the plate, putting it in the dryer.
Namjoon just shrugged his shoulders. Jimin was generally a secretive guy. If something has appeared in his head, he will not share it exactly until he considers it necessary. The most important thing is that his junior eats well have a rest in time, and does not feel the oppressive emotional tension, which occasionally still comes on the heels of every member of the group, given the current situation with the pandemic. As a leader, Namjoon had to maintain team spirit and look after his comrades by providing support or saying the right words in time. But lately, he himself had been having a hard time. And the hardest part was that the rapper did not want to bother anyone with his problems to the pile of existing ones. The guys were nervous about the upcoming events, and the leader simply has no right to show his weakness. It will be possible to feel sorry for yourself and succumb to self-flagellation later. And for now…

Jimin carefully opened the unlocked door of his seniors' room. Yoongi-hyong was lying on the bed with his arms crossed over his chest and his legs stretched out in front of him. The man's phone was almost under his chin, and Jimin thought, that hyong had dozed off while watching the news feed, or whatever he usually watches there. Jimin moved closer to the bed and hovered next to it. He didn't want to wake hyong up. He usually slept no more than four or five hours, and every such unplanned rest was simply necessary for a man. In addition, Yoongi-hyong, although he felt much, much better after the operation, still had to recover properly, especially after he performed together with everyone to record their performance at the Grammys.
Jimin smiled contentedly and approached even closer, almost close to the senior's face. Usually, Yoongi-hyong slept curled up in the fetal position or completely buried his head under the blanket so, that only the top of his thick soft hair was sticking out. However, now it was terribly pleasant to look at such a beautiful senior. Dark brown hair with light highlights due to artificial lighting, long ragged bangs covered thick black eyebrows, eyelashes that trembled slightly in sleep, therefore casting a slight shadow on the lower eyelid, small wrinkles in the corners of fox eyes, a small neat nose that constantly wanted to be kissed, lips that were not as full as Jimin's own, but no less sensual and soft, light-light pink, almost a carnation shade, which still clearly stood out on too much a pale face. Hyong's hands were not hidden by a black T-shirt, so Jimin could see blue veins spreading out in intricate lines on the senior's pale limbs. Hyong has noticeably lost weight, but his attractiveness and sexuality have not gone away, and Jimin licked his lower lip, inside exulting and nervous at the same time. Park loved the rapper, loved everything about him, from his drooling appearance to his sometimes unbearably calm and impenetrable character. But it was not always possible for Jimin to predict the course of what was happening. If with Jungkook, Jimin always knew, how events would develop, because maknae never knew how to hide his emotions, that with Taehyung it was possible to jokingly fight for the championship and then come to compromise, Jimin could never figure out his hyong. When the gaze of piercing chocolate eyes deigned to pay attention to Park, everything inside was compressed from a sweet languor and at the same time a flurry of embarrassment. When the pianist's long fingers slid over the skin, Jimin did not know, what they would do in the next second: they would caress or force him to obey. Jimin liked to play like this, when don't know what to expect, but not when the tension was shackling the whole body, and the brain was literally melting from the testosterone that was beating over the edge. What will hyong be like now, if Jimin dares to disturb his peace: clingy and affectionate, hugging and cherishing Jimin in his arms, or rude and dissatisfied, dissing Park for just showing up in his room with his wishes, while the senior "actually tried to sleep here".
"You're not hiding too much for someone who's trying to be inconspicuous, you know," Yoongi said in a hoarse, hissing voice without opening his eyes. And Jimin got goosebumps from the back of his neck, raising all the hairs on end, all the way to the coccyx, when he heard the voice of his favorite rapper of the group.
"Sorry, hyong," Jimin sat down on the edge of the bed, biting his lip, and put his hand on the thin ankle of the senior, stroking the skin under the fabric of his sweatpants. "I didn't want to bother you," Jimin counted himself a point for acting skills. His tone, though slightly muffled by the excitement, that had been drilling all morning, sounded quite confident and even bashful.
"Jimin-ah," Yoongi opened one eye and looked at the junior from under his dark bangs, "you know, that your games don't work on me. I'm not Taehyung or Jungkook. So stop it."
Minus one newly earned point on the scoreboard, Park Jimin!
However, Yoongi was not angry or annoyed. Jimin exhaled, acknowledging, that he had been caught. He could never lie to his hyong. He was too perceptive.
"Okay, maybe I wanted to. Is it bad?" Jimin tilted his head to the side, now biting the lower pink flesh on purpose, immediately noticing, how a small light warms in hyong's still half-closed eyes.
"Is something wrong?" ignoring the junior's question, Yoongi stretched his whole body, causing his face to wrinkle, and Jimin is ready to swear, that he has never seen anything nicer in his life. The senior rose to sit on his fifth point, intercepting the phone with his hand, which almost slipped to the surface of the bed.
"How do you know that?" Jimin widened his eyes, only now realizing, what exactly Yoongi was looking at before he dozed off. "Have you watched our live?"
"Mmmgh," hyong nodded his head. "And you know, it was quite..." Yoongi raised his head at an angle of forty-five degrees, squinted, pretending to be seriously thinking about something, and Jimin caught himself thinking, that he held his breath and opened his mouth in a silent question, waiting for a reaction from his beloved hyong, "funny," dark chocolate met with a saturated nut, and Jimin could not stand looking at his hyong, burying his face in his palms, hiding his blushing cheeks.
"I know, I know, it was stupid. But I didn't start it, okay", Park defended himself like a child, and Yoongi smiled gently, putting his hand on the golden-haired top of his head. Jimin is such a strong, strong-willed, characteristic young man, but sometimes he behaves as a child stuck in puberty, still hungry for fun and children's fun, and Yoongi can't deny, that he likes it in junior. He like the way he fools around, being the oldest in the maknae-line of their group, he likes his care and attention to absolutely everyone who surrounds him. He likes, how ridiculous and at the same time sexy to the point of goosebumps this guy can be.
"It wasn't stupid," Yoongi notices, how Jimin emerges from his palms and stares at him, raising an eyebrow, not believing the words of the senior. "Well, okay, maybe it was. A little," Yoongi chuckles, and the famous grin of a smile appears at the corner of his lips, almost imperceptible now, but Jimin catches it without delay, and therefore all his limbs and insides shake and cramp, immediately reminding him, that he did not come here for small talk.
Jimin crawls closer to the senior, unceremoniously laying down by his side, putting his head on his chest so, that he can see hyong's face, and lowering his hand on his stomach. Jimin feels the peaceful and even breathing of the senior, feels his warmth on his face, sees the shine of the chocolate eyes opposite, and how the hair of Yoongi is slightly disheveled. All this does not help him to distract himself at all. Not a bit at all. Therefore, Park decides on another game, knowing full well, that hyong will recognize it immediately and will also quickly make it clear, whether he is ready to support Park's prank or does not have the mood for it today.
"And... what do you think?" Jimin playfully runs his fingers over hyong's chest, noticing, how calmly it rises and falls with each subsequent breath.
"About what?" Yoongi automatically weaves his fingers into the junior's hair. And Jimin closes his eyes, forgetting, what he wanted to ask at all, while the slightly rough pads gently stroke the sensitive skin.
"Is Jin-hyong really right about the argument, that we started?"
"If you mean your ridiculous duel about who will stuff more food in his mouth, then I have nothing to say to that."
At first, Jimin naturally sulks, which is noticeable by his protruding lips. Yoongi immediately chuckles, lifting the junior's averted face by the chin, and passes his thumb over the protruding juicy bottom lip.
"Although I think, that you still underestimate your abilities, Jimin-ah," Yoongi already caught the mood of the junior and now watched the emotions on the immaculate face opposite change, the eyes widen, the mouth opens slightly, ready, it seemed, to let others' finger inside the mucosa, and the breath is slightly lost, scorching the skin.
"If you actually watched our live, you should have seen, that I didn't manage to win this damn argument. It's just impossible," Jimin says the words with a bit of irritation, which is immediately drowned in a barely audible soft moan, when the other pad still slides along the inside of the lip, slipping deeper, and strokes the wall, thereby pulling a piece of flesh harder.
"Are you saying, that five berries are much more than my cock, which you are happy to take in your mouth almost to the root?" Yoongi is really surprised, raising both eyebrows, and Jimin can't utter a word from the excitement flooding him, making his cock in tight trousers twitch with interest, and his heart beats against his ribs. Yoongi was not a fan of "such" conversations, however, if his mouth opened, giving out such a rattling mixture of hot vulgarity and vulgar rudeness, it was simply impossible to resist. Park was ready to fall on his knees in front of the senior in the very fucking center of the city and do whatever hyong asked for.
"Your cock is resting against the back wall of my throat, and not ramming my cheeks, Yoongi-hyong," Jimin replied defiantly, to which he received another, God-fucking-gosh, such a hot chuckle from the senior.
"Tch," hyong hashed, pulling his finger out of the junior's mouth, smiling when he heard a dissatisfied whine. "Such a dirty and impudent mouth. I think, that we should find a better use for it, don't you think?"
And the next thing that Jimin feels is gentle, but at the same time heavy grip of hyong's hand on his neck, pulling him closer to his face, and a wet tongue immediately opening his lips in a demanding kiss.
Jimin felt his toes curl up. Hyong kissed him so selflessly and deeply, but at the same time sensually and tremulously, that it just knocked the spirit out. The man's free hand went over Jimin's ribs, went down to his thigh, stroking and feeling, and then slid to his ass. Park broke out of the captivity of other lips to breathe air, although it seemed that the respiratory system of both him and the rapper was working flawlessly. But it was always like that with Yoongi. Mind-blowing.
The senior seemed to be in a playful mood today, because he remained calmly lying in place, when Jimin, with a cheeky smile and devils in his eyes, pulled away from him, going down to his feet to pull off his sweatpants.
"Don't you think, that somebody might come in here? Jin-hyong, for example," Yoongi raised an eyebrow, pretending to look seriously at the, not at all embarrassed Jimin.
"He was going to practice after the live. I don't think, that we'll see him for at least the next half hour," Jimin grabbed the edge of the senior's boxers, but suddenly changed his mind, leaving the garment in place, tracing the outline of hyong's cock with his hand on the fabric. "Besides, there's nothing here that he hasn't seen."
"Aish, you're terribly dirty, Jimin-ah, aren't you a bit ashamed?" the senior shifted slightly so, that it was more convenient to lie down himself and give Park access to his body.
Jimin just grinned cheekily, still touching other flesh with his small palm through the fabric. Hyong was not a preoccupied boy, so it would be difficult to excite him immediately with such a simple action, however, the body still reacted to the gentle caress, and the elder slightly leaned forward with his hips, pushing into the inner side of others' palm, encouraging his junior.
Jimin bent his face closer to the groin and, grabbing the senior with his hands on both sides of the pelvis, ran his fucking plump lips along the length of the cock, wetting the fabric with his saliva. The mouth wrapped around the head, letting it pass inside, and Park felt the first signs of distinct excitement in the form of a slight tremor. Yoongi-hyong wanted him. And Jimin was melting from this realization. Such a strict, seemingly cold, defiant young man, whom half the population of this fucking planet wanted, including both girls and guys, is now lying here, under such a fragile and small Jimin and pushing towards him, letting out hot air through his nostrils. But soon, Jimin knew by himself, hyong would moan and growl, once inside the hot interior. He will give these beautiful sounds of his voice, incomparable with someone else, only to him, Park Jimin, who will once again become the winner in their little game. After all, although Park could never count hyong completely, the senior often lost to him in such pranks, either not being able to refuse the cheeky beloved junior, or he himself got bogged down in this up to his ears, without the possibility of getting back out.
"Jimin-ah," Yoongi put his hand on the back of Park's head, distracting him from licking the fabric of his boxers, from which they were soaked with saliva almost through, "show hyong, how talented you are. Show me, how much you like what you're doing," Jimin covered his eyes with fluffy eyelashes, drowning in hoarseness with a note of hissing, and his fingers trembled, releasing other hips from his grip. "You like it, don't you, huh? Stretch your lips around my cock, right? Do you like it when I'm inside you?" Yoongi reached out and ran his thumb over his wet red lips, pushing inside and pulling the side wall of his mouth, and Jimin could not resist the desire to catch it with his tongue, to which he received an encouraging buzz, that escaped from somewhere deep in hyong's throat. "So show me, how well you're doing."
Jimin pulled the boxers off the senior, throwing them a little further on the bed, and immediately found himself where hyong interrupted him. His mouth filled with viscous saliva when Park saw his hyong's cock in front of him. He wasn't fully aroused yet, but he was lying so neatly and suggestively, the head was wet with Jimin's saliva, still hidden by the skin. And Jimin groaned at the sight. In truth, he liked it, when hyong did not have time to get excited from a simple petting, increasing in his mouth. Jimin liked the way the weight of his cock gradually pressed on the tongue, while he absorbed the organ into his mouth slowly and to the root, feeling his balls with the lips. Jimin liked, how hyong's trunk got bigger, slowly and slowly, just inside his mucosa, how each vein began to clearly manifest itself along the length, how the head gradually opened from the foreskin, ramming the throat, how his balls were heavy in the palms, while Park was kneading them with his fingers. Jimin liked to tease hyong like that, because he knew, that the senior liked it too. Unlike, for example, Jungkook, who, as before, being younger, could not stand such games, hyong, due to his experience and age, could appreciate the charms of a long blowjob. Therefore, Park simply tore off the roof from such an all-permissive and spread under him like a puddle senior.
Park ran his fingers over the man's ribs, still hidden by the black T-shirt, stroked his lower abdomen, noticing, how he twitched in time with his movement, and wound his nails along the inner side of his thighs, after spreading them apart. Yoongi-hyong lay still and only watched with a playful squint, what the junior was doing, and only his heavy breathing betrayed the incipient excitement.
Park sank down again to others' groin, inhaling the male smell with his nose, licked his sinful lips, and rubbed his cheek against the cock.
"Dirty little mochi, you really seem to like this even more than I do," Yoongi chuckled, watching as Park continued to rub his soft blond cheeks against his trunk.
Jimin ignored the senior's remark, but everything inside ached and twisted with desire and a dirty compliment. He literally melted as soon as he caught the gaze of the now completely blackened eyes on him. Park folded his tongue in the manner of a shoulder blade and caught one of the balls of the senior, after which he began to play with it, rolling it back and forth, touching the second with his fingers.
A growl came from somewhere above, and Jimin's lips stretched in a victorious smile. The tongue continued its journey, widely and wetly licking the trunk along the entire length from bottom to top, from the balls to the head, teasing and teasing, as if pushing into something frankly vulgar and matter.
"Cheeky boy," Yoongi hissed, having no idea, how this junior manages to twist and turn him so much, that it literally blew the roof off. A huge ball was growing inside, ready to burst at the same moment if Jimin stopped. But the junior did not stop, continuing to play and tease, moaning, thereby sending booming vibrations through the body, that reached the brain itself, turning it off, returning to the groin, focusing all impulses and sensations at this point of the body.
The first hoarse moan came from the lips of Yoongi, when the fucking red lips wrapped around the head of his cock, warming and caressing as if they were created for this. Junior's breath settled somewhere on Yoongi's stomach, hot and ragged, while Park, tormenting his balls with his fingers, sank lower and lower on his trunk, already wet and completely erect, moaning for a long and vulgar. The tongue followed the path of the lips right inside the mouth, stroking every swollen vein, every millimeter of flesh, sending fiery flashes, that made the veil float before the eyes. Yoongi could have sworn, that no one had ever sucked him better. This guy's mouth was just made for his cock. It was pleasant both to use it and to observe it from the outside. Yoongi has seen, how Jungkook or Taehyung's cock disappear into the embrace of plump lips more than once, and he would be lying if he said, that he did not like it. Yoongi was not possessive and did not consider Jimin his own thing, not wanting to share him with anyone. Therefore, he was not jealous of any of the other members, knowing perfectly well, that Jimin gets different kinds of pleasure from everyone. However, Yoongi was sure, that Park allowed only him to fuck himself, and he could not say, that such a prospect did not add a spark of pride and self-esteem.
"Fuck, Jimin-ah," a louder and more distinct moan escaped from the throat of Yoongi, when he felt, how Jimin impaled himself on him completely, resting his nose right on his pubis, sucked in his cheeks, and began to swallow. "You are so good, Jimin-ah, so beautiful," Yoongi breathed heavily, his chest rose and fell, the tension in the lower abdomen gradually twisted from the actions of the junior, slowly warming up the fire he had built, but he still reached out and removed the bangs hanging over other eyes, opening the face for a view. Jimin was really beautiful, even like this: with his eyes covered with a haze of excitement, red drawn-in cheeks, pink tips of his ears, a stretched mouth around his cock, and saliva flowing so unattractively from the corners of these most sinful lips. Yoongi has never understood people, who get off on watching oral sex. The partner's face is distorted, the eyes look worse than that of a stupid lapdog, which immediately makes you want to laugh out loud, the makeup spreads, turning into a kind of cheap gas station whore, the nostrils quiver funny, trying to inhale oxygen, the throat twitches strangely in an attempt not to choke, drool and grease smeared on the muzzle do not add sexuality. The whole sight made Yoongi want to vomit. He wanted to laugh so loud, that the whole fucking Seoul could hear it. He wanted to pat the fool on the hair and advise him to start lowering his head, while he was doing business, so as not to disgust the object of his suction, thereby not destroying a bit of excitement. But, as mentioned earlier, Jimin was so beautiful in his performance, that Yoongi just couldn't help but look. And now he was staring, literally devouring the junior with his eyes, while he continued to ride with his mouth on his cock, as if he was sitting on his ass, continued to suck as if he was working as a dust collector, twisted and squeezed the balls as if he was going to squeeze sperm out of them instead of the usual ejaculation.
His hands buried themselves in the golden hair, but without any movement, just massaging the scalp, not forcing or directing. Yoongi knew, how much Jimin hated being in such a vulnerable position, at least until he asked for it. And now, as if reading the senior's thoughts, he looked up from his occupation, raising his damn glassy eyes to hyong, saying a few words so, that everything inside was twisted with a tourniquet from tension.
"Hyong... please."
And Yoongi roughly pulled the guy back to his cock with both hands, squeezing the soft curls with his fingers, holding his head, and began to push his hips the way he liked, at the pace, he was used to, but he knew, that Jimin could stand it.
"You like it when I do that, right?" Yoongi growled at the end of the sentence, feeling, how the convulsive constriction of his junior's throat and his fingers dug into his hips. "You like it when you get fucked in the mouth just like that, you like my cock in your throat, huh?" Yoongi felt the wall of the junior's throat with his sensitive head, the way he relaxed it to let hyong go even deeper, even further, although the characteristic sounds already said, that just a little more and Jimin risks choking. "Do you want to stay like this? With my cock in your mouth, m? I bet you would like it even more," Yoongi groaned and wheezed again, when Park, taking it so well, so meekly, wheezed in agreement, and a buzz rolled all over his body. "I'm going to put you on my dick so deep, that you won't be able to talk for several days. How's about this, huh? So that your lips would crack at the corners from how much they were stretched around my cock, huh? You will remember this until the redness leaves them, and the traces heal. What do you say?" Yoongi knew, that Jimin would simply not answer, at most encouraging his vulgar dirt with a groan of approval. But the senior also knew, how much Jimin gets turned on when Yoongi talks to him like this: rude, vulgar, fucking sexy.

Jimin had no idea, how much time had passed since his mouth was occupied by senior's cock, but he felt, how his eyes sting from salt, and the corners of his lips from stretching, felt a tight ball of excitement twisting his stomach, how the cock twitches, hurts in the tightness of his pants, flows with grease, probably dirtying his boxers. He felt the pain of the senior's grip on his hair. But he liked it so much, that he accepted everything, that Yoongi-hyong gave him, knowing full well, that he would stop right away and take care of him if only Jimin asked. But Jimin will never ask. The weight of Yoongi's cock suddenly disappeared, and Jimin was even taken aback a little from the unaccustomed emptiness of the newly filled mucosa. With a still hazy look, he noticed, how hyong got up on his knees, jerk off the painfully standing cock with his palm, while with the other hand he bent Jimin so, that he was right next to his oozing head, taking his sperm as soon as hyong cum with a deep and uterine growl, smearing the perfect face with his seed.

"Why did you do that?" Jimin pouted resentfully, while hyong cleaned his face with wet wipes closely and carefully. Yoongi chuckled without malice.
"If I kept raping your mouth, you really wouldn't be able to talk for the next few days," a grin appeared at the corner of his lips, while Yoongi laid Jimin on the bed on his stomach, face down.
"What are you doing?" Jimin shifted a little when he felt a strange hand get under his hips, unbuttoning the button and fly, after which Yoongi began to pull off his pants and boxers.
"Doesn't it hurt?" after taking off his trousers, hyong slightly lifted the junior's hips so, that his ass stuck out higher, while Jimin was still lying on the bed with his chest. The senior ran his long fingers over the painfully oozing cock, and Jimin cried out, immediately remembering, how excited he really was, and that he himself had not received anything yet, except the mental pleasure of his hyong's orgasm.
"Don't you want your hyong to take care of you?" Yoongi kissed one of the light buttocks, and Jimin immediately leaned towards it, looking for contact with warm lips. "Isn't that what you wanted from the very beginning when you came here?" the other buttock was caressed by hyong's lips, now leaving a wet and hot trail, to which Jimin naturally whined, completely unashamed of such an open pose and his position in front of his senior.
"Yes, yes! I want to! Hyong, please... " Jimin whined and begged, pushing his ass back, wanting to feel at least some touch again. He knew, how attentive and sensitive his hyong was, so he foreshadowed something that would simply dry him completely because the senior never left him without attention. And given the good mood and the orgasm he just got, hyong will do anything to make Park feel like he's in fucking heaven.
"What do you want?" Yoongi squeezed the halves of the buttocks with both hands, spreading them apart, hanging over Jimin, pressing his soft cock into the hollow. "Tell hyong, what you want, and I'll give it to you. You did so well, you made hyong so please, hyong wants to do the same for you."
The hoarse, languid, domineering voice completely filled the entire space around, because Jimin heard nothing but him, felt nothing but strong fingers on his thighs, and wanted, so badly wanted to cum. God, it seemed like he would shamefully pull down right on bedclothes of his senior, just from his hands and the sounds of his fucking sexy voice, which Park could record on tape and listen to on repeat until the end of the fucking centuries.
"Hyong..." Jimin groaned out loud as hyong's saliva-wet fingers ran along the cleft, teasing the anus, but not penetrating inside.
"Hm?" Yoongi seemed to be deliberately teasing Jimin, and the junior didn't like it damn much. "Use your words, Jimin-ah. I won't know, what you want until you tell me about it. Come on, tell me, what should I do?"
"Fuck!" senior's finger slipped inside very slightly, teasing and expanding, from which the edges of the anus tingled a little due to lack of preparation. "Fuck me, hyong! Make me cum with your tongue! God, please, I want to cum so badly!" tears gathered at the corners of his eyes, from how long Jimin had endured. But Yoongi heard him and immediately lifted his buttocks even higher so, that Park arched, exposing himself for senior's convenience. Yoongi grunted again, spreading the halves apart more, and pressed his mouth to the greedy ring of muscles, feeling it convulsively contract.
"Fuck, damn!" Jimin bit the end of the blanket, when hyong's wet and strong tongue was right inside, expanding, penetrating, wetting, writing intricate circles and patterns, so that the anus willy-nilly passed the persistent muscle smoothly and unhindered. Saliva dripped down Jimin's balls, dripping onto the bed, his buttocks were slightly sore, from how hard hyong's fingers were squeezing them, a heavy, full cock demanded attention, but Park stubbornly did not touch it, knowing, that it would be fine later. Hyong will make him feel good like no one has ever done, licking, literally devouring him, sticking his tongue deeper and deeper, stretching the pliable walls of the interior.
A loud slap landed on one of the buttocks, and Jimin cried out, leaning forward. Hyong hit him on the ass, immediately squeezing him again, literally fucking with his tongue, which made vulgar wet and slurping sounds fill the entire space around, leaving no room for anything else.
"You like it, right?" Yoongi growled, passing his nose between the buttocks, biting near the edges of the shrinking entrance, receiving a moaning whine in response. "Come on, Jimin-ah, tell me, how do you like it?"
"Yes! Yes!" Jimin groaned through his teeth. "I like it, hyong! So much! Hyong has the most talented language. Hyong has the most wonderful hands. Hyong makes me feel so good. Please..." Jimin wasn't the only one who liked to be praised. And more than one Yoongi was capable of dirty barbs during sex.
The next loud slap fell on the other buttock, and now, already waiting for it, Jimin leaned towards, whining and moaning, looking over his shoulder, watching, how hyong's head sink into his ass.

Suddenly, Park looked away, glancing at the door, which he, damn his mistake, forgot to close. And his eyes were fixed on the face and figure, which he did not expect to see at all. Despite the embarrassment of the morning, the burning shame, that caused Park to literally run away from the kitchen and hide in Yoongi-hyong's room, now, under skillful hands, almost not feeling his limbs, only the stickiness and humidity, that hyong's talented tongue gave, hearing nothing but forward movements in his ass and his own moans, Jimin completely forgot, that he was embarrassed like a boy. Now the sight before him sent another sizzling spark right into the groin, and Park couldn't understand, how he managed to hold on for so long and not pull down. And also did not have time to restrain the words, that literally fell from his lips without his consent.
Yoongi thought for a moment, that Park was calling him, because he was completely sure, that it was only the two of them in the room. But as soon as he raised his head, looking up from licking this gorgeous ass, he saw, that the junior was looking sideways, towards the door.
"Would you like to join us?"
Yoongi also turned around and was slightly taken aback by surprise. The fragmented brain did not allow processing information at once. In the doorway, with his mouth open, in the same bewilderment, stood... Namjoon.
The leader was scared to hell when he realized, that his position was revealed. But it was too late to run. The members saw him. But Jimin's suggestion knocked the prepared words of apology out of Joon's lungs, so he stood like an idol, just continuing to stare at the two young men.

Namjoon didn't want to bother anyone at all, really. He just decided to stop by to check on Yoongi-hyong, just as Jimin was going to do some time ago, and at the same time discuss a couple of points with him regarding their upcoming plans and comeback. What Namjoon didn't expect to see was a moaning, wet, vulnerable Jimin and the senior rapper looming over him. Namjoon immediately froze like a stone block, and everything inside collapsed from a mixture of shame and embarrassment. He wanted to immediately turn around and retreat away from the room of his hyongs as soon as possible because apologies now seemed unnecessary to him. In the heat of passion and excitement, the guys did not even notice him. But the devil dared him to get closer to carefully close the door so that no one else would see the privacy of his bandmates. His gaze fell on the trembling, sweating Jimin, who was sprawled on hyong's bed with the grace of a panther during a jump. His shining golden hair was thrown back, his temples and the back of his head were soaked as well as his forehead and neck, which were dripping with beads of sweat. His eyes were completely closed, framed by thick eyelashes, a natural blush bloomed on his cheeks, his lips, so soft and moist in appearance, opened slightly, letting out loud unrestrained moans. The dancer's body shimmered in the light, covered with beads of moisture. Jimin bent in the small of his back, shamelessly opening his elastic ass in a way that seemed impossible, but Namjoon knew firsthand, how flexible the guy was. His legs strained, trying to keep his weight on the bed, and a neat light cock swayed in time with the thrusts back, with a red swollen head, that was leaking liquid, soiling the bedclothes. And the senior was so desperately, so greedily licking the ass of his junior, that it was simply impossible to take his eyes off. And Namjoon shamefully felt, how his own cock filling up in rather tight beige trousers, watching, without looking away, such beautiful bodies of his bandmates, although the remnants of his brain still screamed somewhere in the distance, that he should leave, that it was not good to stand and peek like this, that the guys' personal life was only their business, and Namjoon should get these vulgar images out of his head as soon as possible. If only... The image seemed to have been literally imprinted on the back of the retina, burned out as a mark in the inflamed brain. And the leader simply could not move from his place, as if his feet were rooted to the floor, and his tongue was stuck to the lower part of the mouth, not allowing him to say a word.
"I..." Namjoon blinked as it dawned on his shattered consciousness that an answer was expected from him. "I... I'm sorry. I didn't want to interrupt. I…"
No sooner had Namjoon finished his incoherent monologue, than Yoongi tore himself away from Jimin, who had not said a word all this time, and sat up on the bed, completely unashamed of the fact that he was still half-naked.
"Namjoon-ah," the rapper called softly and carefully to the junior. "Come into the room and close the door."
Namjoon felt his cheeks flush, and there was a desire to bury his face in his hands so as not to feel fucking embarrassed, or even better, to run away and jerk off, because, despite the arguments of reason, the cock continued to grow, stubbornly poking into the fabric from the inside.
Jimin, staying in the same position, called Namjoon in an unctuous, languid voice, too, because, damn it, first of all, he still wants to cum, secondly, he did not like the prospect of the Yoongi's tongue hiding in his mouth, when he should return to the junior's ass, and thirdly, let Namjoon just close the damn door and join, as Park had wanted since the very fucking morning.

Namjoon did not understand, how he got into the room, how he closed the door, and how he approached the bed, to the two naked members. He did not remember, how Yoongi, with the permission of Jimin, sat down at the head of the bed, after which he beckoned to the junior with his finger, and he fell back against the rapper's chest, between his spread legs. He didn't remember, how he ended up on the bed, right in front of Jimin, so beautiful and thirsty, wet and desperate, just not allowing him to take his eyes off him. He did not remember, how he touched his lips with his own, carefully, like butterfly wings, after which the junior growled and pulled the rapper by the back of his head to himself, literally bursting into his mouth with an insistent tongue. That's when the mind was shot through, and the body was pierced by a convulsion. But not from shame or fear, but from pleasure. Jimin was so possessively wedged into the senior's mouth, that Namjoon simply could not resist him, taking the initiative of the junior and weaving his tongue with his.
Namjoon was so malleable and sensitive, which was what Jimin liked so much. Always such a serious and reasonable leader, now the young man was like raw clay in the hands of an experienced sculptor. In Jimin's hands. Park has always liked, how cute Namjoon-hyong is embarrassed, hiding his face in his hands, how he smiles happily, laughs fervently, or breaks everything that would not come under his hand. Cute. Namjoon-hyong, despite his position in the group and strong character, was cute and so beautiful. And kissing him turned out to be as pleasant as Jimin imagined. Gently, languidly, slowly, sensually. Absolutely perfectly. The grip of Yoongi-hyong's warm hands and body from behind, his erratic kisses on the tender skin of his neck, the heat of Namjoon-hyong's mouth and his palm, so awkwardly and fearfully walking along his chest, going lower, made Park whine again and instinctively push his hips up, touching the leader's hand, which was too close to his cock.
Namjoon suddenly broke off the kiss and looked into the eyes opposite. A veil of excitement covered the iris, covering it with blackness, the lips opened to let in more air because the room literally stank of the smells of sweat, sex, and the hot breath of three people at the same time in it. Joon lowered his eyes lower, tracing the perfect trained body of Jimin, stopping at his cock. The mouth literally filled with saliva by itself, and for some reason the lips dried up, which forced the tongue to lick them in an attempt to moisten them with life-giving moisture. Namjoon was not a virgin, it was not the first time he had been in bed with a man, and he had seen Jimin naked more than once or twice. But for some reason, right now, in such a context and such a situation, the color again flooded the cheeks and the upper part of the chest, not hidden by the pullover, even reached the tips of the ears, while the hand automatically reached out to junior's organ, hugging it in a tight ring, immediately feeling heavy and sticky.
"Fuck!" Jimin hissed, throwing his head on Yoongi's shoulder, pushing into Namjoon's hand. It was damn nice, senior's hand gave sensations and pleasure to many more than his own, the leader's fingers were longer because they wrapped around Jimin's dignity completely, they moved more raggedly and rigidly than Park was used to himself, but still, this was not what Jimin wanted. It's not at all. He would like to see, how his leader's lips stretch around his trunk, how he moans long, sending a vibration through his body, how he helps himself with his hand to bring Jimin to the point. He wanted to cum from the heat of hyong's mouth, not the dryness of his palm.
"Hyong..." Jimin didn't know, who he wanted to attract more, Yoongi or Namjoon, but both of the seniors immediately turned their attention to him.
"What's wrong, Jimin-ah?" Yoongi asked in a hoarse whisper right in his ear, which sent a pack of fucking horse shivers down his back. "What do you want? Tell us, come on," Yoongi stroked the junior's chest, occasionally touching the nipples, swollen and sensitive, which made Park bend in the back, automatically pushing into the leader's fist.
"I want... I want... hyong..." Jimin couldn't formulate the words correctly. He was so exhausted, that he was ready to just cum from something, if only it would stop.
"You want hyong to suck your dick, hah?"
Fucking hyong's insight!
Namjoon's eyes widened for a moment, but not a single muscle of his body twitched. The young man continued to sit in place, even seeming to shift slightly to be even closer to such a broken and needy junior.
"You want Namjoon-ah to help you, right? You want his lips, not his hand, to hug your pretty cock, huh?" Yoongi covered the leader's hand with his own, and Jimin could not stand it.
"Yes, gosh, fuck! Please, hyong, do something, otherwise, I'll just die right on your bed!"
Namjoon kissed Jimin to drown out his screams, which were so furiously trying to escape from the room. The desire of the junior did not cause disgust or misunderstanding. But Namjoon still pressed his forehead to Park's sweaty forehead and said quietly, "Just tell me, when…"
Jimin nodded madly, making it clear that he had heard the leader's words. Not everyone liked to take cum in their mouth, and Park was ready to warn the rapper before he cum.

As soon as the thin lips wrapped around the trunk, Park moaned so loudly, that Yoongi had to cover his mouth with his hand, and his body arched just from a slight compression around the head. The junior endured so long and hard, that he was completely sure, that he would not last any longer. But if he does not have time to see at least one eye what he wanted since the very morning, he will never forgive himself for this. And the sight was worth it. The silvery top moved on his cock at a smooth pace, while hyong's lips slid tightly along the entire length, although not completely absorbing it. Park immediately noticed that Namjoon was not strong in the part of a blowjob, but now it was so unimportant, because the heat of senior's mucosa took in so well and pleasantly, and the hand sliding along the wet trail squeezed with exactly the right force. Jimin risked putting his hand on hyong's cheek to get his attention. And the leader slightly tilted his head to the side, thereby allowing junior to see his face. The stretched pale thin lips, the drawn-in dark-skinned cheeks, the closed eyes, and the bouncing adam's apple finished off Park completely, and he had to tap Namjoon on the shoulder to make him pull away, because the moans and sobs took away his voice, drying up his throat, not allowing him to speak.

So violently and a lot of Jimin has not cum since the age of eighteen. Honestly. Namjoon's hand dried him completely, while Yoongi continued to whisper all sorts of nasty things in his ear, which made the fire inside did not want to go out. His body was tired and aching, his throat was sore from the recent blowjob and prolonged moans, sweat was streaming in a stream, his cock was aching after long abstinence and excessive release, but Jimin could swear, that he had not felt so satisfied for a long time.

"Is it just me, or did we overreact by inviting him to join?" Jimin was sprawled out on Yoongi's bed, while senior dried his wet hair with a towel after a light shower.
"Actually, it was your idea," Yoongi nudged the junior with his knee so, that he would move over and let him lie down next to him.
"To be honest, it just slipped off the tongue."
"Be careful, these things come out of your mouth too often," Yoongi closed his eyes, folding his arms over his chest as if completely ignoring the junior. Jimin snorted and separated hyong's limbs, laying down on his chest from the side of his good arm, smiling contentedly, when he felt, how the senior enclose him in a ring of hugs.
Namjoon left almost immediately after the three of them had recovered a little. Especially Jimin, because the leader was seriously worried about the junior's condition and exhaled, only when hyong assured him, that Park just needed a shower and some rest time. As soon as the veil of excitement faded, Namjoon turned into an embarrassing charm again, immediately retreating from the room, now apologizing confusedly for his emergence, having made hyong promise to talk later about what he wanted in the very beginning when he came here. On the offer to "help", the rapper also shook his head in embarrassment and left the abode of Yoongi under his soft smile. Yoongi knew very well, that Namjoon was not the type to gossip or discuss their little experiment. But they'll still have to talk about it when the rapper comes to his senses and digests what happened with a fresh head. They should not feel awkward with each other.
Damn Park Jimin, with his sophisticated vulgar nature!
"If you broke Joon's installed mechanism, I swear, your ass will burn like hell, Jimin-ah," Yoongi said sternly, still without opening his eyes. Jimin whined, getting closer to his body, and Yoongi couldn't say, that he didn't like it.
"Come on, hyong. Namjoon-hyong has been too tense lately. You'll see, it will also do him good."
"Not everyone is as depraved as you, you obnoxious little boy," Yoongi said, still mentoring.
"Yes, of course, not everyone can bring the tongue to orgasm. You're so vulgar, Yoongi-hyong, that you didn't even hesitate to say it in the track, and you also call me obnoxious, aish!" Jimin pretended to pout, which received a pinch in the side.
"That was seven years ago, Jimin.
"But it's true!" if today Jimin's plan to get an orgasm through the most fucking rimming failed, it did not mean, that he was wrong. Yoongi-hyong's language could truly work wonders. And not only in his hot rap parts.
"By the way," Jimin moved a little higher, pinching the little rings in hyong's ears with his finger, "when will you change them? You still promised to do this on your live in honor of your birthday."
"Why are you constantly watching how I look?" Yoongi asked calmly.
"Because if I stop doing this, you'll be wearing the same T-shirt for a whole week, yuck!" Jimin pretended to wrinkle his nose, although he knew perfectly well, that Yoongi had just showered and changed into clean, washed clothes.
"Ya, I have a lot of T-shirts, they're just all similar! I don't wear the same one for a whole week, aish!" Yoongi immediately opened his eyes and began to swear, which caused an uncontrollable fit of laughter from the junior.
Jimin buried his face in his hands, trying to hold back his own laughter, watching, how his imperturbable hyong grumble like an old grandfather, just because of a stupid joke.
The hottest guy of their group, who makes everyone cum in their pants just from the sound of his voice, who can kill with the look of his chocolate eyes or crumble into a thousand pieces from emotion, showing his cute side, the guy who literally half an hour ago fucked him in the ass with his tongue, grumbled and growling because the junior one played a stupid joke on him. If Jimin didn't love this man so much, he would have to diss him in full, without even fearing a retaliatory blow. But hyong knew, how to surprise. And Jimin did not even doubt, that he would still pay for his joke in front of his favorite rapper. Oh, he will pay in full. And Park definitely liked the prospect.

The track, that Jimin is talking about, is "Cypher 3: Killer" from the album "Dark and Wild". In his rap part, Yoongi talks about how his tongue can make anyone cum, whether you are a guy or a girl.

Jimin's question about Yoongi's earrings is a reference to Yoongi's live, which he held on his birthday this year. One of the fans asked about his earrings, and Yoongi said, that he had been wearing them for a year or so, and it was time to change them.

Jimin's joke about Yoongi's T-shirts is a reference to Yoongi's live (I don't remember the date now, but the live is quite old, if I find it, I'll add a date), where he says, that he doesn't wear the same shirt/T-shirt, but just buys the same ones, so it seems that he always goes in the same one.


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