A New Home

"Yeah, I think I'm about to go crazy now. Is anyone there?"

In the dark void the young man called out. Who knows how long he's been here. It was quite difficult to understand the time in the void. After a while a voice echoed in the void.

"Ahahaha sorry young man. I made you wait, I found a new fanfiction, I didn't understand how the time passed."

The young man looked around to see where the sound was coming from.

"Even if you look, you can't see anything, young man. There is nothing here but you and me, and I have no material form like humans."

Two things came to the young man's mind to explain everything that had happened so far. First of all, it was a very, very realistic dream. Or second, he was about to live every fanfiction reader's dream.

"this would be the second" said the voice.

"what, what are you talking about"

"I said you will reincarnate"

"How! and are you read my mind?!!"

"young man I am a god I can do everything"

The voice was heard again as the young man tried to understand what the god had said.

"I already know but you should introduce yourself to someone you just met"

The young man stopped thinking about what was going on and answered.

"oh my name is Matt.

... my God, do I have to bow or something?"

"No need Matt. I know you have questions so would you like me to answer them before you ask?"

Matt had nothing to say. Only he could nod as God begin to tell.

"First of all, I would like to say that we have something in common. We love reading fanfiction. I know it's funny for a god to read this kind of stuff, but this place can be so boring sometimes. Anyway, I especially love Game of Thrones fanfiction. But there is a problem."

God was angry towards the end of his sentence. So much so that at last his voice rumbled into the void.

"Almost all of the novels I've read are filled with fucking NTR!!! So okay, I understand that sexuality is used a lot in the Game of Thrones universe but isn't that a bit too much?"

Forget about the absurdity of his situation for a moment, Matt nodded in agreement.

"I see that you agree with me. I made no mistake in choosing you"

"What do you mean when you say choose me my god."

"So boy, I'm sick of these ridiculous scenarios. That's why I'm going to send you to the world of Game of Thrones. There you will be free in your life but I will watch you I hope you amuse me. I believe you will live a life there that will satisfy me. Of course, if you agree to be reincarnate."

Matt stood for a moment in amazement.

"I'd love to accept this offer, God, but I'm afraid that if I just go into that world, I'll die instantly. If you can give me some perks that will help me I would love to accept it."

"That's what I thought too, Matt. Now I will give you 1000 karma points. You will tell me a wish you want and I will score according to the size of the wish."

Matt was overjoyed when he heard that. Now that he was gone, he would be much more comfortable in that world. But first he had to think about what he could wish for.

"My god can you give some examples of how much the wishes are priced in"

"hmm that would make sense. Well here are some examples for you; a dose of super soldier serum would be -300point, being born heir to the iron throne would be -50point, or the cheapest type of system would be -1000point."

Matt thought how worthless personal power was in a universe like Game of Thrones unless it was divine. Also the systems were too expensive to get. Thinking about it now, it seemed pretty cheap to be born into noble families. But it made sense given the threat it brought with it. But it was a risk that could be taken. After a while Matt found all his wishes and replacements for them if they were too expensive.

"I think I found it, my god. My first wish is to be born as the legitimate son of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne and heir to Winterfell, and to be raised by Ned Stark until I inherit Winterfell at the age of 13."

"OK. This will make 40 points."

"For my second wish, I want advanced knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, metallurgy, shipbuilding and war history."

"This will make 660 points. 110 points for each branch."

"As my last wish, I wish Wightwalkers could take damage like normal humans. I hope this is accepted."

"hmm actually that would've worth more points but for your last 300 points I'll accept."

Matt was overjoyed that all his wishes were granted. Now it was time to go to the new world.

"All right, boy, it's time to go. I'll do you a favor and let you skip your birth. I'll send you a few weeks after you're born."

"thank god i will try to have fun there."

"hahaha good luck Matt have fun"

"So Matt was swallowed by a powerful light and opened his eyes to a new life."

----Matt Pov---

When I open my eyes again what I see is "the man who always dies" Sean Bean!! Wait no, this is my uncle Ned Stark. Hmm, do the other characters look like the actors in the series?

So I'm already with my uncle. I wonder what happened to my mother Ashara.

"Don't worry Torrhen, I couldn't save your father, but I'll always be there for you. I'll make you Lord Paramount of the North, nephew. This is my last duty to my brother."

'So my name is Torrhen. Fine though I won't be the same as my kneeling namesake.'

While I was thinking about this, my uncle gave me to a woman in a carriage holding another baby in her arms.

This baby must be my cousin Jon Snow. Judging by the environment and the weather, we are still in Dorne. I think it's time to go North to Winterfell, to my new home...