Source of Power

"keep it up lad. Don't hold your sword too hard, but don't hold it too soft either. If you hold it hard, you will get tired quickly. If you hold it soft, you will drop it on the first hit with the opponent."

"I understand, ser Rodrik."

Today we are working with Ser Rodrik as we do every day for the last 1 month. After talking with my uncle, we started training. For now it's just me and ser Rodrik, but in 2 days my first team of 50 will be here. I've spent the last month creating training programs for my future men and myself. I asked the blacksmiths to make simple dumbbells and weights. Of course, I had to explain to them how it was made and what it was used for. Right now I can't use these weights much because my body is still too small so I just do jogging and sword training to increase my stamina and dexterity.

When my men arrive, I will turn them into special forces of the world I came from. I'm not just going to give them physical education. They will also receive academic training in geography, history, mathematics and anything I think they will need one day. After all, these men will not be ordinary bodyguards. they will be my confidants and aides. I can even bring those who are smart and resourceful enough to high positions in the future. Even nutrition programs are now ready. After all, eating right is very important as you build your body. To provide all this, I had to have my uncle give me a budget of 500 gold dragons each month. Something I would never have been able to achieve if House Stark had been in his poor old state.

"When will we get sword training too?"

"Our father already told us, Robb. We will start sword training when we are 6 years old like Torrhen."

"I know Jon, but I can't wait."

"Don't you two have homework? Go do your homework instead of following us. Otherwise, you will not be able to do it later and you will ask me for help."

"Ugh! You're so boring, Torrhen. So, what will it do for us to know the features and words of each big houses?"

"You never know exactly what will happen, what life will throw at us, Robb. Our task is to prepare ourselves for whatever, whenever and however it happens."

There was a moment of silence after what I said. Ser Rodrik seemed taken aback by what I had said.

"You're right, lad. You are quite right."

We all turned to my uncle's voice. I didn't know he was watching us.

"welcome my lord" said ser Rodrik.

"ease, ser Rodrik. Torrhen is right Robb, Jon. Also, if you focus more on your studies, who knows, maybe I'll let you do some simple exercises."

Hearing this, the children rushed to Maester Luwin's room. When they were gone, my uncle gestured for me to come with him. When we reached his room, he sat down in his chair and gestured for me to sit too.

"Yes uncle, I'm listening to you."

"I told you it would take 2 more days to get the children you wanted, Torrhen, but it was faster than I expected. The children will be at winterfell tonight. I want you to prepare their accommodation and other needs. As I said before, you will take care of everything."

This is the best news I got today. I will finally do the real Lord work.

"I understand uncle, I will handle everything. You can be sure about that."

"I expect this from you lad. By the way, I got word from House Mormont. Looks like they're on their way to your birthday banquet. They will be here in a week. I expect you to be on your best behavior when they arrive."

'so I'll finally meet my vassals.' I thought.

"Don't worry uncle, I will do exactly as you say."

After chatting for a while, I asked my permission and left his room.

When I got to my room, I was lost in thought. I would finally meet one of my vassals. But how could I trust these people? Right now House Stark is strong but what if we show weakness. Would it be like in the show? At first they all proclaimed Robb Stark their king. They all declared themselves to be the most loyal. But when House Stark finally fell from power, how many noble houses stood by House Stark when Jon and Sansa sought vengeance and justice for their families and sought their support. Very few did. Some even stood next to Bolton. As I thought, all this has not happened yet, and even though it will never happen while I am here, I cannot trust these nobles.

A lord or a king needs to base his dominance on something. Yes, this is thought to be a blood right in most cases, but how true. It takes strength to defend this right. I mean, look at Viserys Targaryen, he has the throne by blood right, but he doesn't have the power to provide it. So what is the power to provide this right? Here, in Westeros, that would be the power you borrowed from the vassal nobles, but this method is quite dangerous because the loyalty of these nobles is very questionable. So what can we use instead of this borrowed power? The correct answer is common people. Yes, maybe they don't have power on their own, but when they are united and have a purpose, they can be very dangerous. After all, doesn't this power that I got from the noble lords and that they have also comes from the common people? After all, a lord can be a ruler without people to rule? I just want to put aside these feudal lords who are intermediaries between the people and the ruler. My power to govern must come directly from the unquestioned loyalty of the common people to me.

In order to achieve this, I have to work hard and do a great propaganda work. However, this is not an impossible thing to do. On the Earth, in the great empires of the east, kings and sultans do not allow anything that could interfere with their sovereignty. It's the opposite on here, in westeros. This world is very similar to medieval Europe. The noble class has a lot of economic, military and political freedom. This gives them tremendous strength. It only serves to undermine central authority. So my long-term goal will be to break the power of these nobles. In the short term, I have to weaken them as much as possible and strengthen myself as much as possible. Once I'm fully prepared, not even their damned castles will be able to protect them...