Chapter 10 The Last Exam

Aio wakes up to Miss Flare and Aren Standing next to his hospital bed, in the medical wing of the school.

"Why am I always cleaning up after your messes Aren?" Flare says with a hint flirtatiousness to Aren, playfully hitting his arm.

"I thought I was always cleaning up after you Lisa." Aren says

"That can't be true." Lisa states winking at Aren

"What about the chemical building..." Aren starts to say before Lisa cuts him off.

"Shut up." Lisa says firmly cutting him off.

"Yeah what about the chemicals." Aio say drowsily.

"Shut up!" Lisa says as she storms off. Aren look at her solemnly and with guilt. Aio gets up and briefly sees the solemn look on his face.

"Come on, she wasn't that scary." Aio tells Aren. Aren doesn't respond.

"You like her don't you?" Aio jokingly asks Aren.

"Yeah." Aren tells Aio absentmindedly, he then blushes and turns to Aio "what? Wait, shut up!"

"Wait it's true!?" Aio asks surprised. Aren flicks him in the eye.

"OUCH! That was my eye!" Aio shouts.

" I know, now shut up!" Aren tells, Aio turns to him and begins to argue.

Lisa is walking down the hall frustrated that Aio had to wake up and ruin her moment with Aren. She looks down at her watch and realizes she's late.

"Crap, Principal Rogers is gonna kill me." She says to herself as she runs to the debriefing for the first and second exams. Lisa rushes through the door and sits down at the empty seat reserved for her at the table.

"Nice of you to join us Lisa." Principal Timothy Rogers says with clear irritation.

"Sorry, I had to catch up on something important." She says with an apologetic tone.

"Whatever, let's just get started. My son is visiting with his wife and baby and my wife is making lasagna so I want to be home at a reasonable time." Abdul Wadood, another teacher, says with a thick African accent.

"Okay..." The principal says confused, then continues "so what did you think of the first place finisher, Ros Miller?"

"For one, he has a bronze aura level, which is awesome for a kid his age." Scott Finn, aka Ape, says.

"He has control over his aura ability and knows his limit for his aura level." Steve Sawyer, another teacher states.

"But he is insecure and holds hatred for his father." Rachel Harrison says.

"True, what about Aio Nelson?" The principal asks.

"There is no doubting his skill but I'm worried about his mental state." Abdul says

"I agree, he holds a lot of pain, hatred and desire for revenge." Rachel adds.

"But he is Neons apprentice, and I trust his judgment." Lisa says in defense of Aio.

"Steve, what do you think?" The principal asks.

"There is clear potential within him " Steve adds.

"I like Jake though." Abdul says "He has ingenuity and courage. He's like a rock."

"Yes, he is calm and collected. He also faced his fears and conquered them." Rachel states.

"But he has a horrible mentor we will have to break the habits that Armed taught him." Lisa states. Everyone rolls their eyes.

"Don't let your grudge match with Armed cloud your judgement Lisa." Steve says, confronting her. Lisa backs down.

"I want to talk about Dark Void." Rachel interjects. "He has training in mental resistance and had mental blocks in his psyche. He saw right through my mental projections. He is clearly hiding something."

"He is clearly stronger than he let on. He easily took down one of the drones, and ran on the wall totally bypassing the maze with ease." Ape adds.

"I don't trust him, we should keep an eye on him." Steve says, agreeing with the other two teachers.

"I agree, we don't know of any foul play yet, but he is clearly hiding something from us." The principal adds. "That finishes off the main talking points we have. Let's adjourn for today." Everyone get up and prepares to leave.

"I can't wait to see my granddaughter, and have lasagna!" Abdul shouts as he runs out the door.

A couple hours later Aio in his hospital bed, turns on the schools news broadcast. A student a couple older years than him is talking to a group of teachers and an ace hero. Aio recognizes Miss Flare, Armed, Ape, and Instinct, an ace hero. He also recognized the lady in the cloak who he found out to be a teacher named Anima. He didn't know who the last teacher was, but his name was Pinpoint and he had a dark green hooded cloak that went over his eyes, with a black and silver mask that went over his face, with a thin visor where his eyes should be. He also had a tactical vest with armor and black gloves on.

"That was a very fun and interesting first two exams." The student anchor says excitedly. "I can't wait for tomorrows final arena exam! What do you think of today?"

"It was really awesome to see that amount of Brass and Copper aura levels this year, and I'm excited to see what Jake does this year." Armed states with some excitement.

"I agree with Armed we have a lot of talent this year." Pinpoint says.

"I was told there was a lot of talk about Aio and Ros, who do you think came out on top?" The anchor asks. Aio sits up straight and tightens his grip around the remote.

"I have to have done better than that stuck up piece of crap!" Aio thinks to himself.

"They are both really strong and talented, but Ros, I think, came out on top. Only because he passed the last part of the obstacle course." Armed says. Aio feels his anger rise.

"All that work for nothing." Aio thinks to himself, "Next time I won't only defeat him I will destroy him!"

"But how he passed it wasn't all that great, he has a lot of work to do in that area." Anima states to the others. "We should keep our eye on Jake he did well in the mental part of the exam."

"I agree, he remembers his training and is quick thinking on his feet." Pinpoint adds.

"There has also been talk about the most mysterious one out of the examinees, Dark Void, what are your thoughts?" The anchor says adding a mysterious vibe to her voice

"He is one of the better examinees that I have seen." Instinct says.

"We don't know much about him and I'm excited to see how he does in the next exam." Miss Flare says, trying to keep her true thoughts hidden.

"Well we just received the ranking for the top ten from the first two exams, from our most prestigious principle, Principal Rogers, and we've just been informed that half of the participants have been cut from the exams, but without further ado here are the top ten." The anchor anounces.The rankings appear on the screen listing out first through tenth. Aio reads the screen

1. Ros Miller

2. Jake Smith

3. Aio Nelson

4. Chase Grogan

5. Clarissa Blair

6. Merry Eden

7. Dark Void

8. Aurora Fox

9. Aimi Ito

10. Chet Wilson

Chase and the girl who was with him through the obstacle course we're eating pie in the cafeteria together, the girl was so amazed by Chases aura ability that she hasn't left him alone yet, when they see the list on TV.

"WHAT!!? How did those jerks get talked about but not me, I was in the top ten?" Chase angrily yells while throwing his pie at the TV.

"Yippie, I'm in sixth place." Merry yells in a cheery voice.She then turns to Chase disappointed, "How could you waste such a good piece of pie, clean it up now mister."

"Whatever, mom." Chase says as he goes to clean it up, but thinks to himself. "I better clean it up before Ramped sees it, or he'll skin me alive." On the other side of the cafeteria is the kid with Ostrich legs watching the same program.

"Awe man, how did I not make it in the top ten. I have Ostrich legs for Pete's sake." he whines while downing his fifth piece of pie.

Aio stares at the top ten names and the pictures that were beside each one, he recognizes Clarissa as the one with the crystals, Dark Void as the one in all black and Aurora as the girl who was staring at Dark Void at the beginning of the obstacle course. He didn't recognize Chet though. Jake walks into Aio's hospital room with a piece of chocolate cake from the cafeteria.

"It's kind of strange that the kid who is half lizard got tenth out of one hundred examinees." Jake tells Aio as he hands him the cake.

"Huh, who are you talking about?" Aio asks half confused.

"Chet Wilson, he is a physical aura type. He has the physical features of a water dragon." Jake says elaborating on what he meant.

"Oh, gotcha, and thanks for the cake Jake." Aio says.

"No prob, by the way how are you feeling?" Jake asks.

"I'm fine, well enough to beat Ros tomorrow." Aio answers.

"You sure you're alright I know it was a rattling experience?" Jake says trying to push the issue.

"I was just a bit surprised, but I'm fine now." Aio answers

"Good, but you should watch the TV they are getting ready to talk about tomorrows exam." Jake says

"So what is tomorrow's arena exam going to look like?" The student anchors asks.

"Well," Armed begins to answer, "the remaining examinees will all be tested to the extreme, I can't really say much else."

"Wow, isn't that going to be dangerous?" the anchor asks.

"Yes, but we have signed permission from the parents and the police force to do this, we also have one of the best healers to ever exist on standby. This exam is to test their combat abilities and there ability to improvise when challenged." Miss Flare answers.

"Yes, and I'm keen to find out how well some of the students do." Pinpoint adds.

"Well I can tell you I'm excited for tomorrow and to see how well everyone does." The anchor say.

"Well that concludes today's program. Remember everyone these are confidential exams and we are the only Network that has the authorization to broadcast this so keep everyone's names and powers and everything else confidential. Have a good night everyone."

"Well I'll let you rest and prepare for tomorrow. Me I've got a date with one beautiful hot tub." Jake says walking out of the door and letting in a woman in a doctor's coat. She was about 60 but still good looking for her age.

"Well how is the patient doing this evening?" She asks. "Oh by the way my name is Raquel Teller the head healer here at the school."

"I'm fine." Aio answers.

"Well you're wrong about needing more healing." She tells Aio. "Your body needs more rest tonight, don't worry you'll be healed in time for tomorrows exam."

"Whatever, just leave." Aio answers as he pulls the blankets over his head. Raquel leaves and closes the door behind her. Aio begins to dream. He dreamed about home, and his family then of them burning. The the face of his hatred appeared, A fiery fiend and began shrieking in his face while burning his arms. The face begins to transform into himself smiling innocently then contorts into a manic smile. Aio wakes sweating and out of breath. He felt the anger and hatred still burning inside him. He held onto that feeling knowing it will fuel him for tomorrows fight, ready to avenge what he lost. Aio begins to dream again this time it was the face of his current enemy, Ros. Aio put all of his anger toward Ros and defeats him, burning everything. Aio wakes up a second time, this time it was early in the morning and the sun was barely creeping over the horizon. Aio rolls out of bed and gets dressed. Raquel enters the room a little while later to check on him. She sees that he left.

"Poor child." she thinks to herself while walking to check on other patients

Aio heads to the cafeteria hungry, all he had for dinner last night was the cake Jake gave him. When enters the cafeteria he sees Jake walking towards him, Ros getting food and Dark Void in the corner eating alone the cafeteria was empty besides that. Ros looks over at Aio smirking, Aio looks back at him hiding his rage.

"I knew you'd be up early so I decided to be a good friend and meet you." Jake says "I got you some eggs and bacon."

"Thanks, I needed this." Aio says, then asks "What do you know about him in the corner?"

"I know as much as anyone else, and that is he is good and I know nothing more." Jake answers.

"Whatever. What time do we report for the exam today?" Aio asks.

"We have to be at the arena in two hours and the exam starts about a half hour after that." Jake answers.

"Well let's go." Aio says finishing his food and walking out.

"Hey, wait for me!" Jake yells stumbling towards him.

A couple hours later Aio is waiting for the start of the exam. He looks over and sees the remaining examinees knowing about half will not make it.

"Nothing will stop me from avenging Miss Laura and my brother and sisters. Not even them." He thinks to himself still staring at the others.

"I think I'm going to throw up man, I'm so nervous." Jake tells Aio.

"I didn't need to hear that." Aio says.

"Two minutes till the start, approach the doors." An automated voice announces to the examinees. Everyone then gets in a line and approaches the door and waits for it to open. The door opens and the examinees enter the arena and sees heroes and students in the stands watching and waiting. The students were cheering.

"Here are our finalist for the entrance exams!" Miss Flare announces, hiding her worry for Aio and Aren.

"Yes, I'm excited to see how this goes." Armed remarks also hiding his worry except it's for Jake.

"This is an arena battle, you must fight as if you're life depends it as it very well may. Now let the oppents enter." Miss Flare announces. The doors opposite of Aio opens. Several shadows appear, and they begin to walk out.

"You're in deep trouble now!" A shadow yells out to the kids, walking out and he morphs into a giant wolf and runs at the examinees, snarling. Aio gets ready while hearing a kid shout out.


Next Time, Chapter 11 The Arena...