Chapter 2: The Surprises Before a Quick Reunion

After that, I bolted out of the bed with a gasp, "About time you woke up," Annabeth muttered as I realized everyone in the Athena cabin was staring at me. Some had worried expressions similar to my mother's face while others held in laughter

I looked down to see my white t-shirt soaked, "If y'all keep doing this I'm going to stay with dad," I muttered before I looked at mom. "I'm fine, I was just busy planning with somebody thanks to Chaos's gift."

'You do know that she's not going to like what you two had planned,' Calypso said irritated by the decision we made

'I would be surprised if nobody was irritated with this decision,' I began to the daughter of Atlas, 'but if we want to make sure Sammy is safe without keeping Naomi on the sidelines this is the safest way to do it.'

"Care to talk about it," Annabeth asked and I nodded

"Get dad and Bianca," I began, "I'll get the cast for a monster meeting at Bunker 9."

"You sure about that," Annabeth asked and I nodded

"I'll just need two people from there at the very least," I began as my half aunts and uncles went to work around the cabin. 'I'm not keeping this a secret from you as dad did,' I thought to her and her eyes widened before she glared at me the storm clouds in her eyes sending shivers down my body

"You're taking Bianca with you in your first disguise since people still think Rose is down for the count," Annabeth grumbled. "I'm also getting Pinecone Face in this discussion," she added and I nodded, "was this your idea?"

I shook my head, "It was Sammy's," I began, "she suggested the same with Bianca and Stephan but her priority is Naomi and me as she sees that Naomi will most likely be bait for me."

Annabeth sighed, "Then you two should get going," she began, "I'll be sure to wake up Bianca as you get cleaned up."

I nodded, "Thanks mom," I said before I pushed off the bed wincing as I felt my wings move. "Di immortales I forgot about those," I muttered as I slid off the bed noticing the wings were as wet as my shirt and hair were. "That's it," I began, "I'm staying with dad or Sally from now on."

Annabeth chuckled as I made my way to the shower, 'She took that a lot better than I thought she would,' Calypso said as I started the shower, willing myself to get wet

'That's because I'm not hiding it from anyone as Percy did,' I began as I squirted some shampoo on my hand. 'The only person who knew about Percy's curse before Annabeth had intercepted Ethan's dagger was Nico. I know if I did that behind their backs they'd probably strangle me or something.'

'Hey, Zoë,' mom's voice rang in my head after Calypso agreed with me while I finished up my shower. 'Bianca is ready for you; is there a way we could beat the explanation so everyone else knows?'

I bit my lip as I thought while getting dressed being sure to hide the wings, "You do realize that she can speak with Sammy, right?"

I jumped as Bianca finished, "Jesus, Bi," I began as I instinctively used Sammy's nickname for her. "Mom said you were ready, not that you were here," I muttered as I pulled my shirt down

"Sorry," Bianca chuckled as I sent a mental message to mom

'Please do recall what the Fates allowed Sammy to do mom,' I began, 'either you can have dad make a mist version of her and have Naomi transfer Sammy's consciousness there or Sammy can take control of her sister's body and explain everything we talked about.'

"You're fine," I began as I turned to face her, her wings folded behind her back, "if only we could hide these," I muttered, gently flapping mine.

"At least we don't have to walk to the theater," Bianca began just before hers disappeared, "and I just figured out how to hide them."

I arched an eyebrow, "Care to share with the class, Bi," I began as I felt comfortable using that nickname especially since it irritated her slightly

She nodded just as mom muttered something about her forgetting that and nobody should know about it.

'I am doing this on a whim, hoping Annabeth can hear me,' Cal began, 'but what about me knowing about this?'

'You're the exception,' Annabeth grumbled just as I felt another presence in my head

'Am I also an exception,' a voice asked as Bianca told me to imagine the wings disappearing or going back into my body just as my jaw hit the floor

"What happened," Bianca asked with an arched eyebrow

'Depends on who's asking,' Annabeth asked as Calypso fell silent and I held out hope for the third voice to speak

"You have got to be kidding me," I muttered as I looked at Bianca, "there are three voices in my head right now and I think the third one is Sams."

Bianca furrowed her brow as the third presence fell silent, "Who?"

I bit my lip, 'If that is you, Sammy,' I began in my head before answering, 'and you saw that I'm sorry it just came out,' I looked up at my sister before answering her. "Sammy," I began, "but I'm the only one who can use that nickname at the moment because of the gang."

She nodded just as the third presence finally answered

'It's okay, Zo,' she began, 'you were just in shock so I understand.'

I cheered as a grin plastered itself on my face, "So it is Sammy?"

I nodded, "I don't know who did this but if she is at least connected to my head I'll take what I can get since that's easier."

"How the Hades is that working," Bianca muttered as I imagine the wings sinking back into my skin, shuddering at the feeling once the weight disappeared

"Probably because she was hosting Calypso's consciousness it took a part of hers and put it in my head only now letting her speak in my head probably due to Chaos's gift."

"Explain and fly to the theater," Bianca asked and I nodded as I watched her shiver as the wings appeared behind her once more

"Agreed," I said as I imagined them hanging from my back once more shivering just as she did when they came out of my skin

'How do you want me to keep these people busy while you get the crew for the Monster Meeting?'

I smiled as Sammy finished her question, her presence the only one in my head as if we were in a separate room that either Annabeth or Calypso could burst into. 'Tell them about Chaos's gift,' I began as Bianca and I took off, a whistle appearing around my neck as I flew. 'That'll give them an understanding as to how we planned that last night,'

After that, I began to fill Bianca in with everything that happened that night as we got closer to the theater

Sammy's P.O.V

One thing is for certain

It is weird being in a mist version of your body as you try to explain everything without giving anything away

I was sitting at the edge of Naomi's bunk bed telling them about Chaos's gift and how Zoë and I were able to come up with this plan to keep her and Naomi safe without keeping my second eldest on the sideline. I was leading up to our discussion about the curse when four people appeared in the bunker next to my father.

"For the love of Hades," I began, "please don't say Zoë did that teleport."

I met her eyes as she looked at me with a lopsided grin as the daughter of Aphrodite regained her breath. "Not to worry, Sams," she began, as I smiled softly, "that was Bianca's plan, she wants me to be at full power for this."

"For what," Nico asked as I comforted Pippa as best as I could as she threw up from the teleport

I sighed as I led the daughter of Hades to the bunk bed I was once sitting in, "An idea that I came up with that you probably want to confirm," I began as I met Pippa's eyes before she squeaked in shock

"Ghost," she exclaimed as she pushed herself against the wall

Everyone chuckled at her actions, "Pippa," I began, "I'm not a ghost," I paused, "yes, I did die again but I am a mist version of myself that Percy created. I'm similar to the mist versions of mom and Annabeth that were present when you all reintroduced yourselves as demigods."

Phillipa Soo nodded before looking at Renée who stood behind me with her arms crossed, "You all have some explaining to do."